Recent content by Hate2Wait

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  1. Hate2Wait

    How to make money by writing articles about general topics?

    You need to see if these articles are popular and you should go for forum coin and apply as article writer there
  2. Hate2Wait

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    If I can achieve at least $30 per month then I would feel great because this means I am earning $1 on average which is not bad
  3. Hate2Wait

    Keeping money

    Its important because still many people don't accept online payments and there are times when we prefer to pay via cash so its important
  4. Hate2Wait

    what is the secret of earning money online? Share your experience

    There is no secret, you just need to have patience and take time to learn and then you will be able to earn
  5. Hate2Wait

    Do you set a monthly target when making money online?

    Having a monthly target always help as this way you know what you need to do and you don't need any other motivation to earn
  6. Hate2Wait

    The best ways to make $2 in a day

    There is no best or worst way to earn money and making $2 is quite tough and if you are able to achieve that then you are doing well
  7. Hate2Wait

    Can you enlist few sites to earn?

    I am again losing interest because I am unable to concentrate on the available websites to earn and some have stopped paying
  8. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    Getting a credit card is equal to taking a loan so yes I was successful and we need to keep our credit score in good health to get loan
  9. Hate2Wait

    How did you build your financial knowledge?

    We should utilize all possible ways that can help us learn about finances and help us do well, we can take help of books, blogs etc
  10. Hate2Wait

    Do you use budgeting app?

    I am not sure if its available in India or maybe but I guess it cannot help and can just store our expenses and savings
  11. Hate2Wait

    How do you compare your financial life to the past five years?

    We need to improve and this is what I have experienced in the 5 years and would like to improve 2x in next 5 years
  12. Hate2Wait

    Do you earn passive income using cashback apps?

    We can earn small amount of cash back from these apps and cannot expect a passive income coming from these unless we have referrals but no app allows a big commission
  13. Hate2Wait

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    Banks are making it obligatory for its customers to operate their account and if they don't then after some time they will mark these as inoperative so its best to keep these operating
  14. Hate2Wait

    How much interest do you get in your saving accounts?

    This is why its important to invest as this way we can expect some profit otherwise banks are paying a very low interest
  15. Hate2Wait

    How Much Interest Do You Pay For Your Home Loan

    This is possible but if you like to start a business and need a loan of big amount then friends and relatives may not help
  16. Hate2Wait

    How do you generate passive income from dividend stocks or rental properties?

    Penny stocks may or not provide dividend and then there is a risk that you may not be able to sell these stocks
  17. Hate2Wait

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    There are websites from which we can buy affordable products but these are not branded so we need to see if they suit our style
  18. Hate2Wait

    How many income sources do you have?

    It's hard for everyone that only has one earning source because what if they were kicked out of their job or face some other problem, I am also in the same boat
  19. Hate2Wait

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    I am willing to earn more online but things are not working as planned and I have to support my cousins too so I am dashing more than 10% at present
  20. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever used the finances management apps?

    There are apps that are not technically useful and can just record our expenses and savings and this way it won't be useful for us
  21. Hate2Wait

    Who financed your business?

    I would love to start my own business and start from small so I can easily finance my business and achieve success
  22. Hate2Wait

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    It's important to save for retirement and then you can achieve good results and if you are confused then go for retirement plans available in the market
  23. Hate2Wait

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    Its our duty to make our siblings and parents feel comfortable even if we are the youngest so we need to fulfill our duties for the family
  24. Hate2Wait

    Few steps to stay financially informed.

    These are very helpful tips that everyone should follow to achieve success in life and will help in the management of finance and savings
  25. Hate2Wait

    Chasing the $100 Per Day Passive Income Dream

    I agree its a very big amount but its good to have high targets and in the process we should not feel bad if we are unable to reach it
  26. Hate2Wait

    How many income sources do you have?

    I am hoping to earn more online to consider it as a second and reliable earning source but things are not working as planned
  27. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever used the finances management apps?

    I am planning to try "Lens" a finance management app but still not sure if I should or not or its safe or not
  28. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever been successful through the taking of loans?

    I never requested for any loan but I guess I can get that thanks to my credit score but I don't need loan at present
  29. Hate2Wait

    Chasing the $100 Per Day Passive Income Dream

    That would be awesome but I need to do a lot to come even closer to that amount and at present I don't have any passive income coming
  30. Hate2Wait

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    It's good to be a man of your word and pay what you have promised your family or its members, parents or siblings
  31. Hate2Wait

    Who financed your business?

    I am still not ready to run a business so I am taking my time and will see when I can run and finance my business
  32. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    We don't need to hire them and in case we need to get our ITR filed if we don't like to file on our own then we can just contact them and get that done
  33. Hate2Wait

    What are your best money saving hacks that are not common knowledge?

    I am keeping a note of everything mentioned in this thread and will try to replicate everything and get better at saving and earning
  34. Hate2Wait

    Save money by using the bicycle

    If you are committed to try this then you should although it will be tough for a week or so but after that it will be smooth
  35. Hate2Wait

    How to become good at managing money?

    We need to keep learning and we can never be perfect so the secret to it is to keep learning and earning and saving
  36. Hate2Wait

    How do you generate passive income from dividend stocks or rental properties?

    For dividends, you need to have a huge number of shares and should hold these for a longer period and for rental, having a good property and tenants will help
  37. Hate2Wait

    How much interest do you get in your saving accounts?

    I am getting around 4% interest on my savings and since I have an FD too so around 7% on that one
  38. Hate2Wait

    Best way to earn Passive Income

    I believe the passive income should be such that it can allow us to get regular income and it should be consistent and renting is like that
  39. Hate2Wait

    Advertise on your car to earn passive income

    If its allowed in your country then I don't find anything wrong in that and you should try this option to earn
  40. Hate2Wait

    Has your bank account ever been limited with funds inside?

    We need to keep our account operative and then we won't face any such issues and should follow all the banking rules too
  41. Hate2Wait

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    I need to do better now as things have been completely negative for me in the past 2-3 months so I really need to do better
  42. Hate2Wait

    If a pay-to-post forum offered crypto payments for VIP

    I feel every website should have crypto payments and they should try to not take any fee for that and let users get full payment
  43. Hate2Wait

    Keeping money

    We should keep a decent amount with us that we can use in any emergency and no need to keep a very big amount
  44. Hate2Wait

    Do you really find any pleasure with your online money earning activities?

    I do feel pleasure when I get payment and I feel so good about it and like to get better and earn big
  45. Hate2Wait

    Do you set a monthly target when making money online?

    Having a monthly target does help and will keep you motivated to achieve that target or do better than that target
  46. Hate2Wait

    Do you earn passive income using cashback apps?

    In a way but the earnings or income is too small but still its fine as long as its helping me save money
  47. Hate2Wait

    Earn Passive Income From Your Cars

    Now in India many have stared to earn passive income from E-Rickshaw and what they do is they buy these E-Rickshaw and then give it to a person who is interested to drive and earn and will take daily rent from him/her
  48. Hate2Wait

    How Much Interest Do You Pay For Your Home Loan

    I am not paying any interest because I am yet to take any home loan but I guess the rate is from 12 to 15% or so
  49. Hate2Wait

    What do you feel when getting money by surprise?

    I feel so good about it because I am always in search of money and money making ways and when I get a surprise then its even better
  50. Hate2Wait

    Do you avoid paying tax?

    If I see this option available then I will try to avoid paying any tax but in reality we are already a paying a lot in indirect taxes
  51. Hate2Wait

    Aside rewards what brings you to PTP sites?

    I like the calm atmosphere of these websites and we can learn a lot from these websites plus earn too and also win contests
  52. Hate2Wait

    Good to see most user's got paid and this shows the admin is a trusted person and similar to devin and Jordan who have always kept their word
  53. Hate2Wait

    Aside rewards what brings you to PTP sites?

    Learning is most important because you also learn about different aspects of life, business and online earnings and also learn about different money making ways
  54. Hate2Wait

    Is anyone using the Brave browser for making some money?

    You can earn an unbelievable slow and low income from brave rewards so it's not even worth and that's why we need to look for other options
  55. Hate2Wait

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    Thankfully we have done this in the past and experienced enough to know when a website may turn to scam so we can achieve better results as compared to a newbie
  56. Hate2Wait

    Make money from Facebook reels

    Reels have really helped Facebook to achieve a better ranking among different social networking websites and same way it's a great way to earn
  57. Hate2Wait

    What should you watch out for before joining a PT site.

    We should look at the pay rate and also if it's possible to earn more like by bringing referrals or by participating in any contest and also if the forum is stable
  58. Hate2Wait

    Trendri seems to have removed earning limits for comments.

    I am not part of trendri so it was nice to know about the updates and I hope it's helping users to earn more
  59. Hate2Wait

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    Everyone experiences that because if you are only earning from forums then you do feel bored and fed up and you should find ways to keep yourself entertained
  60. Hate2Wait

    can I make money online without any investment?

    If we have skills even if it's a skill to post effectively on forums then we can earn online without any money investment
  61. Hate2Wait

    Is it really easy making money on YouTube

    It's not easy and if it's easy then everyone will be able to earn from YouTube but it's a good way to earn passively
  62. Hate2Wait

    Are you really making money online?

    I am earning a very small amount online and still trying my best to see if someday I can at least achieve $100 monthly earnings
  63. Hate2Wait

    Do you set a monthly target when making money online?

    I used to have such targets but these days I am targeting $30 but still not unable to achieve this amount in a month
  64. Hate2Wait

    Does anyone else have access to your account at writing Sites?

    I don't think but when you report a user then the admin will check the account of the user and that includes their pm
  65. Hate2Wait

    The Opinion World survey site is legit.

    There are hundreds of survey websites that are legit but since I am too bad at survey's I hardly join any such websites
  66. Hate2Wait

    Joining a site with no information about the admin

    We hardly know about the admins. When I joined Forum coin Or Beer money or Index forum I was not aware of Fergal, Daniel and Devin
  67. Hate2Wait

    Do you save money in the name of your kids?

    We should save on kids name and can also take saving schemes from post office or Life Insurance corporation that are quite popular
  68. Hate2Wait

    Do you find the purchase of the new clothing very expensive?

    Many people buy used clothes from thrift stores even when they can afford to buy new because they like to save money
  69. Hate2Wait

    Creating passive income from nothing

    It's possible with technical ways and the time and money you already invested in learning that technical skill is your investment so even that's not free
  70. Hate2Wait

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    It's best to follow the practice and pay even when not demanded because parents and siblings also expect us to pay without asking us
  71. Hate2Wait

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    When you withdraw money multiple times in a month from your saving account then you'll earn even lesser amount of interest on our deposit
  72. Hate2Wait

    Are passive income sources trans generational?

    Yes we should invest in these even if it demands a bigger investment but this can help us achieve stability in life
  73. Hate2Wait

    Earn passive income from renting event decoration materials.

    In Asian countries most prefer to get this decoration done at different times in their life so this decoration material can be used to earn passively
  74. Hate2Wait

    How would you teach value of money to your kids?

    We can make kids aware of this aspect in playful ways by making them realize the value of savings and money and they are quick to learn
  75. Hate2Wait

    Investing For Your Kids

    I think same is possible in India and other countries too but they need to name a legal guardian till the kid attains majority
  76. Hate2Wait

    Advertise on your car to earn passive income

    Even I haven't seen anyone using any such advertisement on cars but I am not sure if it's banned or people are not interested in it
  77. Hate2Wait

    Earn Passive Income From Your Cars

    We don't need to give away our car on rent but if we have number of cars or we have the option to buy another even if used and use that to earn by allowing someone to drive it
  78. Hate2Wait

    Factors to consider before investing outside your country.

    Taxes, excise policy, and legality of the items to be imported or exported should all be considered before investing outside your country
  79. Hate2Wait

    3 factors to consider before investing in cement industry

    There are so many things that we need to consider and we also need to do a thorough market research and study the market
  80. Hate2Wait

    Success doesn't come overnight

    Yes there are so many platforms available even online where you can bet and gamble and can earn big or lose money in a very few hours
  81. Hate2Wait

    Investing in Whisky and Rum Exclusively

    I agree it requires a big investment but if you are committed to try then you should go for it and can take loan for that
  82. Hate2Wait

    Are you investing in the bank?

    That's a thing that is reserved only for millionaires or those that can afford to invest all their wealth as they like to take risks
  83. Hate2Wait

    What is the hardest part of an investment

    I am still experiencing the hardest part where my stocks are in loss and I am waiting for these to at least come at no profit no loss
  84. Hate2Wait

    Investing Tips for beginners

    Reading the market situation is must and when you are new you should act less and learn more and this way you can do well;
  85. Hate2Wait

    The simple difference between investing and saving

    Savings does not guarantee returns but investment should bring returns otherwise it will defeat the purpose of investment so we need to choose wisely
  86. Hate2Wait

    Are you the type who invests big or small in something?

    I prefer to start with a small amount of investment and if I like then I don't mind investing a big amount
  87. Hate2Wait

    Investing in china products and reselling them

    The only problem is the quality as there are times Chinese products are not good and then we need to send these back and get refund
  88. Hate2Wait

    Are you a minimalist or spend your the fullest?

    This depends on my mood and the deal and if the deal is so good then I don't wait and buy immediately
  89. Hate2Wait

    How much money do you spend weekly?

    I have never maintained a notebook for that and will never because I spend when I feel I need to spend otherwise I won't
  90. Hate2Wait

    Staff requirements

    I know many that are still hiring staff because they don't like to do everything and like to do what matters the most to them
  91. Hate2Wait

    How do you manage your finances?

    I don't spend money on everything I like or like to own and like to plan my purchases and always look to save money
  92. Hate2Wait

    Are you good at managing funds?

    As per my point of view, I am doing ok and need to keep doing the good work in managing my finances but If I compare with others then I still need to learn
  93. Hate2Wait

    How many income sources do you have?

    The problem with online earnings is these are not constant and website do stop paying or reduce pay rate when they want
  94. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    It's only required to maintain books if you are running a business and in my case I don't have any business so not need for it
  95. Hate2Wait

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    I cannot dash more than 10% unless there is an emergency where I need to dash a higher amount, although I try not to dash
  96. Hate2Wait

    How to become good at managing money?

    We should keep working on our skills and should learn and also ask from those that are doing well and are close to us
  97. Hate2Wait

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    I like to adopt the cashless economy and prefer to pay via card or online only and government should not add extra tax on it
  98. Hate2Wait

    Earn Passive Income From Your Cars

    Its not fixed but if you are available and have passion to work then you register on various apps and work and make good money
  99. Hate2Wait

    Earn passive income from renting event decoration materials.

    This is actually quite popular and are able to make good money thanks to weddings and other functions that are performed in India
  100. Hate2Wait

    Rent standard events stage and lighting to earn passive income.

    It's a very good option to earn passive income and you just need to invest once, you only need a good team to work for you
  101. Hate2Wait

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    If I have promised an amount or promised to pay a part for whatever expenses that are incurred then I will pay even if not demanded
  102. Hate2Wait

    What are the factors that influence the investment risk profile?

    Having a diversified portfolio does help and this way you can invest a certain percentage in risky assets and securities and expect good returns
  103. Hate2Wait

    Best way to earn Passive Income

    I am still not sure when I can start earning from this but I am hopeful to start soon. Having at least one such passive income source is most important.
  104. Hate2Wait

    Investing Tips for beginners

    Determining and Differentiating between Long term and short term Investment is most important and they should exercise patience when Investing because if you are not patient enough then it'll be hard
  105. Hate2Wait

    Success doesn't come overnight

    I agree for some it's possible and they're mostly into lottos but for me it's hard as I don't think I have any luck in these Or at least at present
  106. Hate2Wait

    Investing in Whisky and Rum Exclusively

    I don't have any plans to start with something like that even though I know it's profitable and many have benefitted from this business
  107. Hate2Wait

    The simple difference between investing and saving

    With savings in bank we can expect only a small return in the form of bank interest but it's risk free so we should consider this too
  108. Hate2Wait

    Are you investing in the bank?

    I think it's just depositing in different banking products like fixed deposit and Recurring deposit so it's not bad and safe too
  109. Hate2Wait

    Investing in china products and reselling them

    We can try no issues with it but we first need to take into account the taxes, excise and other such expenses and our profit
  110. Hate2Wait

    What is your Favorite Systematic Investment Plan?

    I am still learning about Systematic Investment plans and hoping to start soon and will only start with a small amount in the beginning
  111. Hate2Wait

    Why people still invest in HYIP

    People still go for High Yield Investment plans because their only aim is to get rich even if there is only a minimal chance to succeed
  112. Hate2Wait

    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    People like us cannot do much even if we invest all our savings or wealth because it's still a small fraction in front of the rich
  113. Hate2Wait

    Keeping Money In Bank Vs Keeping Money In PayPal: What Would You Prefer?

    I can't even if I want but it's still fine as money is safe in our bank and then we can easily use it
  114. Hate2Wait

    What is the hardest part of an investment

    For me the hardest would be to wait moreso when the investment is yielding losses and we just need to wait and hope for the best
  115. Hate2Wait

    Aside rewards what brings you to PTP sites?

    I like the learning from these pay to post forums. We get to know about various other ways to earn and also get first hand experience from users
  116. Hate2Wait

    Keeping money

    Ideally we should keep money at home and in our Wallet because there are times we cannot pay online or should pay via cash
  117. Hate2Wait

    Any Surfing Websites that are legit?

    That's great to know. So how can we get payment? I'm interested to try if these websites are safe to join and earn
  118. Hate2Wait

    What Hobbies can make money?

    I am sure if mine can help me earn because I like to watch cricket matches and listen to music and don't think it can help me earn
  119. Hate2Wait

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    I heard forum race admin announced winners of the contest and have paid or in the process of paying and they did took longer to announce that
  120. Hate2Wait

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    Many face this problem and this is the reason they don't keep cash with them as they fear that they will use all
  121. Hate2Wait

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    I am not running a business so I don't have this obligation to get my financial records maintained and can manage without an accountant
  122. Hate2Wait

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    It's a good option and many in India do that if they are in a metro city and it's win win for everyone
  123. Hate2Wait

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    If possible then we should never go for a loan as we need to pay a very high interest on the loan.
  124. Hate2Wait

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    Ideally we should avoid to take any loans if we didn't need and should try to manage from the available resources because it's an unnecessary burden
  125. Hate2Wait

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    Yes it's important to stay disciplined for it because if we are not disciplined in saving for our retirement then we may use that amount for some other thing.
  126. Hate2Wait

    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    If you are required to pay for bills, Groceries and other things then they don't need to ask every month and we need to pay on our own
  127. Hate2Wait

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    Everyone has a different preference in terms of getting payments but I have always preferred the option to get paid every week
  128. Hate2Wait

    How many income sources do you have?

    We should ideally have more than 1 source of income because relying on just a single source of income will make things dangerous for you
  129. Hate2Wait

    How to become good at managing money?

    We need to keep learning and should make ourselves accustomed with newer ways to earn and also to plan our finances in the best possible way.
  130. Hate2Wait

    Why people still invest in HYIP

    Even though I like to get rich but I am trying to stay away from these HYIP schemes as they are not worth it and are too much risky
  131. Hate2Wait

    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    As said previously too, if you can invest or withdraw millions of dollars then you can influence the market and this way too much investment can guarantee success
  132. Hate2Wait

    Keeping Money In Bank Vs Keeping Money In PayPal: What Would You Prefer?

    I won't mind keeping money in PayPal but we don't have this option so whatever I get in Paypal gets auto transferred to bank
  133. Hate2Wait

    What is the hardest part of an investment

    Hardest part would be to make it profitable and its not in our hands and we need to rely on the Market forces for that
  134. Hate2Wait

    The simple difference between investing and saving

    With saving we cannot expect any returns unless we save in bank and even a bank does not provide a higher returns
  135. Hate2Wait

    The rich getting richer?

    Those that are rich know how to stay rich and make more and have money to invest which people like us don't have
  136. Hate2Wait

    Investing in Whisky and Rum Exclusively

    I am not into drinks so this is the last thing I will plan to start it anytime in my life but those that are, good luck to them
  137. Hate2Wait

    Success doesn't come overnight

    It's hard to even expect that we will be successful overnight no matter how skilled you are because its not a lottery or something similar to that
  138. Hate2Wait

    Investing in china products and reselling them

    This is a good option but you need to find a customer base for that and should have option to get refund if the product is not good
  139. Hate2Wait

    Are you investing in the bank?

    It's depositing in bank and not investment and yes we can get guaranteed returns but these are low as compared to stocks
  140. Hate2Wait

    How to easily spot an investment Ponzi scheme scam

    This can be tricky at times but you need to figure out as per your own risk because it may be a legit scheme too
  141. Hate2Wait

    Aside rewards what brings you to PTP sites?

    I like the calm atmosphere of these pay to post websites and we can learn a lot from these websites and make friends
  142. Hate2Wait

    Have You ever Sold any Social Networking website account

    Many people sell their Instagram account and facebook pages and even twitter because some people are ready to buy these and pay good money for it
  143. Hate2Wait

    Any Surfing Websites that are legit?

    These websites are mostly low paying and may not work for everyone and actually there are many such websites that are scam
  144. Hate2Wait

    How To start Blogging And Start Earning?

    I am still not able to figure this out and actually did not have the time to figure it out in a way that can help me start it
  145. Hate2Wait

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    I am fine to wait for around 5-7 days but if there is no announcement even after that then most of us will start doubting the website
  146. Hate2Wait

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    Taking a break does help and if you can take a break or earn from different ways then it will be the best for you
  147. Hate2Wait

    Best ways to start saving for retirement

    If we are unable to figure this out then we should take help of investment plans available in the market and they are also good
  148. Hate2Wait

    How to become good at managing money?

    It's not a one day thing and you need to learn and keep learning about more and more ways to save and manage money
  149. Hate2Wait

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    I am not sure if there is any favorite or non favorite way so you should just pay all your loan EMIs on time
  150. Hate2Wait

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    We can take help from our employer and if you are planning to start a business then you can also took loan from government schemes
  151. Hate2Wait

    What are the simple money saving hacks that can save you thousands?

    There are so many things and one of the important is to buy things that you really need now and should also learn to recycle things
  152. Hate2Wait

    The importance of a long-term approach when building a passive income portfolio.

    Long term approach is always better but then you need to stick to it and not feel afraid of any complications or problems
  153. Hate2Wait

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    If possible I would love to get paid every week and for me it is ideal and will help me plan better
  154. Hate2Wait

    What is the purpose of your investment?

    I have ignored investments for a long time and this is the reason why I started and like to multiply my earnings
  155. Hate2Wait

    Success doesn't come overnight

    I won't mind working till late but I get sleepy around 10 PM LOL so I am not sure if I can work overnight to achieve success
  156. Hate2Wait

    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    No, its not because if you invest too much then you are taking a bigger risk and may not get it back
  157. Hate2Wait

    Keeping Money In Bank Vs Keeping Money In PayPal: What Would You Prefer?

    I would have loved to keep money in Paypal if it was possible and would have withdrawn when I wanted to use it
  158. Hate2Wait

    How to easily spot an investment Ponzi scheme scam

    These websites or platforms have very tall claims which in a way does not make sense so this way we can trace these out
  159. Hate2Wait

    Keeping money

    Keeping a small amount of money at home is the best option although these days we can pay online at almost every place
  160. Hate2Wait

    Earning Money By Watching Videos?

    It's the best way to earn and in a short time but it works for top tier users only and if we see this available here then its mostly a scam website
  161. Hate2Wait

    Most popular forum sites

    I guess in terms of popularity the beer money forum is the best and after that it will be Index forum and then discussion bucks
  162. Hate2Wait

    Do you make a to-do list?

    I am a little lazy at this but in a way its best to create such a list as it will help you complete all works in a timely manner
  163. Hate2Wait

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    In a way its a sign that the website is not stable and we may not see it paying for long but it will happen if they delay every month
  164. Hate2Wait

    What is the first PTP websites?

    My first pay to post website was beer money forum and I like that website very much, I am not active there now but I will resume soon
  165. Hate2Wait

    Until When Do You Intend to Make Money Online?

    I am not sure because if I get busy offline then I may not be able to earn online and will only spend a very small time online
  166. Hate2Wait

    What do you like most about RIF?

    I like how this website is managed and even the previous admins were like that and have done really well for the website
  167. Hate2Wait

    What are your plans for making big money

    I am still not sure how I should make big money, should I try hard online or offline? I am not sure what to choose
  168. Hate2Wait

    Have you financed someone else business?

    That's why its better to finance and help someone we know or is part of our family and this is the best option
  169. Hate2Wait

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    I am unable to utilize all my free time because I am quite busy offline now so unable to find more time for online
  170. Hate2Wait

    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    At present I need money to pay a few of my bills so I am not going to dash any amount at least for 2-3 months
  171. Hate2Wait

    How to become good at managing money?

    I am not bad but I still need to learn and there is no shortcut to this and we need to learn and do well at it
  172. Hate2Wait

    Best way to earn Passive Income

    I am hoping to have a rental income coming at least from next year and its so much important to feel safe as you need to have at least one passive income
  173. Hate2Wait

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    I mostly pay online so I only withdraw money once or twice a year unless there is an emergency and I need to pay in cash there
  174. Hate2Wait

    How do you compare your financial life to the past five years?

    We need to improve all the time and I have improved and this improvement should continue and this time I am hoping to do a lot better
  175. Hate2Wait

    Save money by using the bicycle

    It's not impossible to switch to cycle and you will save money and will also be fit so it will help both ways
  176. Hate2Wait

    How many income sources do you have?

    I am only having a one single source of earning and this is my job and I am hoping to do well online to make it a confirmed source
  177. Hate2Wait

    How do you control the household's tight budget?

    I have never experienced it and always look to buy in bulk to get discounts so I guess it will be hard for me to stick to any budget
  178. Hate2Wait

    Do you see the prices for the food items being too expensive for you to afford?

    Most of the veggies are expensive posing a problem for everyone even if we can afford, we don't like to pay so much for them
  179. Hate2Wait

    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    We can also take help of our office and can ask for loan and can mention the reason and if the reason is a medical emergency then you can expect help immediately
  180. Hate2Wait

    Where do you get short term loans?

    I haven't took any short term or long term loan but I think I can even get that from my work as we can get that when we want
  181. Hate2Wait

    Success doesn't come overnight

    It takes a lot of effort, hard and smart work, dedication to achieve success and it takes years to achieve this success
  182. Hate2Wait

    How to easily spot an investment Ponzi scheme scam

    Its easy to spot but then many overlook those things or signs and feel they will make big from these schemes even if they are risky
  183. Hate2Wait

    Does stock trading apps have demo accounts?

    I was only talking about the stocks trading and yes forex trading and other such trading platforms do have demo accounts for newbies
  184. Hate2Wait

    Investing in your own business vs investing in stock market

    Both are good but investing in our own business is the best as it will help in making us money for a long time
  185. Hate2Wait

    The potential for growth in the plant-based milk market and how to invest in it.

    I am also not aware if how we can invest in plan based milk market but it will be a good option and is quite popular
  186. Hate2Wait

    The potential for growth in the sparkling water market and how to invest in it.

    I am also thinking about it but sparkling water is still not popular in India or at least common people are not interested in it
  187. Hate2Wait

    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    That depends on the amount of investment because if the investment is too big then it can even influence the market behavior
  188. Hate2Wait

    Keeping Money In Bank Vs Keeping Money In PayPal: What Would You Prefer?

    Indian PayPal users don't have this option because whatever amount we receive in Paypal is auto transferred to our bank the next day
  189. Hate2Wait

    Do you encourage your eligible kids to invest?

    If kids are taught and made aware of the benefits of investment then there is no doubt that they will be interested in it and will learn more about it
  190. Hate2Wait

    Keeping money

    Saving and invesing are both important and we should not just save and not invest and should also save a part of our income
  191. Hate2Wait

    what are the psychological aspects of money making?

    We need to see if we are able to earn enough for our work and if the earnings are way low and we are not satisfied then we need to find other ways
  192. Hate2Wait

    How did you know about PTP

    Having friends online does help as you will get to know about different such forums and also about other ways to earn
  193. Hate2Wait

    Where can we use gift cards?

    Every website that is paying in Gift cards have added another option to get paid and you can use those GC on or such websites
  194. Hate2Wait

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    It's a good option to divide your work and not do everything in one go and this way we are listening to our body too
  195. Hate2Wait

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    It will be considered not legit if admin is unable to post about the reason of the delay and most will assume the website was a scam
  196. Hate2Wait

    Do you make a to-do list?

    Making a to-do list can make us more disciplined as we will know what we need to do and at what time
  197. Hate2Wait

    Have you financed someone else business?

    I am not sure if I will do that and will finance only if a person is dear to me or my family member
  198. Hate2Wait

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    Those with knowledge or money have a slight advantage but even those without skills can do well if they are focussed to do well
  199. Hate2Wait

    What are your top five tips to save money?

    There are many tips to save money but a tip or thing which is working for me may not work for everyone
  200. Hate2Wait

    Do you save money in the name of your kids?

    It's a good move and we should also make kids aware of their bank account and this will motivate them to save money