Recent content by eldavis

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  1. eldavis

    How to positively handled business sponsors

    There needs to be a clear communication on what they expect from me, this way I would be able to know how to ensure our relationship goes smoothly.
  2. eldavis

    How To Boost Digital Skills Through Learning & Development

    Same here, doing this is one of the best decisions anyone would make. This is because you are increasing your value the more knowledge or skill you get.
  3. eldavis

    Do you like ice-cream?

    Speaking of ice cream, it's been long I had some and I was hoping to get one this month, but am not sure about this for now.
  4. eldavis

    Worst Nightmare?

    Loosing a phone is something I never want to experience again and I pray I don't ever experience it again.
  5. eldavis

    Suggest a successful business idea in this digital age

    You can try selling digital products like online courses, a lot of people are buying these courses just to expand their knowledge.
  6. eldavis

    Set your standards early

    Exactly, that way no one would tag you that you have changed or anything, they know that has been your standards from day one.
  7. eldavis

    Thinking too much

    Instead of thinking too much, I just put in the energy in working harder in terms of my business.
  8. eldavis

    Why do people dislike those who say the truth?

    Most people do not want to hear the truth because they know it's the truth, and the truth is a hard pill to swallow. They are scared to accept it.
  9. eldavis

    Do you tell your friends about earning online through the posting on forums?

    For a while now I have not told anyone cause it seems they are all looking for quick ways to make money, and to work on paid to post forums requires patience.
  10. eldavis

    Sell a service

    Exactly, you can't sell a service you do not have the skills for. So if anyone wants to sell a service, they have to work hard in learning the skills.
  11. eldavis

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    It's good to see that you have a passion, and you are taking it seriously. Just keep up the good work friend.
  12. eldavis

    Wonder what they were thinking?

    It's possible, they are simply just looking for watch to catch, but then again, animals can be mysterious.
  13. eldavis

    What kind of smartphone do you use?

    Why an iPhone though? Do you prefer an iPhone to android for a specific reason or you just like iPhone.
  14. eldavis

    Work from Home or Work from Office?

    That's true, one can get tiresome, then in a situation where you are living with others, they might not give you enough privacy to work.
  15. eldavis

    From which website you got your last payment?

    I got my last payment from the forum forumrace, I got it yesterday morning
  16. eldavis

    Should a man be the primary bread winner of a family?

    The man is regarded as the head of the home, automatically this makes him the primary bread winner. Then again if there is no law that says the man has to be the only bread winner.
  17. eldavis

    How should a business handle its losses?

    Most times these losses is not something they can actually avoid or something they planned for though.
  18. eldavis

    What are the best ways to earn online do you suggest

    Forex trading is a great way to earn online but to do this, one has to have proper knowledge of how the forex market works.
  19. eldavis

    Have you ever worked a whole day on RIF?

    Yes there was a time like that, right now earning a dollar in a day is not all that possible. Anyways let's see how things goes in the future.
  20. eldavis

    What do you do to avoid being scammed online

    Once a site promises huge pay, it's a clear giveaway that the site is not a legit one, one needs to be careful about such sites.
  21. eldavis

    Cheating in cooked food selling business

    This is what most of these sellers do, they sell old food just so they won't run at a loss. Some of these old food are actually spoilt.
  22. eldavis

    Start a laundry service business

    The laundry business is competitive over here, but it still remains one of the lucrative business out there today.
  23. eldavis

    Is it right for a man to cheat?

    For some time now I have been seeing a lot of arguments from people and their different point of views. No matter how they put it, it is wrong.
  24. eldavis

    The effects of being a lazy business person

    Beíng a lazy business person will alis affect and delay your dreams. So if you want to achieve your goals on time, you need to put in the extra effort.
  25. eldavis


    I don't think selling cooked food would ever run out of business, even with the amount of competition it has, it's still doing pretty well.
  26. eldavis

    Are you really making money online?

    What I am currently earning is small, and way below what I would love to earn, but it doesn't change the fact that I am earning online.
  27. eldavis

    Yet another online earning site? Can I believe it?

    The amount of earning sites has gone down for me. I am open to finding and exploring new options.
  28. eldavis

    Do you think it's okay to work at night?

    There are some persons who are able to function and work better at night, so I guess it depends on the individual.
  29. eldavis

    Do you like Boiled rice?

    Boiled rice is best eaten with a sauce or stew. And that's what we had this afternoon after service.
  30. eldavis

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    Paying bills is something I can never get used to, but I do not really have much of a choice in this matter, it cannot be avoided.
  31. eldavis

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    For some days now I have not been that serious because I have had so much I needed to sort out offline.
  32. eldavis

    Making decent cash online

    True, most of the skills are not that difficult, it's about finding the time and patience to learn them and put into practice.
  33. eldavis

    Motivate yourself, do not listen to people who only see your mistake

    The truth of the matter is no one else will motivate you, you need to find ways to motivate yourself.
  34. eldavis

    Motivate your employees to boost sales and confidence

    Motivation plays a very important role in the growth of every business. Business owners need to make it a habit to look for ways to motivate their employees.
  35. eldavis

    When did you start worshipping the lord your God?

    I was also born and brought up in a Christian home, so I have been serving God for as long as I can remember.