Recent content by IB D

  1. IB D

    Dream Big in Business

    There is actually no limit to what a business can achieve if the owners dream and are committed to the dream.
  2. IB D

    Do you take forum posting seriously?

    If you mean taking it seriously like a major source of income, I don't. But I always give it my best when I want to do it.
  3. IB D

    Do you tell your friends about earning online through the posting on forums?

    I have shared forum posting gigs with friends since a long time now and they don't show any interest.
  4. IB D

    Do You Guys Believe There is Less Online Work Available in Some Months

    I have never experienced months that there are less online work available. It is always me not having time to work.
  5. IB D

    What would you do if your boss was busy?

    It is the responsibility of the boss to attend to the customers and I would alert him that his attention is needed. Customers first.
  6. IB D

    How to deal with unprofessional employees?

    You try to train unprofessional employees to have professionalism but if it doesn't work, you let them go.
  7. IB D

    Where to ask for help about business?

    You ask other established business people that have succeeded in that area of business for help and advices.
  8. IB D

    How important is company logo

    Company logo is very important because it is the first identity tool that the organization is identified with.
  9. IB D

    Should business studies be given priority?.

    Business studies should be given priority but not like the theory method they are using to teach it now in schools.
  10. IB D

    How would you try to turn business proposal in your favor?

    Let the top management see the bigger benefits that the proppsal would bring to the organization and they would approve it fast even when your interest is embedded in it.