Recent content by cherry123

  1. cherry123

    Can you sleep with or without a pillow?

    I always like to sleep with a pillow. If I sleep without a pillow I might just have neck pains
  2. cherry123

    Do you enjoy doing the housework?

    I enjoy cooking a lot but still struggling with others . I don't like the clearing snd cleaning after cooking
  3. cherry123

    Shoot your shot as a lady

    Well, if you feel comfortable about it why not. Just go ahead and do what you think you are good with
  4. cherry123

    Gratitude Practice

    It is a great way to show how grateful we are for all the good things we have. Gratitude attitude gives is more things
  5. cherry123

    Do you practice the pastoralism?

    No I have never done this. I don't think women here so this. it is common with the men here rearing animals
  6. cherry123

    Do you practice the fruits and vegetables farming?

    Yeah I do more of veggies and not fruits but if one can it is to do the two as it would be a win win situation
  7. cherry123

    Practice makes perfect

    That's right if we continually do thing as we just to get used to it. We would make a perfection of it
  8. cherry123

    What do you think makes a healthy lunch?

    Meals that are not junks are healthy meals. Especially those that we prepare at home
  9. cherry123

    What are some healthy and quick breakfasts?

    it is always toast bread and tea for me. I can't go wrong preparing as a fast food
  10. cherry123

    Are you a quick learner?

    Yes I believe I am especially on things I set my mind to achieve. it is never difficult for me