Recent content by AmazingJob

  1. AmazingJob

    Which Sports You are Good at?

    Why not football, I thought the African nations are good in Football as sports?
  2. AmazingJob

    Do you prefer watching or playing sports?

    I played volleyball and badminton years ago but I like watching them now. I also played volleyball during the sports fest at work aside from the one in high school.
  3. AmazingJob

    Which Sports You are Good at?

    When I was in high school I started playing volleyball. Though not a professional player but I was able to play and represented my year level. I like watching basketball but I love the volleyball action. I like the rally between the teams and the spectators at the venue. Which sport/s do you...
  4. AmazingJob

    Do you like Butter

    I like butter because it is one of the ingredients when I cook my favorite dish. I like the smell of the dish and the aromatics smell so good with butter.
  5. AmazingJob

    What part of your house do you like the most?

    I love the kitchen part, I don't know but I feel at ease when I am close to the kitchen not because of the food but maybe because I want to renovate my kitchen.
  6. AmazingJob

    Is TikTok a Good Way to Earn Money

    TikTok added a feature where content creator can earn money from gifts on their videos. However, they need to have at least 10K followers to activate this feature. If not - other options would be to become an affiliate or do live events where people can send virtual gifts that can be convertible...
  7. AmazingJob

    Earn Money from TikTok

    I want to uninstall the app because instead of earning, I am putting so much money on it. I support creators on the app. I send virtual gifts that I purchase using my debit card.
  8. AmazingJob

    Ways to Cut Electricity Expenses

    That would take much money to do so. But if time and money permit, I can do that soon. But now, I think I am going to use the electric fan often than the AC.
  9. AmazingJob

    Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

    I don't think not all companies do that. Maybe others will check their employees social media 1. to check if the person is telling the truth (LOL) 2. if the employee is no show - manager can check whether he/she is really out sick (another LOL)
  10. AmazingJob

    Earn Money from TikTok

    People do earn also from gifts sent during live event or battles. There is a feature where a content creator can activate earning from posts. The creator must have at least 10,000 followers to be eligible. I am far from achieving this, I only have around 1700 followers. I don't if the...
  11. AmazingJob

    Payment Received - Finally Requested

    I am not active here but want to go back posting.
  12. AmazingJob

    Do you talk much while attending to customers?

    I don't have a physical or online business but have handled customer services campaign - I answered queries from customers over the phone. I handled complaints and escalations. If the customer wants to talk about the experience or the bad situation, I let the customer talk about it.
  13. AmazingJob

    What other animals can one farm apart from poultry and cow to make money?

    Not very common here about the goat farming. Most business owners go for poultry or piggery. If you go for poultry you will be hitting two birds - chicken for people consumption and egg business.
  14. AmazingJob

    How to Secure a Job?

    In cases of no available jobs that fit the qualifications, I would say learning a new skills or two will be a boost. Nowadays, there are lots of options to go to in this digitally advanced world.
  15. AmazingJob

    50% offline income and 50% online income are better to survive

    Most of my income comes from the offline work. I earn little amount of money posting on forums and reviewing calls and that's it. I haven't had the chance to make it 100% online and leave the corporate.
  16. AmazingJob

    how much online money you earned so far?

    I am thankful to the site people loved - Bubblews. And also grateful to Humanatic. They were my source of income many years ago. The earning was fast but more people abused the site and that was when people started complaining they did not get the money they earned. Well, because many were...
  17. AmazingJob

    Which is better Online or offline passive income?

    It depends on the type of business. If the online jobs are of your forte or even if it is not, but you have the skills, you can earn more online than offline jobs.
  18. AmazingJob

    Which is better work from home or in office?

    I prefer work from home set up. However, as a direct employee now, we are asked to work in the office 2 days per week (but next week, 3 days per week). I have comply to this requirement, but I have to be very honest, I was on WFH set up 5 days a week since 2020 and it was convenient. No commute...
  19. AmazingJob

    Starting alone vs. starting with a team

    I don't have a business but if I do start a business, I want to start it with a team - maybe because I want teamwork and to gain experience with the other people.
  20. AmazingJob

    What do you do when you want to be alone?

    I can do forum posting when I am alone like what I am doing now. I can freely use my space at home when there is no distractions. But I miss the noise.
  21. AmazingJob

    Earn Money from TikTok

    There are what we call "groomers" in the platform. They do live and ask viewers to follow each other. People can reach thousands of followers if they are good enough in returning the favor. I think it is a legit way of doing it because TikTok is not banning the content creators who are doing it.
  22. AmazingJob

    Legit 👍

    I miss the old BMF. I don't know but I don't see the hype from the site. I think Mr. B is always busy now. I am still thinking if I can earning from the site again by being active.
  23. AmazingJob

    Legit 👍 Forum Filler

    I was a member of the Forum Filler that was chosen by Devin via the assessment conducted. The tasks were easy - however, due to the transition at work I have to step out. I think I have informed Devin about my transition to my full time job via the group communicator for writers. He paid me for...
  24. AmazingJob

    Legit 👍 Review

    I am not sure if the old users who are earning more than a dollar a day are still earning that much from the site. I have been a member (since the time I was born -- lol, just exaggerating) for years now. If I want to earn more, I must double or triple my interactions on the site. Posting...
  25. AmazingJob

    Renting Vs buying a house

    If I have the means to pay off my monthly amortization I will do that instead of paying it monthly basis. I am done renting an apartment now paying off the house I got.
  26. AmazingJob

    Legit 👍

    Been awhile since I last requested for payout from Fergal. I have not been able to visit and post for months already because of the offline commitment and also commitment to other online activities. I hope I can manage to continue posting. Yes, the payout was reduced and it was better before...
  27. AmazingJob

    New 🚩 Insured Forum Back with resumption of paid posting.

    Good news to those who are looking for additional paid to post sites so they go back to the site or for those who are new, they can join. I have never joined this site so I am not aware that the payout scheme was stopped.
  28. AmazingJob

    Earning on the

    I have heard of this site many times already as it is being mentioned on the other forum site. However, if the earning is based off completing task, I think I have to say pass on this site. What if there are no offered tasks to complete?
  29. AmazingJob

    How many days does SocialSeos take to pay?

    I am not on the site too. I have seen this being discussed on the other forum site but I still don't have idea how this site works. But I need to focus more on the sites I already joined.
  30. AmazingJob

    Legit 👍 Make Money Writing For Wattpad

    I heard about Wattpad but have never tried visiting or installing the app. I heard that writers or writer-wannabe can publish their works on the platform but not aware that one can earn from it.
  31. AmazingJob

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    My mind wants coffee but my body doesn't accept it. I go for 8-10 glasses of water a day or a glass of juice will do. But in the office since we have free drinks, I get as much canned drinks.
  32. AmazingJob

    Working as a team or individually?

    It depends on the person. Some can work individually and others they are better with others. Group work can be essential because they can share best practices and they can be creative with sharing ideas.