Recent content by Etini Willie

  1. E

    The end of every useful and valuable information is applying it.

    I have intentionally refused to learn anything or get training for something that I am not sure I would practice immediately.
  2. E

    Do you like being with someone who talks a lot?

    I love being with someone that is vocal but I don't rate someone that talks excessively without control.
  3. E

    How do you cope with the inflation on your personal finances?

    What I do with my personal finances now is to try and boost it so that it would surpass the rate of inflation.
  4. E

    Why do some people engage in dirty jobs?

    Some people are just doing dirty jobs because they are thrilled with anything that is negative.
  5. E

    Do you engage in street fights?

    The last time that I eve ever fought was when I was in primary school at about 8 years old.
  6. E

    Can I make money from gaming from home?

    People are streaming games on Twitch to make big money. Even on YouTube, you can stream your gaming and make money.
  7. E

    Is it possible to make money on Twitter?

    With twitter subscription, you are liable to make money from the engagement on your posts. And a lot of people are already making money from it.
  8. E

    Making Money as a Copywriter?

    Copywriting is a very good skill to have. Most of these tech companies are in constant need of copy writers.
  9. E

    How can I make my first dollar online?

    I think a lot of people have overcome the first online dollar from airdrops. The question now is how to maximise our online earnings.
  10. E

    When was the last time you updated your phone?

    I always check for software updates to my phone every month to do the update promptly. The last available update was 2 months ago which I did.
  11. E

    What was the last thing that made you laugh?

    It was a fight this morning between my neighbors and a call girl he patronized last night. The girl dragged him for complete payment. That made me to laugh out loud.
  12. E

    Do you like to have a muscular body?

    I don't need a muscular body but I desire to have a well toned body.
  13. E

    How much did you lose from trading?

    I have lost severally in my trading journey but the most that I have lost is $108.
  14. E

    Brave Wallet Reviews

    Is BAT the native token of the Brave browser? How does one get use Brave Browser to earn VAT?
  15. E

    Litecoin for transaction.

    Litecoin is really getting more popular. I hope that the price also goes close to $90 and stabilise there.
  16. E

    Are you aware of your Credit score?

    It is only online lending platforms that use credit score and I don't know my own credit score because I have not had to borrow from them online lenders.
  17. E


    We don't have special days set aside for Thanksgiving in my country. Different churches just set their own thanksgiving days.
  18. E

    Have you given up on love?

    I have not given up on love. I am not just ready for it at the moment. Let me build financial systems before I chase love.
  19. E

    Do you like the plastic made kind of utensils?

    If it is the plastic utensils that have modern designs, I would really subscribe to using them.
  20. E

    Business Resilience

    Some businesses build resilience on their own while others might have to rely on the resilience of the owners and decision makers to build that resilience.
  21. E

    Home made bread to sell.

    We don't have home bakeries in my country. And I don't get to understand how home made bread would work as a business.
  22. E

    Businesses that have survived over 20 years- What's the secret?

    Understanding the vision of the business to be long term and taking all the pains with that goal in mind is the key to businesses that survive for that long.
  23. E

    Is Youtube actually a passive income?

    Uploading regular videos on YouTube is not a passive task. It is very active. I wouldn't classify a monetized YouTube channel as passive in any way.
  24. E

    Do you follow your budget?

    I would always stick to my budget regardless of what the situation is. A little deviation bigger or smaller is not out of place.
  25. E

    How do you cope with the inflation on your personal finances?

    I just try to take my personal finances to a higher level to cope with the inflation. I increase the prices of the products of my business.
  26. E

    Which one is better: money or happiness?

    I still believe that a great deal of happiness is tied to financial security. It might not be wholly but financial security gives you a good chance of achieving happiness.
  27. E

    Does everyone have the right to make noise?

    No one has the right to be a source of disturbance to another person with noise. It is a jungle practice.
  28. E

    is it right to copy someone's business idea?

    I don't see anything wrong with copying anyone's business idea as far as it is not patented.
  29. E

    Do you consistently make some profits on your business?

    For every business deal I enter into, I must negotiate with the client to ensure that it is profitable for me.
  30. E

    What are your skills to earn online?

    I can write and I can also do audio engineering. Those are the two skills that I have to use and earn online.
  31. E

    Are you Part of Y-Sense?

    Y Sense is a survey site that doesn't take members from Africa and that is quite unfortunate.
  32. E

    How to earn big on mylot?

    There is no way to earn big on mylot. That site doesn't work again when it comes to earnings.
  33. E

    Have you fallen for a scam site before?

    There was one site from India called I forumtalk. I was scammed off the site as the admin refused to pay. 1729021660 There was one site from India called I forumtalk. I was scammed off the site as the admin refused to pay.
  34. E

    What drive you to make money online?

    The major drive to make money online is that you can earn at your own very pace without pressure.
  35. E

    Can We Get Rich Earning Online?

    When one gets to earn at the level of a top influencer, they surely can get rich online.
  36. E

    Is writing a good career ?

    Anyone that takes writing as a main profession and trains to get proficiency with it would surely earn a decent living from it.
  37. E

    Can a 10 years old child make money online?

    A 10 year old boy should be taught to mine airdrops on Telegram to earn as the only way to earn online.
  38. E

    Which PTP forums will you consider as the easiest to work ?

    That makes the site unfit for this kind of discussion. I still think that index forum is a reasonable platform to work in.
  39. E

    Are you working on

    Medium doesn't work for people that are not from some top countries. I really wish to join that kind of lucrative site.
  40. E

    The Golden Rule

    I think if everyone dares to follow the Golden Rule, we would not have to see all the wickedness we are seeing in the world today.
  41. E

    From Whom You learned cooking?

    I learned how to cook from my grand mom. And my sister brushed it up when she came to live with me.
  42. E

    How to show self love

    You show yourself love by taking care of yourself basically. You eat good food and dress well at all times.
  43. E

    Do you like to shop online or offline?

    I shop for my electronic equipment online. While I shop for everyday stuff like food and utilities offline.
  44. E

    Can Music earn us money?

    To earn money from music, it is either you are a musician or a promoter with good following.
  45. E

    Do you think one gains by buying Bizdustry VIP membership?

    All the evolution of Bizdustry and today, it has found a new path to evolve into.
  46. E

    Earning by Testing Games

    I have never tested games to earn money. I don't simply fancying it. But it is not for me.
  47. E

    Does Medium pay its users?

    Medium doesn't pay everyone. There are special Contributors they pay for writing and submitting top notch articles.
  48. E

    Would you update your skills to earn online?

    I am already taking some courses to make myself more valuable in the online gig world to earn more.
  49. E

    Do you greet everyone you see on the way when you are walking!?

    It is a polite thing to greet people on the way. I try to do that but I miss sometimes.
  50. E

    Does luck play an important role in the success?

    There is an element of luck in all kinds of success. But it is not something to bank on.
  51. E

    The impact of working shift jobs to our health

    I am already used to working on shifts. I am not mandated to. But I have to manage my time to accommodate everything and sometimes, I shift to working at nights.
  52. E

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    There are lots of things that I would inherit from my parents. But for now, they are very much alive and kicking.
  53. E

    Buying brand new things

    The assurance that it would last longer than the fairly used ones is what would motivate to buy brand new.
  54. E

    Christmas party at a business center

    If the staff of an organization gather to celebrate Christmas together through a party before they embark on christmas break, it is not bad. It creates more bond amongst the workers.
  55. E

    Attract your customers through the power of first impressions

    As much as possible, try to leave a positive first impression on your customers. The future patronage of your business by them might just depend on that.
  56. E

    Is it advisable to tune in loud music in the business center?

    It depends on the setup of the business organization. A restaurant business can afford to play loud music but that is not applicable for a school.
  57. E

    How close should you be to your customers?

    It depends on the personality of the customers. You have to be discerning so that you won't sell yourself out being close to a customer.
  58. E

    Are expert leaders or entrepreneurs born or made?

    Entrepreneurs are made by the kind of exposures they get. Kids that grew up to see their parents in business would most likely do business too.
  59. E

    Best ways to unwind without spending money

    Download a movie online and watch. Or play some board games with your friends and neighbors. You unwind with these activities without having to spend much.
  60. E

    Scam calls

    All those scam numbers have a format and my phone automatically detects and blocks them.
  61. E

    How do you know smart people

    I know smart people when opportunities present itself for them to make decisions. They always make logical and sound discussions.
  62. E

    Politics and Religion

    My country is a secular state by the constitution but we still have to face rife inter religious wars.
  63. E

    Girls, Do you like Men with beard or without beard?

    My partner actually would love me to be on beard but I can't cope with it. I just leave a little facial hair.
  64. E

    Hotels need you

    Many hotels here want to make all the money by themselves and wouldn't want to outsource anything to anyone.
  65. E

    Are Qualifications More Important Now?

    Qualifications are increasingly becoming insignificant. People are only ready to pay for ability and aptitude rather than qualifications.
  66. E

    Is online communication making workers lives more convenient or stressful?

    It depends on the angle that you view it. I think it is likely to be more stressful from the point of not letting work related communication end I the office.
  67. E

    How to handle an abusive company in terms of employee's rights?

    Make sure that your have your rights defined from the initial stage and take legal action against them when your right is breached.
  68. E

    How difficult is it to manage large busines?

    A large business has lots of departments to start with. Being able to synchronize all those departments is not an easy thing.
  69. E

    What’s your happiest memory?

    The happiest moment in my life would have to be the day a track I produced get to number 4 on my state weekly music chart.
  70. E

    How do you relate with your siblings?

    I have a very fond relationship with my siblings. It could be difficult keep up but we relate really well.
  71. E

    Can you focus the work with music? Or without music?

    My work primarily deals with mixing and mastering music. I need music to even have something to do.
  72. E

    What is the cost of running a reselling business?

    Reselling can be started with small quantities and expanded overtime. What you are reselling plays a major role in how much you would need to start.
  73. E

    Maintain a good composure as an employee in a big business

    I think these kinds of things are achieved with continuous training. It is not easy to maintain that composure.
  74. E

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    When your customers have personal issues, you should assist within the levels that you are able to do so.
  75. E

    How can self-employed individual plan financially?

    A self employed person can plan his finances based on the minimum expected income that is expected every month. That amount should not be exaggerated.
  76. E

    Do you prefer a sole proprietorship business?

    I currently am running a partnership kind of business with my senior in college. Three years, and we have been successful and grown.
  77. E

    Can you invest in crypto with all your money?

    The crypto market that can change in 2 seconds to the lowest level. That is obviously not where you should put all your money.
  78. E

    How long have you been trading on crypto?

    I have been trading on crypto for the past four years. I have used several platforms to trade crypto.
  79. E

    How to show anger without burning bridges

    You can snub the person for as long as long as you want to. Avoid confrontations because it is the root of burning bridges when unpleasant things are said to each other.
  80. E

    How to survive in this present conditions

    The economy has become even harsher from when this thread was created. We just have to live life on the basics.
  81. E

    What are the problem of workaholism

    The part about poor social skills is quite true. You would not build relationships with your family to start with, because of work.
  82. E


    The only place that I can be in my natural zone and I won't be judged is when I am with family members.
  83. E

    What do you think of divorce?

    Divorce really has a negative effect on the wellbeing of the kids. I don't wish to divorce when I get married.
  84. E

    Ladies do you prefer skinny jeans or something that makes you comfortable?

    In as much as they should be comfortable, they shouldn't wear jeans that everyone would believe is a hands me down from their mom.
  85. E

    Ladies, how often do you buy new clothes?

    It is every month at the very longest stretch for a lady to buy a new cloth regardless of whether they are married or not.
  86. E

    Is it bad for a woman to be a bad cook?

    As far as the woman also wants to improve and become a good cook, there is nothing wrong with not knowing how to cook. It doesn't make you less valuable.
  87. E

    Is CCTV installation a good business?

    Even as a trainee or apprentice that knows what he or she is doing in CCTV installation, they would make good money.
  88. E

    Your biggest lessons so far as an entrepreneur

    My biggest lesson as an entrepreneur is that it is important to build collaborations with other entrepreneurs and industry players b
  89. E

    Re-marrying after a divorce

    No one should ever advise anyone not to remarry after a divorce. It is very difficult and can be frustrating to stay alone.
  90. E

    Life partner in business

    The pros is that they would have shared goals in terms of financial life and career which is the business.
  91. E

    What are the benefits of being self employed?

    One benefit of being self employed is that one would get to control the pace of his financial life deliberately.
  92. E

    Benefits of having inventory options

    Keeping various brands of a particular product is good for the business but it is quite expensive to manage.
  93. E

    do you work smart when it comes to earning onile?

    I make sure that I don't expend time and energy on platforms that don't offer me real financial value working there.
  94. E

    What do you do to avoid being scammed online

    I always ensure to go for sites that have been extensively reviewed and are known to be paying.
  95. E

    Have you reached the $1000 mark?

    I am yet to earn even $100 at a given time or in a single month online. I understand it is a side gig and won't pay much.
  96. E

    Pains of working online full time

    When I see people that think working online is easy, I just laugh within me. It is really not an easy thing to sit down and create something from your head to earn.
  97. E

    What should you watch out for before joining a PT site.

    Those steps are very necessary and should generally give you enough cues to make the decision whether to join or not.
  98. E

    Who still watches zee world

    Zee world has been very popular in Africa but I have never watched it myself. It is the ladies that are around me that watch that TV channel b
  99. E

    Study centres

    There exist in my country. Young people are organizing extra tutorials for a fee to prepare students for external exams and the organizers make money from it.
  100. E

    Is it good to give a cash incentive to perfect attendance employees?

    Nothing is wrong with a cash incentive given to staff for punctuality. Same way they are deducted when they come late.
  101. E

    How effective is online business?

    Online business is very effective as long as one is able to build a online presence.
  102. E

    Can an individual own and run a brewery?

    In my country though, all the breweries that are running are limited liability companies and not owned by a single person.
  103. E

    Should staff members be allowed to socialize outside the office?

    That's already somethings that the organization doesn't have any control over. When once it leaves the office, it is private life.
  104. E

    Best ways to deal failure in business

    Reaching out to others that have succeeded in the business for assistance when you fail in business can help overcome the fail.
  105. E

    What Are Your Views on Abortion

    I think there should be room for conditional abortion like in the case of rape or premarital sex
  106. E

    Bad effects of worrying

    Worry puts one in a position where one is more prone to certain diseases which can be life threatening and may cause death
  107. E

    Do you like dishes without onions?

    I love the smell of onions when I perceive in meals it I am naturally allergic to onions so I don't eat it
  108. E

    Why do people change to bad attitude sometimes?

    People most times have mood swings which often lead to the manifestation of diverse behaviours, some actions might be unlike their normal behaviours
  109. E

    Do you have meatless meals?

    I feel more satisfied when I chew a piece of meat at the end of my meal that is why I always have meat in my food
  110. E

    How Easy is it to Create and Sell Digital Products

    Creating and selling digital products is strictly based on the field one has proficiency in and loves.
  111. E

    New digital currency from Elon Musk "Tesla Coin

    This particular token was already dead on arrival. I have not heard anything about it since then.
  112. E

    Are Pi Network and Star Network legit?

    Pi network is adjudged to be a scam by me. That's because it has been trying to launch unsuccessfully for years now.
  113. E

    Binance Coin (BNB)

    Binance Coin has good utility and it has come to stay in the crypto market.
  114. E

    Cryptocurrency Adoption by Mainstream Companies

    Some companies that are global giants like Tesla have adopted crypto as one of the payment methods they have.
  115. E

    Crypto Mining- Is It Worth It?

    I think if one gets lucky to mine a good airdrop, it would be worth it after listing.
  116. E

    Do you trade cryptocurrency?

    I do trade crypto that I earn online to fiat and it is not something that I do regularly. Only when I have payments in crypto.
  117. E

    Do you use crypto to make payments

    One beautiful thing about crypto is that if you use a custodial wallet to make the payment, you would not be traced by any government at all.
  118. E

    What motivates you to make the personal savings?

    My biggest motivation for savings is because I want to use the accumulated funds to expand by business.
  119. E

    Do you leverage on the discounts and offers given on the shopping malls?

    If the offers in the malls interest me, I just go ahead to see how I can take advantage if them.
  120. E

    Which is better to invest into Bitcoins or Altcoins?

    Investing in bitcoin is far better than any other altcoin that you might think off in terms of profitability.
  121. E

    Do you do water fast for good health

    I am so used to food for that my head would start aching if I try to do a way water fast.
  122. E

    Finally,rain came

    There is also a time when we would pray for a drop of rain. That is to show the imbalance in the world.
  123. E

    Do you like Telegram and what is the thing you like about it?

    What I love about Telegram is that one can send really huge files with it and it can be used for crypto mining.
  124. E

    What's that culture in your country you want abolished

    I would love to end the culture of patriarchy that has gone to extreme levels in my country.
  125. E

    How can you rate the cops performance in your country

    Cops are tools in the hands of the government of the day. They fire at non violent protesters a lot in my country.
  126. E

    Lessons learnt from your past relationship

    I cheated and I lost someone valuable. Lesson was to try and stay faithful in a relationship.
  127. E

    Is cryptocurrency the most profitable field at the moment?

    I won't even fault anyone that believes that crypto is the most profitable investment now. I can't really think of stocks to be even more profitable.
  128. E

    $PEPE & $RUG are the reigning meme coins.

    I had really given up on the meme coins. I think floki is one meme coin that has also become popular.
  129. E

    Do you play Crypto Games for Money

    Telegram airdrops are the only crypto games that I am playing now for crypto. I have gained from some.
  130. E

    Sending from Coinbase to other wallet

    Sending crypto from Coinbase to other wallets is pretty straightforward but the real challenge with them is the fees.
  131. E

    Do you like to start your own business?

    I already have my own business that I am running. I just wish to expand it more.
  132. E

    Have you given up on love?

    I gave up on love before I even turned 18. I had the cruel side of love much earlier.
  133. E

    Why are you working?

    I am working so that I can use to earn money to support my life and my relatives b
  134. E

    Have you been slammed with a lawsuit?

    What do I have that someone would drag me to court. I don't even know how a lawsuit looks like.
  135. E

    How long are you a member of this RIF?

    I have been member of index forum for the past two years. I have learned and earned so much here.
  136. E

    Do you have stray monkeys at your place?

    Monkeys don't seem to exist in my place. Seems all of them have already gone and extinct.
  137. E

    How often do you go on evangelism

    I am not a religious person and I have only ever gone for evangelism only once in my life.
  138. E

    Saving money on transportation

    I occasionally trek for half the distance that I want to go to save costs of transportation.
  139. E

    Investing in a soccer team

    I have a close uncle that owns a football team and he makes very good profit in millions. They sell players to make money.
  140. E

    Do you or do you not use a case on your smartphone?

    I don't have a case for my smartphone. I have never had a casing for my smartphone ever.