Recent content by gammarays

  1. G

    How to earn $100 monthly online?

    Ya UK is a tier 1 country so you guys get access to many good paying platforms. It's a pity we can't access those stuffs and there's nothing we can do about it. You guys are privileged bro. Go make your money 🤑🤑
  2. G

    What would be the best way to start out a pay-to-post forum?

    Yes and it may affect their traffic as most of them are direct traffic. SEO traffic doesn't favor them like blogs so they need to find other ways to generate traffic to get them income.
  3. G

    How to earn $100 monthly online?

    Are you serious about this? You must be living in a tier 1 or 2 country. Surveys are not for me because I get disqualified because they're not available for my country. It should have been an additional income source for me.
  4. G

    Making money online as a writer

    Creating a blog is not as difficult as it used to be. We have CMS platforms like WordPress that makes it easier. Hosting them is cheaper too with many discounts for new customers.
  5. G

    What would be the best way to start out a pay-to-post forum?

    Many of forum owners are looking to restore their forums back to it's previous state that's with no incentive. People can come to forums and engage without getting paid but they need to get value from the forum.
  6. G

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    Check the official announcement thread, you'll find it. I've not been active on the forum too. I think we need to discover more ways to earn. It's also high time forum owners look to finding more ways to generate revenue aside from ads.
  7. G

    How can Paid to post forums be Sustainable?

    Hahaha, anyway the quality of posts made can only affect revenue made from ads. I think the forum should be SEO optimized though search engines rank them lower compared to blogs. Maybe forums should have blogs and YouTube channels to supplement income.
  8. G

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    Forums are more like aggregation websites. We do have sections for longer articles especially on the homepage. I think Google indexes blogs or websites more than forums. Yes they have to look to social media platforms to generate more income. That's just sad. It shows forums can not keep up...
  9. G

    How can Paid to post forums be Sustainable?

    Ya it's there any way to generate money with forums aside from adverts. Adverts is the major source of revenue. I believe it should be supplemented with other forms of revenue generation. As for low quality comments,there are standards given by these forums to checkmate that.
  10. G

    How can Paid to post forums be Sustainable?

    If you have been active with paid forums, you'll observe there are issues when it comes to paying members continually. Forum owners needs to generate more revenue than expenses to keep the forum running. Sometimes when they don't get enough, they need to inject funds from elsewhere to sustain...
  11. G

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    It has come to notice that most of these paid to post forums are shutting down. Others are stopping the incentives. It's like revenue generation is getting lower. How will these issues be solved?
  12. G

    Joshua Farrell's Combined Service Exchange Thread #1

    @Joshua Farrell I'm sending $1.9 RIF for biznotes. My username is same for bizdustry. Thanks
  13. G

    Webhosting company not installing softaculous

    If you're creating a WordPress blog, you don't need to wait for softaculous. If you have cpanel, you can use it to install and setup your WordPress website or forum supported on cpanel. I used cpanel and it's not difficult.
  14. G

    Is Cheap Hosting Good for a Blog?

    The quality of your web hosting provider will play a major impact on your hosting. A cheap hosting plan from a good web hosting provider can be sufficient for a small blog without much profit.
  15. G

    Webhosting company not replying after making payment

    I think it's best to contact their support to complain. Some of these lesser known web hosting brands don't have functional support so tag them on social media if necessary. Also check if they've activated your plan. Check your email inbox.
  16. G

    Is it worthwhile to be using blogspot this days?

    I recently tried restoring one of the dead blogspot blog. It has been fun as I noticed that it was simple yet very fast in loading. It's not complicated. However it is limited in several ways so you need to add codes in your theme to add functions.
  17. G

    Can I make money selling domain name?

    Domain reselling business used to be popular some years back. People scrambled to buy keyword domains and short word domains. However things are changing with newly introduced extensions. People prefer to make a slight change if the main word is not available.
  18. G

    Niche Domains

    When looking at domain names impact on SEO, niche domains are good if it corresponds with some keywords. I observed that crypto dot forum or Bitcoin dot forum will get a good SEO ranking due to its search volume but they're expensive.
  19. G

    Reasons to merge a business

    There are several reasons to merge a business. When a business is not profitable again, it can be merged with a higher value business in the same niche instead of closing it down. A bigger brand can also buy a smaller brand to expand their reach.
  20. G

    Promising Property Business

    I see property business as one of the most sustainable businesses. You can earn from it either as a developer or agent. As one of the important needs of man, It will always be in high demand.
  21. G

    Are food business profitable?

    Food is one of the most important needs of every human. This places it in high demand so everyone needs it no matter the financial condition of the person. It is profitable if you locate it in high populated areas.
  22. G

    Should Packaging be Attractive?

    Packaging is one of the ways to reflect a business branding. The first purpose of packaging should be to showcase the brand of the business which helps in marketing. It should be created in a way that it catches people's attention and can be used for other things for example bag packs.
  23. G

    What if the manager asks you to give your opinion on something?

    Employees working in a company or business do have insights about the business so are qualified to give opinions concerning the business. If I'm asked for my opinion, I'll give a blunt reply that'll state the real state of issues. I don't need to please the manager.
  24. G

    Https version of website is blank

    What platform are you using. Check the primary url where you uploaded the file to and where it points. You can use a redirect from where it displays to the https version of your domain to see if it works.
  25. G

    Do you make affiliate sales on your website?

    Making affiliate sales on your website will be more easier if you're niche is related to the affiliate program you're promoting. Let's say you have a website that covers blogging niche, you'll make more profits by promoting web hosting affiliate programs.
  26. G

    What would be the best way to start out a pay-to-post forum?

    Ya starting a forum especially a paid to post forum is very expensive and difficult to maintain. One should only think of starting one if he can generate more revenue than expenses. If this is not done, the forum will close up with time.
  27. G

    Monetize your blog with a-ads

    It's just like Adsterra in terms of low requirement. However their ads rate is frustrating especially when you're not getting enough traffic to your website. They pay with crypto currency so that's an added advantage too.
  28. G

    Apart from ads what other ways can money be made on a blog?

    There are many ways to make money from your blog aside from ads. However it'll depend on the amount of organic traffic and the value your website provides. You can run a subscription based website or even promote sponsored posts.
  29. G

    How lucrative is embarking in solar products selling?

    Solar energy is gaining grounds now and becoming more popular with time. If installed well can save costs of electricity and have a long life span of over 20 years. This is a money consuming venture but it's profitable if you do good installations for people.
  30. G

    Why do you establish your business?.

    Starting a business has procedures to embark on. Establishing a business depends on whether you have the knowledge of it and whether it's profitable. Once you have the required funds and experience, you can go ahead with the idea.
  31. G

    What type of businesses are lucrative during this season?.

    We are in the raining season in my country. There are specific businesses that thrive well during this season. Umbrellas or rain coats sell more in this season. Also roasting hot corn is good as people consume them a lot during this season.
  32. G

    How lucrative is mini importation business?

    Mini importation used to be more profitable some years back when stuffs were cheaper. However with the rising cost of inflation, only shipping fees will wipe your profit not to talk about competitors. Full importation is better if you have the funds or you buy wholesale.
  33. G

    Is it normal to establish a business which is against one faith?.

    It will depend on your personality. If you're a religious conscious person, it's bad to run a business that's against your faith. It'll also result to a heavy backlash against you and your faith. Just think of a known practising Christian figure running a strip club.
  34. G

    Is it true that any graduate can work anywhere?

    Well it's only in malfunctional countries that you'll see graduates working outside their study specifications. Graduates are meant to build on their classroom knowledge with related working experience so they become more productive with their career.
  35. G

    Have you ever sold scrap metals/iron to metal scavengers.

    Yes in my country, we do sell scrap metals or iron to metal scavangers. It's not good to have them around occupying space, it's also dangerous and harmful. It's best to discard it to people who'll need it and get some cash.
  36. G

    Did you ever talk to a co-worker about a specific issue you were having with them?

    I think in every organization, there's rules of engagement so it's best to follow them when engaging with your colleague about an issue. If you don't do this you might cause issues with your collegue.
  37. G

    The danger of quiting your job

    It will be a very risky decision to resign from your job if you don't have a better alternative. A better alternative doesn't just mean more wages but a better working condition. If you don't do this, you'll end up in a worse situation.
  38. G

    What is your course of action if a competitor in business reduces the prices of your same-line products?

    This is the reality faced by many businesses today and it can't be prevented. In business a brand can make a name either because of quality or price. So if a competitor reduces price, I'll add more features to the same price so mine becomes more valuable.
  39. G

    How do you usually release your stress at work?

    Works gives stress to the body. Its not just limited to body stress alone. One can also experience mental and emotional stress while working. It's good to take some time off and relax or top up to replenish your energy.
  40. G

    Between crypto trading and forex trading, which one is better?

    Both of them are almost the same. Forex uses major fiat currencies while crypto uses crypto tokens. They have similar charting tools and strategies. For me I'll go with crypto trading because I'm used to it and have some knowledge about it.
  41. G

    What is the average amount a graphics designer should charge per design?

    When it comes to charging for images created, there are several factors to consider. If the image is complex and took you time to create, you should charge more. You should also consider the competition and give a fair price to clients.
  42. G

    Why you need a good warranty and return policy on your product.

    You need to have a good return policy for your business if you want customers to trust you better. There's nothing more fulfilling than patronizing a business that you're sure of getting refund for defective products or services.
  43. G

    The business of a cobbler/ shoe mender.

    Shoe cobbling is more profitable when it's combined with selling shoes. If you're a good cobbler, you'll be getting a lot of customers and their rates are higher now with the rising cost of inflation.
  44. G

    Can a worker work two or three jobs?

    It's very possible to do more than a job. People are looking for ways to make ends meet so can engage in more than one jobs. There are many office people who find time to work online especially on paid to post forums.
  45. G

    What led you into online business?

    Right from time, I have been used to the internet so I spend most time either surfing, reading stuffs online or doing some other things. That was how I got to know about people earning online and decided to try it out.
  46. G

    Is the language barrier a hindrance for the company's operation?

    Most companies are domiciled in locations far from their home country. In situations like this managers and employees have to be either natives of that country or people who are fluent in the language of that country.
  47. G

    How possible to manage 2 businesses?

    It's even possible to manage more than 2 businesses at the same time. There are conglomerates managing up to 10 businesses and still run them effectively. You have to employ competent managers and staff to help you run those businesses.
  48. G

    How do you describe a business that is successful?

    Mostly the success of every business is determined by the profit they make though every one is scared of stating this. This is the first achievement of every business. Other factors to rate the success of a business is customer satisfaction and expansion.
  49. G

    Customer Satisfaction Can Lead to Improvement

    Customers are the lifelines of every business since their purchases makes profit for the company. It's very important to take care of them to ensure they always patronize the company. This can be done by providing goods and services that satisfy their needs.
  50. G

    Why do PTP forums pay a small amount to users?

    Your analysis is very wrong. Let's say an forum has an average of 200 members which is low actually. Most of forum members earn like $1 a day. Let's just these 200 members earn $50 a day which is below average. In a month a forum should be paying $1500 to members. Now for you to earn $50 daily...
  51. G

    Why do You Request Payment at low amounts?

    Since the money received is usually channelled to expenses I usually withdraw it once it reaches the minimum value. Another reason why I withdraw small amounts is the time it takes to process payments. I don't to wait for long.
  52. G

    What was the most amount you lost in gambling?

    The time I used to gamble especially sports betting, I lost a lot of money that I can't sit down to calculate. The thing is betting or gambling makes one think that they'll hit fortunes soon so they continue betting till they lose all.
  53. G

    Does investing always have to involve money?

    Investments can come in many ways and must not be money. However investments are valued with money so even if you invest your time and efforts into something, you'll be expecting a monetary value in return.
  54. G

    How to detect a good investment?

    With my experience with all these investments, a good one is the one where your capital is secured and can be easily retrieved. Forget about the license or return on investment, once your capital can't be guaranteed, don't invest.
  55. G

    How to invest in chickens

    Rearing chicken is a profitable venture. You can rear broilers for short term. They mature fast and can be readily consumed. Layers are long term since they lay eggs. They have benefits as they can be sold for meat when they're done with egg laying. Chickens consume lots of feeds and can die...
  56. G

    Your good and bad investment online so far

    Well I have been a victim of several rogue investments. Since I'm adventurous in nature, I do try out several investment. Most of them turned scam and my hard earned money disappeared into thin air. Online investments are scary these days. Nothing to trust again.
  57. G

    Online investment or offline investment? and Why?

    Both have their advantages and disadvantages. If I should choose only one, I'll go with offline investments. They're tangible in nature so will maintain value for a long period of time. Take for instance lands or buildings can even be passed down to your generations.
  58. G

    Is it Possible to earn $5 daily from Bmf?

    It was possible at a certain time before they reverted back to 2 cents per post. It don't think it's possible now even if you are a robot. I think forum owners tweak what they pay according to how much they earn.
  59. G

    Do you think one gains by buying Bizdustry VIP membership?

    I can't really tell if it's profitable since I've not subscribed for it. However restrictions are placed on normal users and you lose part of your money using third party exchangers. I think the VIP members get free advert slots or threads so they can utilize that too.
  60. G

    Earn Money Selling Home Cooked Food

    Earning home cooked food is a way to generate steady income especially if you are in a densely populated area. Food is one of the main needs of humans so it's in high demand and doesn't require much marketing.
  61. G

    Getting a small reward for posting payment proof?

    Yes adding incentives for people who post payment proof is a good way to encourage members to post payment proofs. It also helps build the reputation of the forum or website as people love to rate websites through payment proofs.
  62. G

    How do you earn from Pinterest?

    Pinterest is a popular social media platform meant for photo freaks. If you can get trendy pictures, you can get traffic from pinterest to either your blog, affiliate offer or any other thing that'll make you money.
  63. G

    Not Paying 🚫 forum Review

    One thing I'm getting to learn about these paid forums is that it's difficult to maintain. It can only be sustained if the revenue generated is bigger than expenses incurred. Think of 300 active users earning $1 daily. Only forumcoin looks sustainable because they pay low.
  64. G

    What are the Pros and Cons of Forum Sites?

    The major advantages of forum sites especially paid ones is the money one gets for interactions. It has become a source of livelihood for many people. The major disadvantage is that they are not sustainable over a long period of time.
  65. G

    Is It Fine to Start working on Faucets now?

    Crypto faucets are complete waste of time now as what you get is not worth your input. It used to be valuable then when crypto was still cheap. How will I be wasting time on a platform that'll be giving me $1 a month?
  66. G

    Forums that Teach us about Investments

    There are several forums like that though I hardly visit them again. Reddit is a very big forum where you can find anything. Warriorforum is another forum too but it's not as it used to be after it was sold.
  67. G

    Is it possible to earn $10 per survey?

    There are high paying surveys that can even pay above that just that they are difficult to come by. These surveys are invite only and are just for tier1 countries citizens. For us in this side of the world, we can't even qualify for $1 surveys.
  68. G

    How do I start making money online if I decided to invest $200?

    It is very important to do proper research into anything before you invest your funds into it. If you make the wrong decision in online stuffs, it's very difficult to recover your funds. Better save the money or keep growing it.
  69. G

    How To Advertise On WhatsApp

    Whatsapp is a popular social media platform and is good for promotion. One can run a whatsapp tv with many contacts and advertise stuffs to them freely. I observe many people on my contact list doing that.
  70. G

    Do You Like websites that Have Daily Login Bonus?

    Yes i love websites that give their members daily sign in bonus. It motivates the users to always come back the next day. The bonus may be small but it's not bad when accumulated over a long time.
  71. G

    How do I win big odds in football betting

    If you are thinking of how to win big in sports betting, also think of how to lose big in sports betting too. Sports betting is risky and has no fixed outcome. You'll depend on luck if you are to get something meaningful from it.
  72. G

    Do you like earning from Ptc websites?

    Paid to click websites are a thing of the past for me. It was one of the ways people used to earn money then. However it's not popular now because it doesn't pay well when compared to efforts put into it.
  73. G

    What is your biggest challenge when actively making money through paid forums?

    I have two big challenges when earning via paid to post forums. One is that i get bored most times and don't feel like continuing. The other is that paid to post forums are not always sustainable so one is not certain of the next option.
  74. G

    Earning 50$ online per day is not an easy task I think !

    It's possible to even earn above $50 daily online but you have to have a structure for that. You can earn it through freelancing if you can get enough clients. You can also earn it via trading if you have the knowledge.
  75. G

    Decided to join Beermoney forum? Your suggestion

    Writing company reviews is not easy compared to writing comments. The issue is that we need to write 5000 company reviews for them to start paying for comments. I'll check the word limit for writing the reviews to see if I can do it.
  76. G

    How do You Handle Yourself after Experiencing Scam on earning websites?

    it's a very terrible experience I must say as I have suffered similar conditions too. There is nothing else to do than to move on with my life after the experience. You can't stop working because of that.
  77. G

    What paid to post forum pays more

    When i rank the websites that pay me, I think I earn more on Beermoney forum in a day. I can earn up to $2 there daily if i put in time. Other forums will give me around $1.
  78. G

    Earning $1 from a website or Earning $0.25 from 4 websites?

    Well, it depends on the complexity of the websites. With all things being equal, lets say i spend 4 hours to earn $1 on website A and spend the same 4 hours across the other websites to earn the same $1 or $0.25 each, I'll prefer website A so i can concentrate my efforts on it.
  79. G

    Is PTP websites only to make money?

    I don't think the sole purpose of paid to post forums is just to make money. It's like every other forum so one has access to information about various events or programs. You can also network to find people who have similar goals like you.
  80. G

    How many sites are you active at?

    My issue with these platforms is that they are not sustainable. Their models don't generate enough revenues to take care of their members so they shut down as time goes on. I have like 3 platforms but I may need to look out for more because i'm not certain about them.
  81. G

    Why surveys are not available for Tier 3 countries?

    In tier1 countries, brands allocate funds for Research and Development. Part of the funds goes to getting reviews about products, services or offers. This comes as surveys so they go through survey platforms to get that. That's not done in lower tier countries that's why surveys are not available.
  82. G

    Opinion Outpost Survey Site, what I think to it

    It has been long i participated in a paid survey. I was mostly rejected as my country is not a tier 1 country. I don't stress myself over it again. I just wish we can get a survey platform for everyone.
  83. G

    Last Survey website from which you got paid?

    The last time i participated in surveys was years ago. My surveys are not accepted because of my location so I don't bother about them again. Maybe we don't have brands here that spend money on Research and Development.
  84. G

    Can websites that pays last forever?

    Websites lasting forever, I don't think things that are not tangible lasts forever. Maybe they can last for a long number of years. If websites should last longer, they should be treated like businesses and maintained like such.
  85. G

    Best way to promote YouTube channel?

    There are several ways to promote your youtube channel. Some ways such as consistently posting viral videos, doing proper SEO may take time but is more beneficial in a long run. You can also run campaigns or use influencers to boost your channel.
  86. G

    Have you ever made $10 a day?

    I have been able to make more than $10 a day but it didn't last long and I starting it. I stumbled into a crypto farm that paid more than 5% daily and i committed much of my money to it. I earned good money even more than $10 the first 3 days but the stuff crashed and dumped. Now I can't even...
  87. G

    What are some of the websites that pay via crypto?

    Its good that most of these platforms are fully adopting crypto currency payments. We have several paid to post forums like BMF that pays with crypto. Most microtask platforms pay with crypto too. We have ad networks like cointraffic that pays with BTC.
  88. G

    Why forums don't pay through faucetpay?

    faucetpay wallet was majorly created for satoshis or small bits of crypto tokens in cents. I don't see any use of it if you're receiving payments above $1. Most crypto wallets can receive tokens above $1 including exchange wallets.
  89. G

    Making it Mandatory for users to post payment proof?

    It's not bad to make it compulsory for members to post payment proofs. Some of them give rewards for doing that. It's also good for the forum as people check if it's legit or not through these proofs. However penalizing members for not complying is very harsh.
  90. G

    Join UptrendFinancialSignal Forum

    It's really good you created your forum and its live. However, there are certain things you should consider. If you intend to make it a paid to post forum, try to put in place mechanisms that will earn you profit more. It's not easy to run a paid to post forum as you'll be experiencing. look out...
  91. G

    Can we Legally Buy Youtube Subscribers?

    I think it's clearly stated by most social media platforms that it's illegal to buy followers or subscribers. However, people still buy subscribers and they're many websites selling them publicly. I don't just know if Youtube has time to be tracking the source of subscribers.
  92. G

    Are you working on BMF ?

    Beermoney forum is the most popular paid to post forum. It is similar to other paid to post forums just that the layout is too crowded. I'm still a member of the forum and it's my favorite. However, there have been some delay in payment of recent which is the longest I have ever experienced.
  93. G

    Which paid to post forums has the most engaging topics to comment on?

    I think most of these forums are similar when you compare them according to topics posted. We also have people who are members of several forums so topics are similar. However if we're to rate according to number of topics, Beermoney forum comes first.
  94. G

    Are There websites on which we can write product reviews and earn?

    I don't know about products review but I know several forums where you can write reviews about platforms or websites to earn money. You can do that on beermoney forum and this forum too though I don't think there's an exclusive thread for it.
  95. G

    Abandoning Earning Websites Because You Were Bored

    I'm usually faced with these issues most times and that have hindered me from earning much online. I'm bored whenever I'm typing comments so I'm trying to device a means of not getting bored so I can earn more. Maybe working on PC instead of smartphone.
  96. G

    How often do you cash out on pay-to-post forums?

    Since my earnings on paid to post forums are channeled to other expenses. I usually cash out once I reach the minimum. I'm scared that i may not get get the bucks when I need it so i try to cash out ahead of time.
  97. G

    How not to get banned on bmf

    Beer money forum is less stricter than it used to be some years ago. Then you can be banned for any slightest offense including being reported by someone else. I decided to stick with just posting organic comments and I was fine.
  98. G

    Are you interested making money online while you are in your office?

    There are several earning platforms that one can earn from during their spare time in office. It should be something that's not complicated. I think one can earn from paid to post forums during their spare time.
  99. G

    What is the best way to make money online in low tier countries?

    The internet provides a platform for everyone to make money. As long as you have an internet connected device, time and data you can always earn. Citizens of tier1 countries can earn from paid to post platforms, freelancing, blogging and even crypto.
  100. G

    Is it possible to earn passive income through crypto currencies?

    Crypto currency is a good passive income stream despite its volatility in price. It's good to invest in reliable crypto tokens like Ethereum when they were cheap. You can pair with stable coins like USDT or USDC and provide liquidity or stake to earn profit. You can auto compound your interests...
  101. G

    How to make money through franchising as a passive income stream

    Franchising is good if you're partenering with a known reliable brand. With that you don't need to do much marketing to sell. There's one transport franchise in my country that allows you to buy buses and register under their company. They hire drivers and maintain your vehicle and still give...
  102. G

    What are the ways to earn passive income online

    There are many ways to create passive income streams online. You need to look for avenues you have passion for. One thing with online passive income streams is that you need to update it always like blogging or youtube channels.
  103. G

    Passive Income from Youtube

    Earning passive income from Youtube channel is like blogging. You need to start by building the channel to get a huge number of active subscribers. This is not easy and may take time. You also need to be updating it from time to time so it doesn't get dormant.
  104. G

    Passive Income Through Referrals

    Referrals is another great passive income source that is underrated. There are platforms that pay you or increase your earnings when you get referrals. I prefer recurring referrals earning to one time payment. Those who had much mining referrals for PI and Core earned fortunes.
  105. G

    Are You Good At Building Referrals?

    This is one area that I'm lacking. It's really a great advantage if one can get referrals easily. There are many apps where you can earn from the works of your referrals daily. That's a good passive income stream too.
  106. G

    How to make passive income on WhatsApp.

    I have seen many people that run whatsapp Tvs for advertisements. I think you need a big list of contacts to achieve this. You don't need to run sponsored ads only. You can also sell your products or services.
  107. G

    How to protect your passive income

    It's one thing to have a passive income source and another to keep it profitable always. It's good to always take stocks and be updated. If it's a rental property, its good to always maintain it and keep it in good shape always.
  108. G

    Why passive income is an inevitable task?

    Passive income is very important in everyone's life. Every human won't be active always so passive income sources brings funds always. There's no guarantee to our normal income streams such as jobs or businesses. One can depend on passive income sources when other odds are down.
  109. G

    What are the easiest ways of making passive income

    Getting a passive income stream at first might not be easy especially if you don't have enough funds. It becomes easier with funds. The easiest for me is residential apartments because it is stress free.
  110. G

    Do you have a passive income?

    For now, I have more than one income stream but I don't have a passive income stream yet. Before i used to think one requires huge amount of funds to have a passive income source but that's not entirely true. I'll try my best now to get a passive income source no matter how small.
  111. G

    Earn Money With Data Sharing?

    Sharing data on platforms like Honeygain is not profitable for people living in this side of the world. The only way people make money from data here is by reselling it. They buy cheaper in bulk and resell in bits for profit.
  112. G

    Making money online as a writer

    Making money through writing as a freelancer is not as easy as before. The market is saturated and competitive because there are many writers available. Submitting articles is not profitable too unless you have good openings. I prefer running a blog and write articles for the blog. With time...
  113. G

    The advantages of diversifying your passive income streams

    Diversification is very good when it comes to income generation. Its good to have several reliable sources that gives you income. This will give you a good balance and won't affect you if something bad happens to an income source.
  114. G

    Is Blogging Actually a Passive Income?

    Blogging can serve as a passive income source but you need to grow it from scratch and run it like a normal business. You can hire more writers to help with articles when you start making money. You can even set up a team for it.
  115. G

    Passive income turn main income.

    One advantage of passive income sources is that it generates revenue always. There are times when main income sources will go down or even shut down. One will need to rely on passive income sources to survive.
  116. G

    Can I earn $5 with $100 investment daily?

    If you want to be getting $5 from a $100 investment, that's like 150% monthly return on investment. You can try forex or crypto trading if you're experienced in it. Also forget all these investment platforms online.
  117. G

    How lucrative is typing captcha business online?

    There is nothing lucrative with typing captchas online. You can spend the whole day typing on your keyboard for just $1. You can earn more at a lesser time on paid to post forums. You can't even call that passive income.
  118. G

    What are some of the online or offline Buiness ventures you can easily start with less that $30?

    As someone who has done most of these stuffs, It'll be a waste of funds to start mini importation with $30. That's roughly 20k+. Only shipping fees per kg will take half of that amount. The best is to buy from wholesalers around and resell for profit. Offline business like petty trading or...
  119. G

    Have you joined Honey Gain? What can you say?

    I once tried honeygain app since a long time but didn't benefit from it so i uninstalled it. I think the app is more rewarding to people staying in tier 1 countries like USA, UK, Canada and Mainland Europe.
  120. G

    Which is your great passive income site?

    I don't think I have any passive income site online. Most of these investment platforms are just scams which will fold up with time. I can only think of buying cheap crypto tokens for long term gains.
  121. G

    Renting Income As Passive Income

    To me renting apartments is one of the best passive income sources i know. Landed properties such as lands or buildings have a very long life span even till generations so one can rent them for revenue and use part of the funds for renovation.
  122. G

    What are the benefits of Passive Income?

    Passive income has so many advantages. Since they yield revenue always, one can depend on them to survive when other income sources are down. You can also use them to generate capital for other ventures.
  123. G

    Is Blogging a Source of Passive Income

    Blogging is a good passive income source if you do it like a business. You have to pay the price first in growing it to a stage where you'll be getting consistent traffic. Once you start getting a lot of money, you can hire few writers to help with articles while you do editing and maintenance.
  124. G

    Facts to know about passive income

    Passive income is generating consistent income without putting in much effort. There are several passive income streams that you just need to suffer and build at first but afterwards get constant revenue from them example is building residential apartments.
  125. G

    Passive Income Scams

    Passive income scams can come in various ways especially online. It's good to verify the sources or platforms before you put in your money. Most investment platforms are upgraded HYIP schemes that'll fold up with time.
  126. G

    How to earn $100 monthly online?

    Making $100 every month is like making $3.4 every day. You need to figure out what to do to be able to earn that amount in a day. If you have enough funds, you can try low risk investments or trading.
  127. G

    can we spend one day fully on RIF site to earn?

    The time you will spend here daily depends on your input. You can spend the whole day if you desire as there are so many things to do here. If it's just to comment and earn, some hours is okay.
  128. G

    How to start building a passive income portfolio

    You can start building passive income depending on the amount of funds available to you. If you have enough, you can start with real estate investments. If you don't have enough, start from scratch and reinvest profit.
  129. G

    What are some of the online or offline Buiness ventures you can easily start with less that $30?

    Yes that's the best because you will face inflation if you want to wait till you get the required funds. There are many stuffs one can do online with $30 eg blogging. Just that one must be willing to pay the price.
  130. G

    Is it fine to ask a company's applicant about his or her age?

    There's nothing wrong with asking an applicant about their age even though it's written in their CV. Only an applicant who wants to falsify his age will be scared of such questions.
  131. G

    Which one should we develop, technology or business?.

    Both work hand in hand to compliment each other. Businesses needs technology to survive now. Even technology companies will need to incorporate business to sell their products and services.
  132. G

    Which is lucrative, business or farming?

    Both are very important and work hand in hand or compliments each other. It depends on the person involved. Farming may be stressful at first but it's profitable. When a farmer harvest crops or want to sell an animal, he'll need to go to the market or find a buyer.
  133. G

    Which one do you prefer, investment or employment?.

    I think it depends on the nature of the person. Some people prefer getting employed since they can't raise funds. Others like me will prefer to be doing our own business even if it's not giving what we want.
  134. G

    Money Fraud

    Fraud is rampant and growing at an alarming rate because it pays. People are going into it as a source of living so it'll be difficult to eradicate it. For your business, it's best to be updated with what's happening so you won't be a victim.
  135. G

    Do you consider free hodsted domain or Paid hosted one

    The only thing that will be of advantage for free domains is if you want to test a website. You can use free domain to structure the website before it goes life. Aside from that, it's best to use paid domains.
  136. G

    Why some people feared to establish their own businesses.

    The most important thing that prevents people from starting businesses is finance. Starting a business requires a lot of financial inputs and that's difficult to get. It may take years to raise adequate money.
  137. G

    What are some of the online or offline Buiness ventures you can easily start with less that $30?

    $30 is too poor to start many offline businesses as it won't be enough for renting a store. However there are several offline businesses that you can do with that sum though you need to start from scratch.
  138. G

    What would be the best way to start out a pay-to-post forum?

    The success of every forum depends on the members. Forums needs active members to survive. So it's good to run adverts that'll bring in new members as well as pay fine so members can help you spread world.
  139. G

    Is it okay to argue with your boss?

    It will be stupidity to argue with your boss. Every organization has its own rules of engagement. It's good to keep to them even if you're having issues with your boss. It keeps you safer.
  140. G

    Would you rehire a former staff who resigned voluntarily?

    Since the staff resigned voluntarily, it might be to further his career or do something good. It won't be bad hiring him or her again. However if it's for a bad reason then the chances of taking him back is very low.
  141. G

    What cryptocurrency are you investing in

    I'll be looking at some new memecoins because we're in the season of memes. It's very risky because their volatility is very high but if you're early, you'll benefit a lot from it.
  142. G

    Necessary things to take note about forex trading

    Anyone venturing into forex should have the necessary knowledge and experience. Live trading experience is important not just demo trading. Forex is highly volatile so every trade must have a stop loss.
  143. G

    Would you ever invest in gambling?.

    I have already tried gambling and it wasn't a funny experience. I lost money in sports betting and wouldn't even wish my enemy such experience. Anything you don't have control over shouldn't consume your money.
  144. G

    As a business person, should you confirm all payments you receive to the sender?

    It's good to confirm every transaction you receive. We're in the days of increased fraudulent activities. Some people may use an app generated transfer to swindle you. It's good you confirm to be sure.
  145. G

    Do you need a Alarm Clock To wake up in the morning?

    Most times, I need to wake up in the middle of the night to do many things. I'll require the help of an alarm to wake me up because I can sleep off. For mornings, I'm used to it so I can wake without an alarm.
  146. G

    Effect of gambling addiction.

    The main reason why gambling has eaten deeply is that it's cheap. People can gamble with less than 1 dollar so it appears they're not wasting money. They fail to realize that in a long period of time,they would have wasted huge amount of money.
  147. G

    How often do you experienced rent increment?

    Landlords do increase rents when they see that inflation cost is high. You won't blame them in some cases because rents is their means of livelihood. If they increase to what I can't afford, I move to another apartment.
  148. G

    What is your biggest challenge when actively making money through paid forums?

    That's the same issue I'm facing. Sometimes I'll feel bored just typing replies on forum. Some other time, I won't have the motivation to work online. I just want to find a way to defeat this issues.
  149. G

    Do you find it easier to make posts or make replies on RIF?

    It has been long I created a post here. New posts pay x2 of comments but you have to be sure that it has not been posted before. Comment is easier as you just have to flow with the topic.
  150. G

    My Third Payment From RIF

    That's $5, you mean it can cover your internet expenses for a month? That's great, you must be living in an inexpensive country. Like PayPal payments are processed faster here.
  151. G

    Best alternative to AdSense

    I think if you have amount of quality traffic coming to your website, you can try Ezoic. They accept blogs with high traffic and their payment rate matches that of AdSense. You can also try if you're getting tier1 traffic.
  152. G

    Which other ad networks exist apart from adsense?

    There are many ad networks available. However AdSense has made a name for itself as one of the highest paying and most popular ad network. Other ad networks includes Adsterra, foremedia, purpleads, a-ads, propeller ads and so many of them.
  153. G

    Monetize your blog with a-ads

    One of the advantages of a-ads is their low requirement for bloggers. It's not high like AdSense. However their rate is low since they offer cheap advertising. You'll earn more with AdSense.
  154. G

    Do you hire people to write for your site or do you write yourself or both?

    If you're starting a website or blog newly and you're running on a budget, it's best to do the writings yourself. You can write articles and schedule posting. If you have the funds to hire writers, it's not bad.
  155. G

    How Much Do Bloggers Make in the First Year?

    The amount a blogger can earn in a year will be determined by the amount of traffic they can get. If you can get higher traffic, you'll make more. Efforts should be placed in getting traffic.
  156. G

    What are the best methods for increasing website traffic?

    There are many ways to generate traffic for your website. If you don't mind the time it'll take, you can get traffic through SEO. However if you need it quick, you can run ads or use social media.
  157. G

    What is the least amount you can spend to purchase a domain

    If you're looking out for buying domain names, most web hosts make it free for the first year if you're buying hosting. However try to know the cost of renewal because they're more expensive. The cost of getting domains with extension like .xyz is cheaper
  158. G

    Did your business website get hacked? If so, what did you do?

    Whenever you're creating a website, it's very important to have a backup of the website. You can also do a regular backup maybe weekly or monthly. If your site is hacked, you can always restore the backed up version.
  159. G


    You can make money from blogs but it depends on the traffic you get. As much as writing articles is important, getting traffic is more important because that's what determines your earnings.