Recent content by eldavis

  1. eldavis

    Do you think it is healthy to eat snacks?

    It depends on what you are eating, there are actually lots of healthy snacks out there.
  2. eldavis

    Which gender would you prefer as your first child?

    Though it would be nice to have a boy as the first child, I don't mind which gender comes in first.
  3. eldavis

    A child attending public or private school

    It's the same in my location. A lot of people send their kids to public schools cause the fees are cheaper but the standard of education they get is not worth it.
  4. eldavis

    At what age should your child boldly introduce his girlfriend or boyfriend to you?

    You can start having a boyfriend or girlfriend when you are ready to marry. I see no sense in dating someone when you are not even up to the age of marriage.
  5. eldavis

    Have friends who discuss about self-development

    There are a lot of people with potential out there today that have limited themselves simply due to the kind of friends they associate with.
  6. eldavis

    What was the most expensive clothing item you owned and how much did it cost?

    When it comes to fashion I pretty much know notting about it. So I don't normally take note of these things.
  7. eldavis

    What would you do if a business owner sells fake good to you for the second time?

    In such a case, it's pretty obvious all they have in that store is probably fake. I might take the product home just to avoid trouble but that would be the last time I buy anything from there.
  8. eldavis

    Would you ever patronize a harsh business owner?

    The most important thing is that they are good and they deliver on time. I don't mind patronizing a hash business owner. Though I might not be all that comfortable when they are around.
  9. eldavis

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream for your business

    If you set your mind to it, then it is possible, people who use their age as an excuse are just being lazy about it.
  10. eldavis

    Is smartphone is necessary in your daily life?

    I use my Smartphone for majority of the things I do today, so having a smartphone is necessary for me.
  11. eldavis

    What is the effect for using of the smartphone while charging?

    Using the smartphone why charging kills our battery. When we do this we are over working out batteries, hence it reduces its lifespan.
  12. eldavis

    Does a Online Business Owner Need A Good Camera?

    Yes you would need a good camera, especially if there are physical products you have to sell, or you want to make videos.
  13. eldavis

    Do you sometimes get tired of your business?

    Running a business is not easy, there are times where I normally get tired and just feel like quiting but what keeps me going is my reason for starting in the first place.
  14. eldavis

    Who treated unfairly: the poor or the rich?

    Not in all cases though, there have been cases here the poor tend to say negative about the rich or judge them without even knowing the full story behind them.
  15. eldavis

    Overwork without Extra Pay

    I have experienced this several times while I was working under someone else. These where some of the reasons that made me quit.
  16. eldavis

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    I don't think to calculate what I can give to them or not though, I just give out what I can at the moment.
  17. eldavis

    How many times do you pray in a single day?

    I do not have a specific number of time I pray in a day. Normally I do pray in the morning before I begin my day and in the evening when going to bed, but for my personal prayers, there is no specific number.
  18. eldavis

    Have you travelled to most parts of your country?

    I have not been to a lot of places in my country. We have 36 states in my country, and these states have capitals and lots of local government areas and so on. Even in my current location, I have not been to a lot of places in my state of origin.
  19. eldavis

    What is your favourite way of entertaining yourself?

    When it comes to entertainment. The best way I use in entertaining myself is by watching movies or playing games. There are times I still read books.
  20. eldavis

    Do you really keep up dated to the current times of the year?

    It's more like i am in my own world, I do not follow up on the latest happenings, am trying to change this now though.
  21. eldavis

    Do you make follow-ups on the current trending issues in your country?

    There are some stories or trends I do follow up but I don't always follow up on what is happening.
  22. eldavis

    Have you broken a promise?

    Yes I have broken a few promises before in the past. Though it was not intentional.
  23. eldavis

    Don't try to fix what's broken beyond repair

    If the damage is something that cannot be fixed, it's best to let them go. Most times the best way to show you truly love them is by letting them go.
  24. eldavis

    Have you broken any bone?

    I have had a few dislocation before in the past but it was notting serious.
  25. eldavis


    Yes I normally do this, especially when am stressed but I don't dwell on that for too long so I can be productive.
  26. eldavis

    How do you treat stressful but older customers in business?

    I still treat them with respect. The only time I was rude to an older customer was because the man was not acting mature in anyway.
  27. eldavis

    Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the countryside?

    I don't mind living in the city or in a rural place. The most important thing for me is that I have access to my business and am still able to make money.
  28. eldavis

    Have You Ever Been Rated Badly By Your Client

    I have experienced this once had an issue with a client. She wanted a mockup logo and didn't like what I sent, she got all angry and said a lot of things. I refunded the money but remade the design to prove to her that I can actually do it.
  29. eldavis

    What is your favourite memory from high school?

    I actually had lots of favorites moments that I can't really pick one. I guess it was the good times I had with friends and all.
  30. eldavis

    What is your favourite sport and why?

    I do not have a favorite sports and at the same time I do not have a reason for it. There was a time I had a little passion for football though.
  31. eldavis

    Comfort at relative's place

    To be honest, any place that is not my home I am never comfortable, unless I am in a private hotel room. This way I can make my own rules while abiding to that hotel rules.
  32. eldavis

    Do you easily apologize for your mistakes?

    It mainly depends on who I am dealing with. There are some people who I would quickly apologize to, while there are some I won't.
  33. eldavis

    Have you ever thought about leaving your job due to a conflict at work?

    It was not a serious conflict though but I once thought about quitting my job due to it.
  34. eldavis

    Have you ever thought of selling one of your body parts?

    I have never thought about selling my body parts before. This doesn't even make sense to me.
  35. eldavis

    Sideline Jobs

    It depends on the contract they agree to, most of them usually get fired once their side job has been discovered.
  36. eldavis

    Buying from a supermarket or an open marker

    For me, the most important thing is that I get what I want when I want it. It does not matter where I get it from.
  37. eldavis

    Are you Learning Cooking from Youtube?

    I don't learn from YouTube, there are a few dishes and recipes I have gotten from YouTube and there are times I get confused in a particular dish so I have to rely on YouTube.
  38. eldavis

    Are you interested in learning about history?

    Though I am not crazy about it, it would be nice to know more about the events that have happened before.
  39. eldavis

    Are you interested in the helping of the needy?

    Yes, I am interested in helping the needy, I have no issue with this. The most important for me is that I have the needed resources.
  40. eldavis

    Do you tell your friends about earning online through the posting on forums?

    I have told a few of them before but most of them do not take it seriously. This has discouraged me from telling them.
  41. eldavis

    Knowing friends that are not loyal

    These days it is becoming pretty hard to detect friends who are not loyal, the best thing is to be vigilant always and never get carried away.
  42. eldavis

    Heat situation in your country

    The weather right now is something else. Though the rain has helped make things a little manageable.
  43. eldavis

    Having you invested in a ponzi scheme knowing that it was a ponzi scheme

    I have invested in a Ponzi scheme before, and I was very much aware it was a Ponzi scheme. I was able to get back the capital i invested in though, but there where other ones I joined that I was not so lucky.
  44. eldavis

    Which toothpaste do you use?

    I have used a few before. There was a time I used close up but at the moment I am using oral B.
  45. eldavis

    Being an Atheist

    I am not an atheist, I strongly believe in God and my belief has been working for me, so I see no reason to change it.
  46. eldavis

    What interesting thing are you looking forward to?

    I think for me it should be the growth of my business. There are so many plans I have in mind when it comes to my business.
  47. eldavis

    What's your most go to earning forum

    For me at the moment it is just discussion bucks and index forum. Then I have also included a faucet site I try to visit every morning.
  48. eldavis


    Yes kdramas are very interesting, then they tend to have good plots. You should also try cdramas. Which is the Chinese dramas, they are pretty dope as well.
  49. eldavis

    Price hike in foodstuffs

    I think it's everywhere, cause I have been seeing a lot of people complaining about the cost of things at the moment.
  50. eldavis

    What online business do you have in mind?

    I was thinking about going into print on demand, but for now I just want to build my graphic design business to a certain level before expanding it.
  51. eldavis

    Investing in business or investment schemes online

    Both of them have their own share of risks. Some persons might say it is online business is a lot riskier but it also depends on how much you are investing.
  52. eldavis

    Do you ever regret on your wrongly decisions?

    There are so many decisions I have made in the past that thinking about it now I tend to regret but instead of dwelling on these, it's best I learn from it.
  53. eldavis

    Investing in someone else business

    I have never invested in anyone's business before because I have not seen any reasonable business to invest in and at the moment I am more focused on my own business.
  54. eldavis

    What is your favorite flower?

    I don't hate flowers though but at the same time I do not really have a favorite one.
  55. eldavis

    Do You Think Building A House In Life Is Necessary?

    Yes for me it is necessary, and I hope I get to build my own in the future. Building a house means you don't have to worry about house rents and all that.
  56. eldavis

    Don't compare yourself to others

    Does who compare themselves to others are the ones who never show gratitude. They tend to feel they have not achieved anything simply because they are not in the same level as the next person. By this, they end up limiting themselves.
  57. eldavis

    Is it true that business is draining?

    Your business might be your hobby but the simple truth is that it can be very demanding which drains you. You are always making sure things goes as planned, it's not easy running a business.
  58. eldavis

    How do you deal with customers who don’t fulfill their promises?

    I think in such a case I would limit how I deal with them. Not every deal they come for I will agree to.
  59. eldavis

    Would you have your relative as a business partner?

    Though I don't plan on going into any partnership business at the moment, but in a situation like this, it doesn't really matter if they are my relatives or not. The most important thing is that I can work with them. They have the skills and knowledge needed for the business, and I trust them.
  60. eldavis

    What is the average cost of apartment rentals in your country?

    If you are looking for a really good apartment to rent right now in my country, the minimum you should be thinking of is around $300 and above.
  61. eldavis

    Does retrieving the packaging materials of a product stop it from being imitated or faked?

    No it doesn't, I have seen fake products of popular brands, these brands have never even told anyone how it was made, but people would still try to copy it.
  62. eldavis

    What are the challenges with managing a logistics business?

    I think one major challenge might be time. It can be pretty difficult most times to meet up with the timing.
  63. eldavis

    What is the most disrespectful thing someone has done while you were shopping?

    One for me was when someone just came and started shouting that he should be attended to, acting like I was air that didn't exist, and I clearly came before him.
  64. eldavis

    What a shower that was!!

    The weather is a bit hot but it's looking like it might rain. Am hoping it rains but at the same time I pray they still give us light.
  65. eldavis

    What can you do to help a partner that is neck deep into gambling?

    I don't think anything can be done in a situation like this. They have to want to come out of it before you can help. You trying to stop them on your own might not work.
  66. eldavis

    Do you believe in excuses?

    Giving excuses for failing means you did not learn anything from it. And it is only the brave who have the courage to own up to their mistakes.
  67. eldavis


    I can't really remember the first time I fasted cause I have been fasting since I was a kid. I am pretty sure it felt like I was dying or something like that.
  68. eldavis

    Do you eat meat every day?

    Exactly, this is one of the reasons I don't eat it every day as well. Due to health reasons and also the cost of buying it.
  69. eldavis

    What is your favorite meat animal?

    Really? From what I heard, I think goat meat is even better than cow meat health wise. As for how turkey taste, yes it is very similar to chicken, most times you might not even know the difference. Though turkey is a lot softer than chicken.
  70. eldavis

    How do you easily make friends

    I am part of does people it is usually difficult for. When it comes to making friends, I completely suck at this and would like to learn.
  71. eldavis

    What do you do on the rainy days?

    I understand you though, there are times I do not feel like doing anything at all, so I just watch movies and eat.
  72. eldavis


    I worked on the site for two months if am not mistaken, anyways it didn't really end wel for me. 1716670331 I worked on the site for two months if am not mistaken, anyways it didn't really end wel for me.
  73. eldavis

    Have You Ever Chased A Customer Away From Your Shop?

    Not from my shop, but where I was working back then, there was a customer we had to drive away because he was always coming in wanting to do jobs but not willing to pay.
  74. eldavis

    Do you miss online chat rooms?

    There was a time where I would have missed this, but right now I do not, this is because I hardly chat.
  75. eldavis

    Have you ever installed or purchased an Anti-virus for your mobile?

    I have installed a few antivirus apps for my mobile phone before, but I have never purchased anyone.
  76. eldavis

    Have you ever experienced "the see finished syndrome' in your relationship

    Not in my relationship but there are certain people who have treated me this way. This is one reason I don't like getting too close to certain people.
  77. eldavis

    Have you ever experienced tutoring service?

    I had some extra lessons while I was in school back then. I was struggling with some subjects.
  78. eldavis

    Switching your life with another

    Things have not been easy for me honestly, but when I think about it, I don't think I would want to switch with someone else.
  79. eldavis

    Do You Always Pay Your Credit Card Bills on Time?

    Over here we don't use credit cards, infact most people are not even aware there is something out there called credit cards. We make use of debit cards. If it's due to lots of expenses which is why you where unable to pay on time, maybe you can try cutting it down a bit if its possible.
  80. eldavis

    Never stop hoping to find happiness because even the darkest night is always followed by a dawn

    Things might be rough right now, but it does not mean it would be like that forever.
  81. eldavis

    A Birthday Gift

    Oh wow that's pretty awesome, it's a wonderful birthday gift and a special one at that.
  82. eldavis

    Do you like boiled peanuts?

    Over here we cal them boiled groundnuts, I do like them but I actually prefer the fried ones.
  83. eldavis

    Billu is pregnant

    When i saw the thread I thought maybe it was about one celebrity or someone, anyways that by the side I do not have cats.
  84. eldavis

    Do you take a bath everyday?

    Yes I normally take my bath every day and as well twice a day .
  85. eldavis

    Indeed, life is never the same after the covid

    Till date there are still so many people trying to rebuild what they have lost due to the covid.
  86. eldavis

    Do you prefer saving money on the purchasing more of the items on offer or discounts?

    I don't go about looking for discounts though, but if I do come across one and I have the capital to make a purchase, then I don't mind using it.
  87. eldavis

    A lion is silent but is the king of the jungle

    True, his silence doesn't mean it isn't planning it's next move, that's what's make the lion the king.
  88. eldavis

    Do you prefer Savings account over Money Markets or CDs?

    I think it is a lot easier for me to simply keep the money in a savings account.
  89. eldavis

    What can I do to keep me busy and away from depression?

    Look for an interesting way to entertain yourself. You could read a book or just watch movies.
  90. eldavis

    What do you prefer between sending the Mail the video calling?

    I prefer texting or sending emails to video calling or even phone calls in general.
  91. eldavis

    Is 18% investment profit reasonable to you?

    It is reasonable depending on the amount you have, then again it's also better than notting.
  92. eldavis

    Are you choosy about the platforms you work on?

    I won't actually call it me being choosy though but I tend to work on platforms I know I can handle.
  93. eldavis

    Between public bank and private bank, which one do you prefer?

    For me I don't really mind using anyone, it mainly depends on the bank that is able to meet up with my financial needs.
  94. eldavis

    If you want something, pay the price

    This is one major problem we re facing today. A lot of people want to be rich, or want to have everything or even make money online but they are not willing to put in the works.
  95. eldavis

    Do you compound your profits

    It is pretty much the same thing for me, the choice I make totally depends on my financial situation at the moment.
  96. eldavis

    Between Amazon and Google AdSense which one do you prefer monetizing with your website

    I have never tried anyone, so I can't really say which one is better than the other.
  97. eldavis

    Which gives more financial stability between monthly and yearly rentals?

    It depends on each individual and which one best suits you. If you are okay with the monthly pay then go for that. There are people who prefer yearly payments cause it gives them enough time to prepare.
  98. eldavis

    The worst kitchen activity

    For me I think the worse kitchen activity is washing the pots used in cooking, especially if am not the one who cooked it.
  99. eldavis


    Besides it giving you good dreams, it also helps you relax and gives you a better sleep.
  100. eldavis

    Does a music video generate more money for an artiste?

    It depends, while music videos is ment to generate income for the musician, there is also no guarantee that it would be successful.
  101. eldavis

    Why Meme Coins are so Popular?

    Is there still hope for doge coin to go up? Most people are giving up on it.
  102. eldavis

    Do you use micro wallets?

    There where some faucet sites I was working on that requires me using micro wallets but at the moment am not using.
  103. eldavis

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    It can be very stressful and frustrating. Especially in a situation where you have already made plans for the money coming.
  104. eldavis

    What do you see when you open the door first thing in the morning?

    I believe the first thing I see every morning when I go outside is my water tank.
  105. eldavis

    What is your favorite gig site?

    I am not active on any gig site at the moment. I used to enjoy time bucks but I stopped working there a long time ago.
  106. eldavis

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    It would be nice to find other sites I can earn on as well though.
  107. eldavis


    I know someone who is into this, while it is a lucrative business, it still has it's challenges.
  108. eldavis

    Do you use Washing soap or detergent for clothes?

    I can use any of them, but I prefer using a detergent for washing my cloths.
  109. eldavis

    4 Educators Using EdTech to Enhance the Learning Experience

    The world as we know it is advancing from one stage to another, so I think the educational sector as needs changes as well.
  110. eldavis

    Do you prefer bathing with the rainy water?

    If I have access to water I don't see a reason why I should bath rain water, unless I receive an instruction to do so.
  111. eldavis

    Which is your favorite sports team and why?

    I don't have a favorite sports team, though I have notting against sports but I don't watch it often.
  112. eldavis

    How many glass of water do you drink daily?

    If I am being honest I don't normally take records of this, though there are times I do not drink more than enough water.
  113. eldavis

    What is the most popular brand of Washing machine in your country?

    There are lots of brands here, but I think the Samsung, and LG is one of the most popular ones.
  114. eldavis

    What is the most popular brand of Refrigerator in your country?

    We have so many popular brands, and I think Haier Thermocool should be one of the most popular ones.
  115. eldavis

    Have you made money by selling merch

    Nope I have never tired this before, I don't even have any to sell right now if I wanted to.
  116. eldavis

    Do you make money through Reels

    I don't make money through reels, though I know people who do this and they claim to be making money from it.
  117. eldavis

    Have you sold affiliate products through social site

    I tried affiliate marketing before in the past but it didn't really work out well for me.
  118. eldavis

    Where do you make most of your online income?

    At the moment, most of my online income is gotten from working on paid to post sites and the likes.
  119. eldavis

    Do you engage in social commerce

    I have never really made any sales through socal media, but I would definitely like to do this.
  120. eldavis

    School transport

    It's pretty much the same over here, most schools so not have their own business but there are people who do school runs.
  121. eldavis

    Selling Candles, Wheat Flour, Grocery items Oil, Diyas Outside Religious places?

    This is actually a good business. I see a lot of stores like this close to churches and they are making money from it.
  122. eldavis

    Do you find any pleasure while running your business activities?

    While I enjoy running my business, that doesn't change the fact that it can be stressful as well, then again nobody is happy when they spend.
  123. eldavis

    What is the right way for the profit utilisation on the business?

    I don't think there is anything like the right way to spend profit gotten from your business. It all depends on how you choose to use it that would benefit you and your business.
  124. eldavis

    Have you ever experienced any case of bankruptcy on your businesses?

    So far I have not, I think what is helping me is the fact that I also have other sources of income helping me as well.
  125. eldavis

    How can you improve the sales of the bread on the bakery business?

    When it comes to improving or increasing sales, the first thing you need to look into is the marketing aspect of the business.
  126. eldavis

    What do prefer between the buying and selling and the production of your products and selling?

    It depends though, there are does who are into buying and selling and they are doing really well for themselves.
  127. eldavis

    I don't believe in luck, I believe in me

    While there are times one might be lucky, it's best not to rely on it. Just simply do your best always and strive to achieve the best. If in the end luck comes in then that's cool.
  128. eldavis

    Fiverr vs. Amazon: Where Can You Make More Money?

    I think it depends on the amount of effort you put into it. There are some freelancers who are making huge money, then there are does selling on Amazon making good amount of money as well.
  129. eldavis

    Short Videos Vs. Long Videos: What Makes You More Money on Youtube

    I think it should be short videos, these days people rarely have time or watch long videos.
  130. eldavis

    Should after sale service be for all customers?

    If you are doing it for one, you should be able to do it for the rest. Most people tend to offer this kind of service to only their high paying customers though.
  131. eldavis

    Have you noticed some false advertising lately?

    This is pretty common and it has been happening for a long time now. What you see in the ads is completely different from the reality.
  132. eldavis

    Need for reception area for a business

    True, but it also depends on the kind of business you are operating. Even with offline business, if you know you won't be able to handle hiring a receptionist and you can handle the job yourself, then there is no need for that.
  133. eldavis

    Ask referrals from customers to grow your business

    One thing about satisfied customers is that they don't even have to be asked before making any referral.
  134. eldavis

    How do you enjoy bananas?

    I enjoy eating bananas, especially when I eat it with things like rice or groundnuts.
  135. eldavis

    Deals that cam be used to maintain customers

    While offering deals is a great way to attract customers, it also have some negative effects in the long run. So I would not advise anyone to focus mainly on this.
  136. eldavis

    How to recontact old customers

    I have most of my customers on Whatsapp, so sometimes I just send them a message on Whatsapp just to check up on them and all.
  137. eldavis

    How did you spend the first profit that your business made?

    I can't really remember what I did with it exactly, I probably used it to sort out some expenses.
  138. eldavis

    How do you declutter your home

    Cleaning and throwing away of items that are not needed is a good way to go about it.
  139. eldavis

    Venting out to free your mind

    Yes most times I tend to vent out my anger, cause I noticed keeping it in does not do any good to me.
  140. eldavis

    Best way to handle a nagging spouse

    I think the first thing I would do would be to communicate with her. And there must probably be something you are doing or not doing that is making her nag.
  141. eldavis

    Workable networking ways for a growing business

    Networking and advertising plays a very important role when it comes to managing the business towards growth and it cannot be over looked.
  142. eldavis

    Giving your property to orphans even when you have children

    Even if my children are not doing well, I would still leave something for them no matter what.
  143. eldavis

    Do you like Kidney beans?

    If it has the same taste like the regular beans then I have no issue with it. I enjoy eating beans.
  144. eldavis

    Do you like to add any salt or chaat masala on your fruits?

    I don't add anything when taking my fruits, I simply take them as they are.
  145. eldavis

    Umbrella or raincoat?

    I have never felt comfortable with both, cause immediately the rain stops the umbrella or raincoat tends to feel like load for me.
  146. eldavis

    Is winter better than summer?

    It's mostly personal taste. There are does who would prefer the winter, while there are others who would prefer summer.
  147. eldavis

    What do you enjoy most about the winter months?

    We don't have winter over here, so I can't really say much about this. Though am sure I might like the cold.
  148. eldavis

    Enjoy the little things

    The funny thing about life, it's the little things that even matters the most most times.
  149. eldavis

    Do you enjoy swimming on the ocean?

    I don't know how to swim though but even if I could, I don't think I would want to swim in the ocean.
  150. eldavis

    Do you really enjoy for staying single?

    I don't think anyone would want to stay single. Most people are usually single due to one thing or the other.
  151. eldavis

    Correcting customer's wrong deeds

    I think the best thing to do would be to read the situation. If you see that the best thing to do would be to call them out on it then do so, but the most important thing is that it should be done with respect.
  152. eldavis

    Losing a customer that owes you money.

    This is why the best thing to do is to avoid giving out credits. Anything can happen at anytime .
  153. eldavis

    Losing weight reducing calories intake

    This is actually the main solution, no matter the kind of workout you do, you need to reduce your intake of calories.
  154. eldavis

    Losing control of the finances in business is a disaster

    If possible it would be best to hire someone who can help you manage your finances if you are not that good in that aspect.
  155. eldavis

    Free TapSwap Coin

    I have heard about this, and it seems to be trending at the moment. Is this really legit?
  156. eldavis

    Do you hate lies?

    Yes I hate lies, I don't like the fact that someone I consider as a close friend starts lying to me.
  157. eldavis

    Do you have a fixed routine in daily life?

    I think the only fixed routine I have on a daily basis is my morning prayer and the evening prayer.
  158. eldavis

    Why should you improve your posture?

    It is extremely important we take good care of our posture, most times we might not see the effects now but in the future we would definitely see the negative results.
  159. eldavis

    Problems In business that should be swiftly handled by business owner's

    Customer complaints is extremely important and is something that should be handled as soon as possible.
  160. eldavis

    Do you think we can find a suitable match online?

    I believe it's possible, there are people who claimed they met their partners online and they have been married for years now.
  161. eldavis

    Is it wrong to treat people in the same bad way they treated you?

    While this might seem fair, I believe it is wrong. We are suppose to be better than them. The moment we begin to treat them the same way they treated us, it means we are bringing ourselves down to their level.
  162. eldavis

    What is your favorite food for a chilly winter day?

    I think during winter the best kind of food to eat would be the hot and spicy type.
  163. eldavis

    What are your favorite things to do during the wintertime?

    I think during winter it would be best to go for more indoor activities like watching a movie and the likes.
  164. eldavis

    What do you hate about winter?

    Unfortunately we do not have winter here so I have no experience about this. I would love to experience this though.
  165. eldavis

    Do you eat fish in winter and summer?

    Fish is pretty common over here, so we do not have a specific time or season we eat it.
  166. eldavis

    Changes in making money online

    Exactly, the same way we are complaining about things not be g easy, they are also affected, so in anyway we can support, it's best we support.
  167. eldavis

    How does the management skills affect the overall performance of the business?

    The management part of the business is to ensure that everything about the business goes well. If the management is not playing a proper role, it could affect the business a whole lot.
  168. eldavis

    Should you invest money in silver in 2024?

    From what I know, silver is and has always been a good investment to go into. The most important thing is having the knowledge needed to do it.
  169. eldavis

    Alternatives for the forum posting

    Which get paid to site would you recommend, from what I know, most of them can be really stressful most times.
  170. eldavis

    Making Money as a Freelancer: What are your issues?

    One major issue is gaining your first clients. It is usually hard to gain clients especially on top freelancing sites.
  171. eldavis

    Joining a site with no information about the admin

    I have joined sites in the past where I have never seen or heard anything about the admin but they turn out to be legit. To be honest I don't really try to know who the admin is unless the situation calls for it. The most important thing is that the sites pay.
  172. eldavis

    Making money as a writer: what are your issues?

    Making money as a writer seems easy, but it actually requires some hard work and lots of effort on your part in terms of always upgrading your writing skills.
  173. eldavis

    Meeting with my bank manager

    I have multiple accounts I am currently using but I have not had a reason on an issue to see my bank manager before.
  174. eldavis

    How else do you all make money online?

    At the moment the only way I am making money online is by simply working on forums. I plan on starting an online business or at least to move part of my offline business online.
  175. eldavis

    Share tips on how to save money and achieve financial freedom

    If you want to gain financial freedom, you need to invest and as well come up with a savings plan that best suits you. For me I have different bank accounts I have kept aside for various savings.
  176. eldavis

    What's your favorite project management tool?

    I downloaded this app some time back but didn't use it. Is the app that good?
  177. eldavis

    Changes in making money online

    You can't really blame these site though, things are changing, the economy itself is changing. It's no longer easy for them to generate revenue and the likes.
  178. eldavis

    Legit 👍 Make Money Writing For Wattpad

    Wattpad has been around for a long time now and there are lots of writers who have been able to make money from the platform.
  179. eldavis

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    Though I enjoy working online but there are times where it can be pretty stressful.
  180. eldavis

    Are you really being afraid of failing?

    Yes I used to fear failing, to be honest even now I am still scared of failing, but I have come to understand that failure is part of the learning process and our fear is just a way we use in holding ourselves back.
  181. eldavis

    What are the best pictures you saw today on social media?

    None so far, I have not really had enough time to check through social media today.
  182. eldavis

    Can you open a business for your friend?

    Before I would think about opening a business for a friend, it means that person is someone extremely close to me, or someone I can really trust.
  183. eldavis

    Making Money Teaching Online Through Zoom Class

    I have a friend who is into something like this, though he does not make use of zoom, rather he uses telegram.
  184. eldavis

    How Many Genders Are There

    What I know is the three you have mentioned, another thing besides that is not normal nor is it natural.
  185. eldavis

    Do you still email?

    There are some I don't even remember when and how I joined does sites but I still get hundreds of notifications from them.
  186. eldavis

    Can you really see who viewed your profile on Facebook?

    I don't think there is a way one can see who views their profile, if this was possible, oh well, then it means I just placed myself in a very embarrassing situation.
  187. eldavis

    Do you still email?

    Yes that's true, these days people rarely make use of their emails. Most people don't even check it unless they are expecting a mail from a site or an app they just registered on.
  188. eldavis

    What features do you wish Facebook had?

    I don't really use Facebook that often, so I can't even think of a feature I would want them to include.
  189. eldavis

    What do you do if your cat scratchs you?

    I don't have cats, I don't think I would be able to deal with all these honestly.
  190. eldavis

    Your happiness always begins with you

    Oh wow, I don't think I have the will power to let the cake remain, I might end up eating it all in one day 😂 Though there have been times I have been able to keep cake for long.
  191. eldavis

    What's the most effective social media platform for your business?

    At the moment I would say it's the business Whatsapp. I can create a catalog for my business and also advertise my business to reach out to more persons.
  192. eldavis

    How do you handle email marketing?

    Is email marketing still as effective as it used to be back then? I noticed people don't normally make use of emails these days.
  193. eldavis

    Do you have a separate bank account for online earnings?

    I thought about having one but I just decided on having separate bank accounts for my savings instead.
  194. eldavis

    Do you still email?

    To be honest I don't really use my email, I only use it to send my CV and that's pretty much it.
  195. eldavis

    How long did it take to make money form your website

    I don't have a website but am guessing it might take me more than a year or less, anyways who knows right?
  196. eldavis

    Your happiness always begins with you

    Eating cake makes me happy, I have been craving cakes for days now I have not been able to buy one yet. Now today am craving cakes and meat pie or any snacks 😂
  197. eldavis

    Just arrived home from my deep sea swimming

    It's still pretty cool though, it's also a great form of exercise and it's good for the health. Glad you are having fun.
  198. eldavis

    How long did it take you to start the business after you realized the business idea?

    Am not really sure how long it took me, but I am pretty sure it took me a lot more than a year or there about to startup.
  199. eldavis

    Sharing you ways to save money

    Very true, just like I am craving cakes and meat pie so bad right now. Buying that would cut into the important things I am trying to save for and not to mention I am on a very tight budget, but then again the problem never ends, once in awhile one just has to enjoy life.
  200. eldavis

    What happens to the body of prison inmates that die while still serving a term?

    Am not sure though, but I think in such a case the family would be notified, so they can come and do the needful.