Recent content by Abdul01

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
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    Which do you think would be more difficult to deliver a speech to: a group of individuals you don't know or a group of your coworkers?

    Well, its best to have a good communication skill both formally and informally , but still I prefer communication with co workers as they really tend to understand who I am and what my words really meant.
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    Sacking People is Not an Option

    Very right on this, for them taking a short break say after the pandemic or when they figure things out still better or slashing their salary for the short period when they would be back on their feet and that should be based on an agreement accepted by all.
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    Is a unanimous decision the best way to arrive at a decision?

    Deceiving is never an option in running a successful business, even when you actualize your aim at first ,it would surely affect reputation and trust in the long run.
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    Knowing the Culture when Negotiating

    Wow, thanks for this tip, o actually didn't know about this at all, but then even when we don't understand their culture I think they should know the fact that we are strangers and should be treated as such, we can't know all..
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    How do you overcome failure in business?

    I just feel we learn more when failure occurs than when it didn't and the real fact us that the lessons we learn do stick with us as we won't Want to make such mistake again
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    Quality vs price

    That's very much better , I always keep my eye on quality since I won't be buying the product periodically which is way far lesser then buying it once and for all.
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    Quality vs price

    I will always choose quality over price, quality products last longer and also serve the purpose it is meant to serve unlike the ones with less price with low quality..
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    How do one invest in business one doesn't has skill?.

    Even if one does not have the skill to run such a business then you can employ someone that has such skill and can be trusted both in the skill he has and also proven worthy of his character..
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    The Need to Adapt as a business person.

    Since customers needs are always changing and there are new innovations everyday to improve business, I see no reason why a business person shouldn't adapt to such change as it is necessary for growth and to stay afloat in the business space
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    Is failure actually the best teacher in business?

    Failure teach some lessons to us but then some see it as learning things in the hard way as their case may be . but then failure makes us gain more experience in combating difficult situations.
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    How to bring out the best from introverted staff as an employer

    Yeah, especially when its their first time doing so in such organization, but then it think it can start with communicating with staffs first since they are insiders before making them communicate with clients.
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    How to bring out the best from introverted staff as an employer

    Hmm this seem right, but does that mean we shouldn't give them the helping hand of changing themselves, but what if they have some special abilities that is needed for the role but just that they are introverted.
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    Dream Big in Business

    Yeah, you can't always remain on a spot, there is need to try out new techniques, expanding your business to the outer world , both locally and internationally and also increase the visibility online.
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    How to bring out the best from introverted staff as an employer

    Well, its something that can be work on as an individual, an introvert would not be able to establish an effective communication with co workers and the management can help them out of that by giving them task that require them meeting their colleague , either one in one or in group.
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    How to Get a 5 Star Review?

    I do this always when buying from a store I just know about or one that just open, that's why its necessary to treat customer the best way you can because it's a source of promoting your business from nice reviews.
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    How do we sustain RIF?

    This is actually nice but I think it will prevent new members from joining upon hearing they have to pay a compulsory $10 for gold membership which some would easily tag as registration fee..
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    How do one overcome fear of failure?

    I don't see any reason why you should be afraid of failure because there are many unforgettable lesson that comes with it, failing at a thing does not mean you are a loser but then teaches you to try it another way and also see reason why the previous one didn't work.
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    Can one earn a decent living from just being an MC?

    Most of those I know doing that type of job only do it casually and not taken as a dependable source of income because you yourself don't know when you will be called, but then it all depends in popularity, when you are popular your chance gets higher..
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    Why do you think taking notes is crucial in business?

    Writing with your hand seem more faster that using the computer to type and also errors can be corrected easily when made unless you have a proficiency in typing..
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    Is a mobile phone useful for business?

    You are very right, those doing business online now see their phone as their mobile shop or work station since you can do virtually all you do in business on it just with an internet connection and sufficient power on it..
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    Encourage employee feedback in your business

    Yeah, employees are the one that really see things going in underneath in an organization and can suggest ways for improvements or amendments as the case may be.
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    What Business Are You In?

    Days a very good location for such a business, getting a good location actually helps business thrive and the choice of location is influenced by targeted and potential customers..
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    When should an entrepreneur get an assistant?

    An entrepreneur should get an assistant when he feel the workload on him is much and won't have time for some other things, the assistant eases the workload by doing some things that would have helped save time.
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    How to Overcome Stagnation in Business?

    Stagnation in any business is surely due to obstacles which must be solved after which the business continue running smoothly, there is need to first understand the obstacle causing the stagnation and then brainstorming session between co workers play a role in getting such situation solved.
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    Do you love to invest in Ponzi scheme?

    I really do not know lot about ponzi schemes until I learnt my lessons the hard way, I invested a whole lot in ponzi scheme but the scheme crashed without me even collecting a penny.ever since then, I always run when I hear anything near ponzi.
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    Is a mobile phone useful for business?

    These days , people say a lot about mobile phone but it depend on what you use yours for, in today's world the use of mobile phone can't be underestimated as it serve as an effective means of communication especially in the business world, social life and lots more.
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    How quick should it take to send a customer support response?

    Accurate on this, some customers might be in a situation that require urgency and then contact customer support for immediate attention, at times customers feel frustrated when their complaints are not treated with urgency which may lead to customers looking for other sources.
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    Why do you think taking notes is crucial in business?

    Taking notes makes if very easy to go through discussions and retain every bit of the discussion by mere looking at the note you took, using recording device is also a good one, but not everyone would be patient enough to listen to long records and by so doing, skipping some important parts..
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    What's the best business idea?

    Yeah, we only know if a business is the best when it has been subjected to test and not by mere sayings, of what use is the sayings without backing it up with ability to carry it out.
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    For business owners, how do you convert potential customers into regulars.

    Be tip I will always give is , make your goods always available and if it isn't available font refer your customer to other places, you may get it for them at other places but do not make the mistake of introducing them to other places.
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    What are the causes of rent increment?

    Rent increase may be due to the fact of the location where the apartment is situated , as the location gets urbanized landlords see the need to increase the rent because there would be high demand for such apartment which makes price increase.