Recent content by Kera

  1. Kera

    Using cashback sites to save money

    It helps to save some pennies. The cashback apps don't really offer big savings but it is manageable at the very least.
  2. Kera

    Should asking for nudes be a criminal offence?

    When there is a kind of blackmail and coercion for people to send nudes to you, that persoj asking for nudes should face criminal charges.
  3. Kera

    In Italy, probable ban on smoking even outdoors

    I seriously wonder what people gain from smoking. I am in support of it being banned. It is toxic to the sociey.
  4. Kera

    Can we all make money and be rich?

    Everyone has the potential to make money and become rich. It is just about following the path that works for their personalities.
  5. Kera

    Do you know Urdu?

    I have never even heard of such a language called Urdu. Which tribe is the language native to?
  6. Kera

    Do you still frequent visit to your relatives and stay there for few days?

    It has been a pretty long time since I slept over in a relative's place. Time doesn't permit that any longer.
  7. Kera

    How to find the right location for your small business

    You would need a good market survey and consideration of factors related to potential market before choosing a location for your small business.
  8. Kera

    Did your business stop during the pandemic?

    My work paused for more than 7 months without pay during the pandemic and I had to survive on my parents.
  9. Kera

    Had to visit the forum of the admin. And I would say that he has a good project going on and I hope it clicks.
  10. Kera

    What is the oldest earning site you are using?

    I just joined index forum as the only site that I am active on and that is my oldest earning site.
  11. Kera

    I'm so sad today, Devin steps out as DBucks owner 😞

    The founder of Discussion Bucks must really be a great guy for all this emotions running in. I have been trying to join Discussion Bucks @Devin and @ford8 but the register button is not just responding.
  12. Kera

    What is your country’s favourite sport?

    My country's favourite sport is football. The way these male folks follow football, you would think it is a cult.
  13. Kera

    Do you like to buy Fruits and veggies online?

    I have never bought fruits online. We don't have such online stores that sells fruits online.
  14. Kera

    Are you a chatterbox?

    There are people that can put me in that mood and I can run my mouth with them endlessly.
  15. Kera

    Life can't remain the same

    Even when things don't seem to be aligning in the present, the future can still be better.
  16. Kera

    How do you assist othere to be better?

    I give advise to people and also give them financial help when I can for them to make something out of themselves.
  17. Kera

    can I make money online without any investment?

    As long as you have skills, you can make money online without any investments. Makin money online depends on skills.
  18. Kera

    Is anyone using the Brave browser for making some money?

    I tried using the brave browser to make money but it was frustrating because it was unbelievably slow.
  19. Kera

    Make money from Facebook reels

    Reels pay big time and they pay good if you know how to create and command large viewership.
  20. Kera

    What is your impression of money-making online?

    My impression of money making online is that there are good opportunities that one can explore to make money online.
  21. Kera

    When was the last time you went for an outing?

    The last time that I actually went for an outing was yesterday when my I took myself out to the park with some friends.
  22. Kera

    Importance of knowing your target audience

    Knowing your target audience would help you with offering personalized experience to customers for optimum satisfaction.
  23. Kera

    Apps every business owners should have

    I think every business owner must have Excel to use and do the analysis of his or her business?
  24. Kera

    How much can I charge for my online teaching service?

    Best way to charge is per head. Even if it is just 5 people that you have, charging per head makes more money.
  25. Kera

    What do you do to avoid being broke?

    Savings can really help a person to avoid being broke because they can take from the savings while finances are not forthcoming.
  26. Kera

    Do you have business bank account?

    Business bank accounts is like a basic thing for every business you I have. Business transaction can't be done with personal account. So unprofessional.
  27. Kera

    Business in rural areas versus business in urban areas

    It is just a matter of people that are pushing for a business knowing the exact location that would favor the business appropriately.
  28. Kera

    Can a greedy person run a business?

    If a person is greedy with the business he or she is running, it would never work.
  29. Kera

    profit over social responsibility?

    It is from the profits that the business can pursue corporate social responsibility. Profits ahead of social responsibility.
  30. Kera

    The importance of customers feedback to any businesses

    Businesses nowadays try to muzzle the feedback mechanism so that they can they would not be exposed. But they are harming themselves.
  31. Kera

    How Can I Become A Successful Affiliate?

    Affiliate depends largely on the following that you have. Build following first and affiliates would work.
  32. Kera

    Is it truly difficult to manage a small business?

    A small business always have smaller reach and it is difficult to manage them more than large businesses.
  33. Kera

    Why people still invest in HYIP

    Those High Yield investment always create an illusion that it is a straight big win and those people fall for it.
  34. Kera

    What was the main purpose for your marriage?

    A colleague of mine was asked this question and his response was that he married to have access to unlimited sex. Like what is that?
  35. Kera

    What is the purpose of your investment?

    The reason that I am investing as at now is to increase my net worth. I need to multiply my money and increase my financial level.
  36. Kera

    The rich getting richer?

    The rich always invest and reinvest their money. That's why they would always get richer everyday.
  37. Kera

    How to easily spot an investment Ponzi scheme scam

    Ponzi schemes always promise you high returns without you really doing any work that would worth such high returns.
  38. Kera

    Success doesn't come overnight

    Any investment that promises success overnight is obviously a scam and you should not follow it so you would not lose your hard earned money.
  39. Kera

    Teaching Online Vs. Selling Digital Courses

    Digital courses are mostly done by people that have valuable knowledge but don't have the time to be teaching them online.
  40. Kera

    How To start Blogging And Start Earning?

    You can't just start blogging and expect to start earning. You would have to grow the blog to where it would start earning.
  41. Kera

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    Even in our daily dealings, there are times that we delay financial obligations. It should not be enough yardstick to call a site not legit.
  42. Kera

    What is your favorite way to repay multiple loans?

    That multiple loans would pressure the living daylight out to me. I just know I can't manage them and I won't take them.
  43. Kera

    How to become good at managing money?

    You need to evaluate the financial cost and benefits of doing any financial venture before you commit a penny to it.
  44. Kera

    Failures are delayed success

    Anyone that would say that he or she has not failed has not seen a real big success.
  45. Kera

    What colour of clothes do you mostly have?

    My clothe are mostly different shades of pink colour. I have peach coloured clothes. Black colour is significant too.
  46. Kera

    Lion as pet

    I can't get near to a building that has a lion as a pet. Some things are not worth the risk.
  47. Kera

    Cure your depression

    It is not easy to manage depression. I have been depressed just last week and even sleep became very far from me.
  48. Kera

    Do you replace your old plan with a brand-new plan?

    I find a way to marry the new plan and the old plan together to get something that is workable for the business.
  49. Kera

    Buy on credit

    In the company I work for, there are some customers that we can confidently give credit sales because they have integrity.
  50. Kera

    Is selling bikes and their spare parts and services a good business to start?

    You just need the experience and inventory to start making money with bike spare parts selling business.
  51. Kera

    Selling Services Vs. selling Products to Make Money Online

    It is easier to sell services to make money online. You can be hired instantly as far as you prove your ability.
  52. Kera

    Selling the same product with different brand name.

    It is a business strategy to get diverse markets. Some people might just like the other packaging and branding of the product.
  53. Kera

    Managing a sustainable business growth.

    You would need to have a systematic growth plan for your business to achieve sustainable growth.
  54. Kera

    When to trust a partner

    You only trust a partner that has not shown dubious tendencies in words and actions. And those kinds of partners are scarce to find.
  55. Kera

    Why workers are important in decision making.

    Workers are always the ones that are affected by whatever changes that organizations make. They should always be carried along.
  56. Kera

    What are the things we need to keep in our mind while trading?

    Keep in mind that you should not be greedy when you are trading as it can affect your gains.
  57. Kera

    Renting Generator A Great Business

    The business is quite capital intensive to start off. Having to buy number of power generators ain't cheap.
  58. Kera

    How do you exhibit self love without being prideful

    Just give yourself a treat. Always pick yourself if there is a conflict of interest between your interest and another's.
  59. Kera

    How do you intend to build your first house

    I don't intend to build a house b I intend to use mortgage and buy a house for myself.
  60. Kera

    How do you intend to become rich someday?

    I intend to become rich by working hard and advancing in my career to earn more money.
  61. Kera

    How do you intend to cut costs during this holiday

    There are always lots of free concerts that one can attend rather than doing paid concerts to save money.
  62. Kera

    What are the factors that can make a salon business boom?

    I would say it again that a business that has to do with beauty services is heavily dependent on location.
  63. Kera

    Factors to consider before outsourcing business tasks

    One thing that should really be considered before outsourcing is the issue with privacy of business confidential information.
  64. Kera

    Inventing a new business idea or join existing one?

    A new business idea would take a whole lot of marketing to convince people to think of patronizing.
  65. Kera

    Is Doge A Popular Altcoin?

    I learned that Dogecoin is a meme coin that has a great community backing them up.
  66. Kera

    Do you still invest in the bitcoin?

    I really want to invest in bitcoin and I am waiting for the right moment to step in.
  67. Kera

    What do you like most about RIF?

    Index forum is very simple to earn. The admin doesn't stress the users and he is friendly too.
  68. Kera

    Do you make a to-do list?

    I know that I just have to schedule myself to perform my earning activities online. But I don't have a to do list.
  69. Kera

    Until When Do You Intend to Make Money Online?

    For as long as I am not locked out of making money online, I would just keep on making money online.
  70. Kera

    What do you eat immediately when extremely hungry?

    If I am very hungry and I am far from home, a combination of biscuits and groundnut comes to the rescue.
  71. Kera

    Should companies spy on their employees on social media?

    A staff that is under a company can't go about posting stuff that negates the values of the company they work for on social media.
  72. Kera

    How to avoid selling defective products

    The company I work for takes delivery of products unpacakged so that they can sort out the defective ones.
  73. Kera

    Women taking the lead in business.

    There is nothing wrong if women take the lead in business. I aspire to be the manager of the company I work for in the next eight years.
  74. Kera

    Making money as a mobile farmer

    People that do mobile farming should be paid well and when due because it is not easy at all.
  75. Kera

    Do You Accept Crypto Payment

    It is only after I started working online that I knew about crypto payments and I accept it very well.
  76. Kera

    Which is better walking or jogging

    Walking and jogging are all good. The best depends on your physical condition at the time.
  77. Kera

    How do you like your catfish?

    I use my catfish to cook melon soup and that provides the biggest utility for my catfish.
  78. Kera

    Why house helps are becoming scarce.

    Everyone wants to pursue big dreams now rather than to come and be spending time to babysit another person.
  79. Kera


    I heard that snowy seasons are always very cold. I have never experienced snow since we don't have it in my region.
  80. Kera

    Corporal punishment

    We were actually beaten by teachers to learn and we are enjoying the benefits of that today.
  81. Kera

    Does the government on your country offer relief food to the needy?

    The government of my country is always so disconnected from the people that they don't even understand that people can be needy.
  82. Kera

    The potential for growth in the organic beverage market and how to invest in it.

    I would prefer to invest in beverage industry at the basic level by planting the raw materials like cocoa.
  83. Kera

    Keeping Money In Bank Vs Keeping Money In PayPal: What Would You Prefer?

    If the money kept in PayPal stays in dollars, I would prefer it to a bank account.
  84. Kera

    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    I withdraw the money that I am going to use every week. I rarely withdraw two times in a week unless an emergency happens.
  85. Kera

    Who financed your business?

    I don't run a business but pursuing a career. And I finance that by myself. My parents sent me to school and financed that aspect of my career.
  86. Kera

    How do you compare your financial life to the past five years?

    General economic situation has become tougher but no financial life has also grown well in the past five years.
  87. Kera

    Save money by using the bicycle

    I really wish that at this point in time, I have the stamina to ride a bicycle for longer distances. But they still serve short distances though.
  88. Kera

    Do you save money in the name of your kids?

    I don't have kids yet but I am certain that my kids would have their own accounts that I have opened for them as soon as they are born.
  89. Kera

    Would you start a business with your spouse

    I think a couple that has a proper sync can start a business and easily run it together.
  90. Kera

    Should companies still invest in employee training and development

    I was trained by a company and was made to sign that I would work with them for at least five years before Ieave.
  91. Kera

    How do you boost the sales for slow moving goods.

    As far as goods are known to be slow moving, there is nothing you can do to boost it.
  92. Kera

    Problems In business that should be swiftly handled by business owner's

    Any business challenge that has to do with delivery of products should be immediately addressed by the business before it spirals and leaves a bad reputation.
  93. Kera

    Have you played any Cricket Game?

    My country was colonized by England but we don't fancy cricket. I think that football is native to us as a people.
  94. Kera

    Teach your son to cook

    I would never make a mistake of not teaching my son how to cook. It is very important he knows and gets that skill.
  95. Kera

    Have you ever had trouble eating in a foreign country?

    My digestive system actually finds it very difficult to adapt to food that is not custom to me.
  96. Kera

    Are you the kind of person that is a one man squad?

    I am not a one man squad. I thrive better working in a team than by myself. I am clingy if you must say.
  97. Kera

    Are you stingy to yourself?

    I am not stingy to myself for any reason. What is the use of making money when you can't spend it on yourself?
  98. Kera

    Time management: How to maximize our time and achieve our goals

    Managing time is very difficult when you have a lot of endeavors to undertake each day.
  99. Kera

    How do you handle rude people?

    I believe anyone that is rude would have a toxic personality. So I summarily cut them away from my life.
  100. Kera

    Failure and invention are inseparable twins

    Almost all the great inventors that I know have a long history of failure. There is no doubt about that.
  101. Kera

    How to avoid being scammed by sellers online

    Reviews can be really helpful when deciding to patronize an online business. With that, you can identify scam.
  102. Kera

    Can chatbots really create employees satisfaction?

    Chat bots really help with relieving customer rep staff of the workload they have to take up at work.
  103. Kera

    when is the right time to increase your skills in business?

    There is always an improvement to be made in business at every point in time. It is a constant thing to keep increasing your business skills.
  104. Kera

    Do You Have to be Loyal to Your Employer?

    There is no loyalty from me to any employer. I am only loyal to the money that I am being paid.
  105. Kera

    Is solana the fastest blockchain?

    Solana is one of the fastest blockchains. I don't know if it is the fastest as at now but it was once the fastest.
  106. Kera

    Have you financed someone else business?

    I have never been a sole financier of anyone's business. I have been contributing to finance people's businesses as my instinct leads me.
  107. Kera

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    How much do I have to hire an accountant? I would only hire an accountant for my personal finance when my account is up to 1 million naira.
  108. Kera

    Do you still carry cash for shopping?

    You can't use cards to pay for certain utilities in my country. One of such is basic inter city transportation.
  109. Kera

    Get 10$ sign up bonus and earn more doing tasks

    Which year would I be able to reach the minimum withdrawal of 100 dollars to cash out?
  110. Kera

    Why do many people fail to earn money online?

    So many people don't have the needed skills and capacity to earn money online. They feel it is supposed to be easier.
  111. Kera

    Legit 👍 Casino forum reviews

    How would they pay that to you? Are they owing you anything. They have even tried to take action on something that wasn't even done on their platform.
  112. Kera

    Is getting paid $1 per video watched real?

    If you are having to watch up to 10 minutes video to get paid that amount, I might believe.
  113. Kera

    Unusual Ways to Make Money Online

    I know of a person that earns by just selling pictures of her fingers on a ring to a jewellery company.
  114. Kera

    Legit 👍

    Forum Coin might be a legit forum but it doesn't have much traction these days because of it's rates.
  115. Kera

    Can you refer to referralindexforum as the best ?

    I have just been few months on this forum and I can proudly say that it is actually the best forum that any person can earn from.