Recent content by Bisolami

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. B

    Challenges of online advertisement

    I think most of us who know this thing are the ones who have invested in online business before but the ones who have not done it before will see it as an opportunity for them to make money
  2. B

    Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

    Just make sure that it is not too cheap because people like me love to buy a quality product and I will never buy a cheap thing even though it is quality because I want to know if it is quality or not
  3. B

    Best ways to promote.

    Giveaway can only be used only when you have enough money for it but it does not mean that you will have potential customers so it is better to look for other ways to lure people to buy from you
  4. B

    Earn through email marketing

    I think people would check mails are those ones who are in need of jobs or get jobs on their mail everyday because you hardly see a normal youth checking mail when it is not as if he has something to do with it
  5. B

    What could be your first task as a marketing officer

    You also need to make sure that it is solving one of the major problems in the community that your business is so that people will recognise that as a solution to their problem
  6. B

    Developing an Effective Social Media Strategy

    I think there are some workplaces that you do not like to employ professionals because they believe that they will charge them high and they may not be able to pay the money so they go for people who are not very much experienced
  7. B

    How can I use content marketing to build trust with customers?

    There are some advertisements that will even help people to talk about the kind of thing the product does just because of the way you have advertised the product. It is important
  8. B

    How to start building a passive income portfolio

    You have to learn from someone that is successful so that you can take the person's foot step and things will be fine with you as long as you do the right things that you should do
  9. B

    How to make money through franchising as a passive income stream

    There are a lot of big companies out there that people or other companies use their name and they are doing very well majorly because of the influence of the company
  10. B

    What's the best business idea?

    You just have to be knowledgeable about the business that you want to do. There are some people who do not have the knowledge of the business they want to do and that is why they learn
  11. B

    How quick should it take to send a customer support response?

    This is why it is good to have division of labour in your workplace because it does not even make sense for only one person to be doing the job throughout the day
  12. B

    Social Media marketing

    A lot of people are using social media to market their products because they know how effective it is and I am sure that it will continue to be effective as long as people are online
  13. B

    Surveyeah Site Legit or Scam?

    I think it will be good since it has been functioning for a long time. I guess the person who owns it and the people who are managing it well are doing it rightly. That is good
  14. B

    The best GPT in 2023?

    You are right. There are times when you will work for hours and all you will get is just $0.3. It can be very frustrating because you are even using more data than how much money you are earning.
  15. B

    Are You Good At Building Referrals?

    I have also tried it so many times but it is not working for me. I see no reason why I should engage myself in any business that has to do with referrals. It is not for me
  16. B

    Do you like to collaborate with people that always agree or disagree?

    I don't even like it when some people cannot be controlled. At least, there should be some form of control that they can get so that they will listen to other people and things will go on well
  17. B

    Promotion - Online or Offline?

    I think it depends on how well you can do it. There are some people doing it one and it favors them so it all tells on how good or how expert you are in the promotion business
  18. B

    Danger in insufficient market research

    We should also have it in mind that it is not possible for us not to make mistakes but the mistakes should not be too much that we will not be able to recover from it
  19. B

    Social Media marketing

    I found this is because Facebook has the highest number of users in the world and that is why you can easily sell products on Facebook since it has a lot of people you can advertise to
  20. B

    Choosing effective tactics in marketing

    I believe that there is no one way to marketing or advertising your products but you should know when you are doing the right marketing strategy for when you are making use of the wrong marketing strategy
  21. B

    How successful have you been using Upwork?

    A lot of people also have this same story as yours and I used to say this before but it got better when I had someone who was giving me some kind of training on how I will work on that platform
  22. B

    The implications of passive income

    I guess this is because a lot of people love to read things that I need to entertain them even before they choose to read about what is happening in their country
  23. B

    Toloka Site

    That is true. At the end of the day, we will surely find some websites fact will be good for us to earn but we should not just stop searching. We will surely find some of them
  24. B

    Are you a member of the site YouNow?

    Really? But getting to the threshold will be the problem I do not like websites that has a high threshold. They make it seem tiring to work on them unless other websites that we can just withdraw within a week
  25. B

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    You are correct. We just have to be calm and wait for our boss to finish because I don't think it will be polite for us to barge into the office of our boss just because we want to pass a message across to him
  26. B

    What are the benefits of business travel?

    At some point, they may now decide to settle down in the new country maybe after the get back from their business trip and they make the right plans. That is what I am capable of doing
  27. B

    Understanding the Basics of Affiliate Marketing

    You are right It is also worth the time and I have seen some people around made it big with it. As long as you have passion for marketing, then you are good to go.
  28. B

    What is the biggest income you get from mylot in a day?

    Ooh I understand I did not even know this until now that you are telling me. Well, that is good for them. They should continue to have fun since they are retired and we should continue to make money since we are still young.
  29. B

    Exploring the Benefits of Content Marketing

    Exactly There are times when you will see how well a write up is developed for a product, you will want to buy it because of what you have read. They advertisement needs to be vety captivating
  30. B

    How to build traffic on your website through influencer marketing

    You are right and if you see where influences our advertising other people's products you will know that it is not an easy job as we see it. The only make it seem easy because they love what they do
  31. B

    Choosing effective tactics in marketing

    Well you are right but I do not like the usage of Artificial intelligence. It is making us dumber. A lot of us cannot do things by ourselves again because we trust this so called artificial intelligence
  32. B

    The best GPT in 2023?

    Are you serious? Are you still working on the platform? If yes, please let me know and I don't mind taking a day training from you so that I will know how to run the platform.
  33. B

    What do you like most about RIF?

    Exactly A site will also be interesting when most of its users are active just like the way we are now. I love the fact that we can interact with different kind of people and talk about a lot of things
  34. B

    Social Media marketing

    I don't think there is a way you will use social media marketing rightly and you will not get a good result. You will surely see how effective it is and that is why it is the best
  35. B

    Surveyeah Site Legit or Scam?

    I think this is what happens to a lot of survey platforms because people also complaining of this same thing that they will get so much surveys when they register at first but as time goes on, it will reduce
  36. B

    What is the biggest income you get from mylot in a day?

    I don't think there is any point having fun that is not earning me money at this stage in my life because I need money all the time and I cannot just join a website because I want to have
  37. B

    How successful have you been using Upwork?

    This is why I always advise people to learn also have a mentor who will teach them everything they need to know because there are some kind of business is that you cannot do without the help of a mentor
  38. B

    Are you a member of the site YouNow?

    There is no point in working on a website that has not paid you for three months. It is just like a waste of time and it does not even make sense. It is better to work here as you have said
  39. B

    Why do PTP forums pay a small amount to users?

    I am sure that if they are making a lot of money we are also going to be making so much money but it is obvious that they are trying to pay us from the little that they make from Google adsense
  40. B

    Advertisements Make Products Expensive

    People do not care how much they will use to buy a product as long as it is their favourite celebrity that is marketing the product. If you ask people they will tell you the same thing I said
  41. B

    Choosing effective tactics in marketing

    You are right and that is why it is good for every company to be able to generate the kind of tactic will be good for their business. They should not just copy from another company entirely
  42. B

    Legit 👍 - the best website for earning money

    Hmm I think this is good. I will register and hope for the best. If I do not get disqualified for surveys, it will be a very good one for me. Thank you for sharing your review about the platform
  43. B

    How to make money with ysense online

    This has always been the problem and this is why I have been running away from so many platforms. When I get disqualified from surveys a lot of times, I tend to get discouraged
  44. B

    Legit 👍 My earning from Mylot

    I hope you get to the threshold very soon. I tend to dislike any website that I will not get to its threshold very fast. I will rather leave it and work on any other platform that pays better
  45. B

    What is the biggest income you get from mylot in a day?

    The thing is that a lot of users on mylot are not active. That is why you may be finding it difficult to talk to about five to ten people at once because all of them are not very active
  46. B

    What do you like most about RIF?

    I love the interface too and the admin is not too strict unlike other admins on some other earning platforms. There are even some of those admins who will just want to frustrate you.
  47. B

    Why do PTP forums pay a small amount to users?

    That is the point and I don't think they are making so much money that they can decide to be giving us a lot of money. The people who own those websites are also earning little.
  48. B

    The best GPT in 2023?

    I have been looking for a website that will even pay me about $0.5 in a day but I cannot even find one. The platforms that we make money from has reduced drastically. Our earnings have reduced
  49. B

    Surveyeah Site Legit or Scam?

    I have not heard about the site before. I think the only way you can know if the site is legit or scam is when you place a withdrawal. If you do so and they pay you, it is legit.
  50. B

    Are you a member of the site YouNow?

    I'm sure that it must have taken her months to earn that amount of money. I have not heard about the website though but I may try to check the tasks if I can work there.
  51. B

    How successful have you been using Upwork?

    I understand how it feels. This same thing happened to me when I created the account. I was not getting gigs until I told someone and he made me understand some basic things.
  52. B

    Advertisements Make Products Expensive

    That is right. This is also why it is good to employ celebrities to advertise your products. People who love them will surely buy the products that the advertise. I do this a lot
  53. B

    Choosing effective tactics in marketing

    And make sure that your tactics are not known to people. It should just be like an hidden agenda between you and the people who work with you so that your competitors won't copy you
  54. B

    Do you like to collaborate with people that always agree or disagree?

    Well, you are right. It does not even make sense to employ someone who is stubborn. Those people don't listen and they do things that they like. I cannot employ them too.
  55. B

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    There are some bosses that their minds are always at rest anytime they travel because they do not need to attend to office works since there is someone who can do that for them
  56. B

    The implications of passive income

    This is why it us always advised that people should choose the entertainment niche. A lot of people love to visit entertainment blogs even more than how they visit others.
  57. B

    How successful have you been using Upwork?

    Ooh I understand you but if you want to work on it, it will be advisable to learn a skill. Even if you cannot learn, just try to get gigs and you will give the job to someone who knows about it.
  58. B

    Advertisements Make Products Expensive

    I don't even think they owe those celebrities money. That is how well they try to satisfy them unlike normal people and that us why those celebrities charge them high.
  59. B

    What's the highest money you've earned passively?

    I only write on Hive. I think I have told you all about the platform before. It may seem to be complicated but it is a very good site especially when you can work very hard.
  60. B

    Choosing effective tactics in marketing

    And it is good to have it in mind that you must choose tactics that are better than that of your competitors so that it will make you on top of the game. That is what I feel
  61. B

    What is the best strategy for keeping employees' attention during meetings?

    That is true There are some people who give an i don't care attitude and it is not good. It won't help them to move forward in life. Those kind of people will find it hard to get a job
  62. B

    What's the best business idea?

    You are right Even though you are doing it for the money, if you face too much stress in the business, you will leave it because the business is not something that you love to do
  63. B

    Earn from SuperPay.Me

    I know the site. There was even a time when I used to take surveys on it but the earnings are slow and I got discouraged. There is no doubt that it is a very good platform
  64. B

    How can I use affiliate marketing to increase revenue?

    This is the same thing that happened to me and that was why I promised myself never to engage in that business again. Eventually, I found the right business for myself and I'm good with it
  65. B

    Social Media marketing

    It has even helped people that do not have money for shop. A lot of people who sell online and advertise with Facebook now sell better than people who even have shops.
  66. B

    Best ways to promote.

    Well, Facebook just seem to be the best way of advertising our products. We have other social networks that are also effective but I don't think all of them are effective like Facebook.
  67. B

    How to Promote Your Business on Social Media

    You have a valid point here. You just have to bring the business to the online world making it one of the first things that you will do when you want to advertise your business
  68. B

    Danger in insufficient market research

    And have it in mind that you cannot know it all. Once you have made a little research that can guide you, you can start the business then you will continue to learn while running the business.
  69. B

    Promotion - Online or Offline?

    You are right It will not even be nice to bring something that belongs to the online world to offline world. It may not work or be effective. It has to remain online.
  70. B

    What is your favorite way to advertise on facebook

    Sure and this is why I still tell people that I prefer Facebook to other social networks when it comes to advertisement. It will reach a large number of people and you can meet your target
  71. B

    How do you embark on business advertisement?

    You should go for the type of advert that is suitable for your business. We all know that money is the most important thing so choose the type of advert that you can afford.
  72. B

    How do one overcome fear of failure?

    You can also seek people or experts for a relevant business idea before you finally go for the one that you have chosen. Make sure that it is suitable for your type of business.
  73. B

    How do you embark on business advertisement?

    That is true and it will not make sense to be advertising a product that is not a quality one. Back up your advert by selling good products. That will be better.
  74. B

    Do you still advertise in the newspapers?

    I do not think newspaper advertisement is still effective because people do not use it anymore like before as long as we have social networks that we all can rely on
  75. B

    What is your favorite way to advertise on facebook

    It is good if you do not boost your Facebook post for it is better when you post it because the advertisement will be more effective and you will surely enjoy it for your business
  76. B

    Fashion lines and advertising

    You also have to advertise clothes to the kind of people that will need the kind of clothes that you sell because it is not possible to advertise clothes that is meant for young people to old people
  77. B

    Content marketing

    It is good for anyone who wants to learn content marketing or for anyone who wants to market any kind of content. But this business is not for everyone because not everyone knows how to market things
  78. B

    Why is Email Marketing Important?

    Some people say email Marketing is effective and I think it is effective but not very effective like social media marketing because a lot of people do not remember to visit their mails everyday
  79. B

    The impact of social media on brand reputation

    Branding is very important in any business because the way you make your brand look like to other people and the way you protect your brand is very important for your business growth
  80. B

    Do Businessmen Need to Implement Seasonal Marketing?

    This is why it is good to know the kind of product that you will be selling doing some kind of season especially for those who sell seasonal products. It will be good for them
  81. B

    How can I use social media to build brand awareness?

    You are right and a lot of people feel like online marketing is overrated but it is not overrated as long as people are making money from it and it has been helping them to sell better
  82. B

    What is the best way to use digital marketing to reach my target audience?

    Social media will allow your business to reach a lot of people without even stressing yourself by going to their doorstep since they can all see it on your social media page
  83. B

    Promotion - Online or Offline?

    Every business needs online advertisement because we are in that civilization era and most things are gotten online so it is good to advertise your business online
  84. B

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    This is also what I am saying. I prefer it if he continues to own the business. I do not want the owner of any other forum to buy the forum but not because of my selfish interest
  85. B

    Danger in insufficient market research

    It is good for the growth of the business and I believe that is why it is important for you to know the gimmicks of the business or everything you need to know so that you will not
  86. B

    How to Promote Your Business on Social Media

    There are times when you need to reach some business people and they will not be favoured if they do not have an online presence so it is good to have online presence if you want to have your business
  87. B

    Free Marketing Strategies

    It is true that you need to be consistent because it is paid marketing strategy that will help you to have so much customers and it will work faster than the free marketing strategy
  88. B

    Challenges of online advertisement

    They are very risky because you do not even know the company of the people that you are investing in their business and you do not even know them. I have done it before but I cannot do it again
  89. B

    Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

    This is the good thing about it and you can sell it for a very high price. But we should make sure that the price is not too expensive for people so that they can afford it
  90. B

    Best ways to promote.

    Give away is not sustainable but a lot of people do not believe maybe because it has worked for them but I believe that it will get to a point when the giveaway can no longer push your business
  91. B

    Social Media marketing

    I used to market products but not anymore because I did not have any physical or digital products that I am selling at the moment aside from the article that I write
  92. B

    Choosing effective tactics in marketing

    This is why I believe that it is good for people to hold meetings regularly but it should not be too much as I have said earlier because it may be tiring for all of them
  93. B

    Facebook Ads

    I took a course on Facebook advertisement a few years back and I can teach you if you are really interested. It is interesting and simple. Everyone can make use of it
  94. B

    Advertisements Make Products Expensive

    There are some companies that hire people or big celebrities and they have to pay them a lot of money. They can only pay them a lot of money when they increase the price of their products
  95. B

    Utilizing Social Media Advertising to Promote Your Website

    This is the good thing about the social media marketing. You can advertise with a little amount of money and your advertisements will reach a lot of people and I think that is the goal
  96. B

    Do you think After Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will also start Charging money for Blue tick or verified symbol?

    Not all social networks will charge their users for verification just because Twitter has done so. It may be favorable for Twitter but it may not be favorable for other social networks.
  97. B

    Earn through email marketing

    Some people say email Marketing is effective but I do not think it is effective because so many people did not even check their mails everyday. Someone like me do not check it everyday
  98. B

    How to build traffic on your website through influencer marketing

    Been an influencer is not an easy task even though it feels like it is easy because you need to post up things that are captivating to people so that you will have people who will buy whatever product you sell and can trust you especially when you sell quality products
  99. B

    Exploring the Benefits of Content Marketing

    Content marketing is very important and it is a way of marketing any kind of product by making sure that you invest in a good content that can serve as an advertisement for your product
  100. B

    How can I use affiliate marketing to increase revenue?

    You should also have it in mind that you are supposed to sell products that are in high demand so that you can be getting orders from your clients every day or almost everyday
  101. B

    Which Affiliate Marketing Program Has Best Worked For You?

    I have never tried affiliate marketing and I do not even know the one that will work best for me. There was a time I wanted to learn it but I found out that it is not something I can do
  102. B

    The 5 P's of Marketing

    I think don't think that he has shared are the most important things in marketing and it will be good for anyone who wants to engage in self in any kind of marketing activity
  103. B

    What could be your first task as a marketing officer

    I really do not know so much things about marketing so I do not even know the first thing I will do when I become a marketing officer for any company
  104. B

    Developing an Effective Social Media Strategy

    It is very good to be observant of whatever thing you post on your social media page as long as it is pertaining to your business. You need to make posts that are captivating
  105. B

    Understanding the Basics of Affiliate Marketing

    Also need to have it in mind that you may not be able to sell products everyday and that is why it is advisable to sell products that are in high demand
  106. B

    How can I use content marketing to build trust with customers?

    Just make sure that your advertising strategy is unique and also make sure that the goods you are selling are of good qualities so that people will enjoy whatever they buy from the good advertisement that you have made
  107. B

    How to Build Your Email List the Right Way?

    I think this is very good and email marketing is also important but a lot of people do not like to make use of email marketing because they believe most people do not check their mails
  108. B

    Why is Digital Marketing Important?

    Digital marketing is important because it connects two or more people from different parts of the world and you can also order or buy a product from someone who you do not know and it will get to your doorstep
  109. B

    Earn from SuperPay.Me

    This is why I do not always bother myself to work on survey because I mostly get disqualified and there is no need for me to work on them anymore. That is what I feel
  110. B

    Is it possible to earn passive income through crypto currencies?

    It makes sense that way but I will only advise you to invest in something that you are sure of. It will not be nice to invest in a short-term business that will take all your money away
  111. B

    can Indians access Inbox dollar site?

    I think there was also a time when I checked the website and it was not available in my country but I guess people will be able to earn from if if it is available in their country
  112. B

    What are the benefits of business travel?

    Apart from the fact that the person will meet different people and learn about their culture, the person will exposed to so many things and so many areas in the world.
  113. B

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    Exactly because it does not make sense for the worker to just barge into the office of the boss. The boss may even get angry and fire the worker. Do you believe that something like this can happen?
  114. B

    Earn from SuperPay.Me

    It would have been better if the site offers surveys and also offers some things like paid to click or some tasks. It is not nice for them to focus on only surveys. That's what I feel.
  115. B

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    I think someone also said this same thing a few days ago but let us see how it goes but I think it will be better if the owner of trendri site still owns it. He manages it well to an extent.
  116. B

    Toloka Site

    This is why I believe that if someone truly wants to make money from surveys, the person will be able to do so because all you have to do is learn and put yo practice.
  117. B

    Does anyone on this forum use Payoneer?

    I cannot even remember what someone told me about the fees but I guess it is quite much if I remember what the person told me well. I may try it and give a feedback but not anytime soon.
  118. B

    Risk management in passive income.

    Even when you put all your eggs in one basket, it is still important to learn how to manage risk. Also, it will be very good to diversify your income because we never can tell what will happen in future.
  119. B

    Passive income from Annuity Schemes?

    At the same time, it is not even good to put all your money into passive income. You can just divide your money into two. Above it all, it will be good to have money that you will be spending for yourself
  120. B

    What's the best business idea?

    You know there are also times when you may seem to be very tired of the business but you still need to continue running the business and this is where perseverance comes in.
  121. B

    What is the best strategy for keeping employees' attention during meetings?

    You are right I will not even be happy when I ask my employee something and the only response I will get from him is "I don't know". I will be very angry. It means that you are not taking the job seriously.
  122. B

    What's the highest money you've earned passively?

    That is good I work on article writing platforms and you need to attend to the site very well if you want to make so much money especially from the site that I am working on
  123. B

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    Exactly Thwre are some business owners who have plans for their business but a time will come when they will no longer follow the plan that they have set for the business
  124. B

    What's the highest money you've earned passively?

    That is a good one and I belive that you can still make more than that. If you have enough time to work online, you can make about $100 online if you take it seriously
  125. B

    Cash Burn rate for an entreprenuer and a business.

    Well, you have a valid point. The only reason why you will be able to duplicate or copy another person's business plan is only when their strategy is open or they are not keeping their information well
  126. B

    What is the best strategy for keeping employees' attention during meetings?

    But I believe that you cannot know everything. There are times when a question will be thrown at you and you may not know it or you might have forgotten what the answer is but it is good to have a little idea
  127. B

    Benefits of Working Capital Loans

    I save money because we never can tell the kind of situation where I will meet myself tomorrow. Therr are times when we will be needing money urgently and that money will be the one to save us.
  128. B

    What's the best business idea?

    I see it as another reason why you have to keep learning all the time. You should never stop learning if you are a business person and you truly want to succeed in your business
  129. B

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    Exactly Those people will be in the position of taking care of some certain things. When the boss is not around, such a person will be the one to do those jobs and handle them well
  130. B

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    It does not even make any sense to have a business or start a business without having a plan for it. Some people do not think of how they want their business to go before they start it.
  131. B

    What are the benefits of business travel?

    Exactly There are some things that you need to put in place before you go on a business trip. Those things need to be set so that you will have a wonderful job on the trip
  132. B

    Do you like to collaborate with people that always agree or disagree?

    The truth is that you cannot know it all. You need other people's advise so that you can do very well and anything you lay your hands on will always come out well.
  133. B

    Have you ever collaborated with a team or a partner on a project?

    Exactly. This is why it is good to have several departments in a workplace so that different people will focus on different things and they will all come out to achieve one thing
  134. B

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    That is true but it depends on the person. You can get verified in two to three days but it depends on how hardworking you are and also if you are dedicated to the platform
  135. B

    Have You Tried to Earn Passive Income Via HYIP

    Same here Investing in such scheme is something that you will later regret and I cannot do it because I do not want to be filled with regrets. I cannot do it anymore
  136. B

    Passive income from Annuity Schemes?

    I guess some people do not really like to make any finding before they run a business and that do not seem to be good. Passive income requires some research before you begin it
  137. B

    The implications of passive income

    That is another valid point and when people like me think about tax, I may not feel like doing anything because of those charges. We are paying too much tax here already
  138. B

    How many times a week should meetings be held?

    Once in a month may not be very good. There are times when you need to hold meetings because of the situation of the country and once in a month may make the company to lag
  139. B

    What's the highest money you've earned passively?

    That is a good one as long as you were able to make money. I would live to know if the platform is still functioning so that I can work on it or if it is no more functioning like before
  140. B

    How do one overcome fear of failure?

    Exactly Therr are times when you just have to live with some kind of things and accept them the way they are instead if running away from them. If you run away, you won't succeed.
  141. B

    Does anyone on this forum use Payoneer?

    I guess it is because you all have other simpler means of receiving payments so there should be little or no reason why you people should use Payoneer
  142. B

    How successful have you been using Upwork?

    Upwork has made a lot of people rich too. Some people only work on that platform and they already have potential customers so it is a good platform to me
  143. B

    Do football team owners make profit?

    You are right. The little ones that I have seen amongst them serve as a motivation to me to own my football club but I cannot do everything. It is a very good business
  144. B

    What are the advantages of having a blog?

    One of the advantages of having a blog is that you can express yourself through your written words and you can make money from that. I think it makes sense enough
  145. B

    Quality vs price

    This is how it should be but a lot of people would not want to listen. I guess this is because they need that thing urgently and they just want to go for the one that they can afford
  146. B

    Do football team owners make profit?

    Exactly We Have so many of them in these days and there are some of them that are aspiring to have football clubs for us to know that it is a very lucrative sector.
  147. B

    Does anyone on this forum use Payoneer?

    That's not good enough. I don't even know if it is allowed in my country or not but I have an account. Also, I have not received money into it before so I cannot tell how it works.
  148. B

    Steps to creating an online course to earn passive income.

    There are times when you did not need to join any platform as long as you are connected but joining a platform has more advantages so i think it is better
  149. B

    Exploring Passive Income: A Guide to Building Streams of Revenue

    This is why it is good to have a passive income alongside your normal means of making money so that's when you retire, you can focus on the passive income
  150. B

    The implications of passive income

    You are right but all of them have their risk but it is good to know how to manage the risk before you decide to engage in it because it is not easy to opt out after you have spent so much money on it
  151. B

    How many times a week should meetings be held?

    Is the same thing I have in mind but it is sometimes good to hold meetings on the beginning of the week and the end of the week to know the plans for the week and also what you have achieved at the end of the week
  152. B

    what is honeygain site?

    It is a website where you share your data to make money. It is good for some people but I have tried it and I am not making so much money from it
  153. B

    Passive income from Annuity Schemes?

    It will be good for you to know how the scheme works before you decide to invest in. I am interested too but I am not ready to make any research on it for now
  154. B

    Passive Income Through Referrals

    I think it will be good to refer people so that kind of website but how to refer people is my problem because I am not very good at referral and I am not willing to learn
  155. B

    What's the highest money you've earned passively?

    I cannot remember the highest amount of money that I have and possibly but I know that I have earned more than $100 from passive income. I have been on it for a while now
  156. B

    Earn Passive Income from Article Writing

    I think I will try to write articles on each of these websites to know how they pay and to know if I will be fit to work on them. I have heard of them before but never tried them
  157. B

    How successful have you been using Upwork?

    It is because of your reputation. New users have little or no reputation on the website so it may be hard for them to get gigs especially when they are not updating their profile all the time
  158. B

    Are You Good At Building Referrals?

    I am not vety good when it comes to building referrals. This is why I do not work on platforms that will tell me to invite people before I can withdraw my money from them.
  159. B

    How lucrative is typing captcha business online?

    You are right I don't think you can even make a reasonable money from those platforms. They will pay you little and it will not be enough for the time you have spent
  160. B

    Have You Tried to Earn Passive Income Via HYIP

    Hmm I would love if you can introduce me to platforms like that. I will try to invest a little money in them to know if they pay or not. I will be waiting for your response
  161. B

    How to start building a passive income portfolio

    Every passive income stream has its own technique and there are so many techniques for every passive income stream ls so it is important for you to know the one that you want to use
  162. B

    How to make money through franchising as a passive income stream

    It is very good and there are some popular companies that now make money from franchising because all the little companies use their name to run their businesses
  163. B

    Risk management in passive income.

    It is also good for you to know the kind of risk that you will face in your business so that you will know how to manage the risk when it finally happens. This is the best way to handle business.
  164. B

    What are the ways to earn passive income online

    You can even create a digital product and you make money when you sell the product which means that you do not need to be creating the product after one sale.
  165. B

    The advantages of diversifying your passive income streams

    You are even going to make different percentage of money from different income streams and that is why it is good to have different ways to earn passive income
  166. B

    Is it possible to earn passive income through crypto currencies?

    I think the best way you can make passive income from cryptocurrency is when you invest your cryptocurrency and you get some percentage of your money at the end of every month
  167. B

    Renting Income As Passive Income

    A lot of people rent out their properties to other people so that they can make money from it and I see it as a reasonable way of making money and one of the best passive incomes
  168. B

    How many times a week should meetings be held?

    There are some companies that hold meetings everyday and the employees are tired because most meetings that the hold do not even have any reasonable topic that they talk about
  169. B

    What is the best strategy for keeping employees' attention during meetings?

    I think a lot of people are scared of not answering questions correctly or maybe they are scared of being mocked by their colleagues so they would rather keep mute
  170. B

    How many times a week should meetings be held?

    But I don't think it will be nice for a company to be holding meetings with the employees everyday or almost all the time. It will be so tiring especially for someone like me
  171. B

    Does anyone on this forum use Payoneer?

    Well, you are right. I have noticed that we now have lesser websites that are paying us unlike before when we can work on about six to seven platforms at the same time.
  172. B

    Toloka Site

    This kind of thing may not even be suitable for people in my country or countries like mine. We hardly get qualified for surveys so there is no point trying to make money from survey.
  173. B

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    I just hope that every action they take serves as an advantage for all of us who are depending on those platforms to make money. And I hope trendri comes back soon
  174. B

    Quality vs price

    There are times when I save up some money for a very long time just to get something that will last me for over five years instead of buying it at a cheap price and it won't last six months
  175. B

    Do football team owners make profit?

    The major way to get money for a football club is by selling tickets and that is why some clubs sign players that are very popular so that they can sell more tickets when their loved ones come to watch them
  176. B

    Have you ever collaborated with a team or a partner on a project?

    It is not even advisable to work alone when you have other people that can do it with you because they may have ideas that are better than yours. That is how I feel
  177. B

    How do you generally approach a coworker if you don't like their idea?

    Some people take things seriously especially when you talk to them in a rude manner and that is why you should learn how to talk to people and not just talk to them anyhow
  178. B

    Do you like to collaborate with people that always agree or disagree?

    There are times when you will not be the owner of the company so you just have to manage with anyone you are working with and that is why we go to school so that we can learn how to build relationship with different people from different homes
  179. B

    What are the benefits of business travel?

    I love the fact that you are going to enjoy it on a business trip and you will still get some money from your company when you are back so it is a win-win situation. It is a good thing
  180. B

    Cash Burn rate for an entreprenuer and a business.

    Some business owners also do not know the right strategy that they can use for their business. Some of them even copy other people's strategy and it is not advisable.
  181. B

    Earn from SuperPay.Me

    I am also looking for other platforms where I can make money from for a while till I find a very good one that can earn me a reasonable amount of money when I calculate it at the end of the month.
  182. B

    What's the best business idea?

    This is why it is important to do what you love and not what you just want to make money from for a while. If you do what you love, you will have the spirit of continuity in you
  183. B

    How do one overcome fear of failure?

    We need to have it in mind that it is possible for us to succeed or fail and that is why we should not give up whenever we fail. We can just pick up from where we stopped.
  184. B

    Benefits of Working Capital Loans

    I also find it difficult to take any kind of loan because I'm that person who does not feel good or happy whenever I am in any kind of debt so it is good to avoid it.
  185. B

    Encourage employee feedback in your business

    There are times when some customers will also give you bad reviews job because they are being loyal to another brand and that is why you also need to have a stance
  186. B

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    But I think it is important to pass the message across to someone who is very close to the boss especially when the issue needs to be treated with immediate alacrity
  187. B

    Do you have any 'must-have' items for a business trip?

    There are sometimes when you can make use of your phone instead of carrying a laptop which may be quite heavy or stressful for you but it depends on the person
  188. B

    How do you communicate effectively in business?

    And it is good for every business to have or make use of the fastest means of communication in case you want to pass a message across to someone else urgently
  189. B

    Is failure actually the best teacher in business?

    This is why we need to be dedicated whenever we want to lay our hands on something because it is possible for us not to succeed immediately with her but we can learn when we fail
  190. B

    Before you accept that job offer

    Exactly You need to know their terms and conditions if it will be favorable for you or not and also if you can comply with it or not. It is very important to know these things.
  191. B

    Factors to consider when using social media advertisements

    That is the major aim of social media marketing. I love the fact that you can advertise to a lot of people and you will not spend so much money. That is how a proper advertisement should be.
  192. B

    Why social media ads is the best ads medium

    This is the truth Yiu do not need to start disturbing people in their various houses by advertising something to them when you can just do that online and you will not be too stressed.
  193. B

    Do you believe that sharing meals can help people get through cultural barriers in the workplace?

    I have tried this and it worked well for me. I also believe that it will work well for other people but that is if truly you are willing to learn or know about the culture of other people.
  194. B

    Getting Employment

    Getting employed offline is very good and I know a lot of people who are working offline and I are making so much money. People like that to do not even need to work online because their offline earning is enough for them
  195. B

    The importance of business monitoring and reporting

    This is why it is important to have a business plan before you decide to run the business so that you can know how the business will go and how you will run it to your taste
  196. B

    Precautions to take while engaging in real estate

    A lot of them cheap people and they will run away from their offices which is not supposed to be so but it will give them a bad reputation but it takes time for that kind of reputation to spread
  197. B

    What's the best business idea?

    I think the best business idea is any business that you can do without getting tired of it no matter how the challenges are. That seem to be the best business idea to me
  198. B

    Is failure actually the best teacher in business?

    Failure sometimes is the best teacher because it helps you to learn from the past mistakes so that you will not make the same mistake but some people fail to observe the mistakes that they made before
  199. B

    How do you communicate effectively in business?

    Is very important to talk to people professionally especial when you are talking to people who you work with because it will not be nice to be talking to them casually and it will bring some disrespect.
  200. B

    Is a mobile phone useful for business?

    We all know that the basic importance of our mobile phones is to be able to reach one person or more than at the same time so it is very good for a business. Every business owner should have a mobile phone.