Recent content by Miley

AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. M

    Do you still watch TV?

    Watching of TV is outdated now unto say mobile phone has taken everything now TV is boring.
  2. M

    Do you still watch black and white movies?

    Those days are gone when you watch black and white movies now they don't even watched again.
  3. M

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    Paying of bills is not something someone will be happy doing is always so tiring at times.
  4. M

    What is your remedy for the rat eradication in your household?

    What I do most is buying most of this local rat poison to spare around the house.
  5. M

    Have you ever late to report to work and what are the reasons for that?

    So many times and in so many occasions have been late to work and it was due to bad road and traffic.
  6. M

    Reasons for doing part time Jobs

    I have so many reason to do part time job because it give one enough time to rest and do other things.
  7. M

    Do you do the laundry work by yourself?

    Doing of laundry work is one of my best house choices aside cooking I usually do all my laundry myself.
  8. M

    Do you still have your best friend?

    Best friends are like having your brothers and sisters so my best friend is still intact with me.
  9. M

    Who still watches zee world

    Zee world my most best tv to watch nothing can separate me from the love of zee world.
  10. M

    Are you still close with your high school friends?

    Am over close to my high schools friends still very close that do sit out mostly.
  11. M

    Do you make friends easily?

    As the coolest girl that I am making friends is not a hard thing for me.
  12. M

    Shoot your shot as a lady

    As a Lady you ought to shot your shoot don't put your self in one basket.
  13. M

    What are you doing after work?

    After work am going to just have a nice time to myself eating and relaxing to my fullest.
  14. M

    Have you ever thought of the celebration of your birthdays?

    I have thought of such celebration but the money to do that is what am still waiting for.
  15. M

    Ever thought of giving up on your business?

    Yes such thought happen to me when I was just starting my new business and no one was buying it.
  16. M

    Giving bonus for workers to motivate them.

    Is nice you give bounce to worker either by money or any form of appreciation it helps to motive them and help them put more efforts.
  17. M

    What do you like thinking about mostly?

    I like thinking about money most times thinking how to make more business ideas that lead to huge amount of money.
  18. M

    Thinking too much

    As human one cannot espace the part of thinking as life has gone so hard on everyone.
  19. M

    Forgiving a cheating partner

    Although it will be hard to forgive a cheating partner but forgiveness is necessary for everyone as long as Christ has forgiven us.
  20. M

    How much did you earn here?

    Although am just new here I have earn so much that it has help me take care of myself.
  21. M

    Did you attend a boarding school? Would you let your child attend one?

    I never attended boarding schools but I won't let child attend any one cause of the story .
  22. M

    Have you repented?

    As a Christian you are ought to repent and give your life to Christ is necessary.
  23. M

    When did you last enjoyed your favourite drink?

    Today was the last time I took my favorite drink fanta after a long while.
  24. M

    What is the best meal for breakfast when you are trying to lose fat?

    The best meal for breakfast when trying to losses fat is eating a lot of fruit in the morning.
  25. M

    Do you make meal at home

    To me o I enjoyed making my food at home I dislike eating at outside my house.
  26. M

    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    Investing too much brings a lot success but it depends on what you are investing on .
  27. M

    How much Does a Teacher Earn In Your country?

    The amount a teacher earns in my country is very poor a bsc Holder does not earn up to 100k here.
  28. M

    Is vegan milk better than animal milk

    I really don't about vegan milk but I feel that the animal milk taste better and nourished the body the more.
  29. M

    Which is better work from home or in office?

    I perfer work from office at lest you get to rest at home after work.
  30. M

    How are you naturally looking young

    Am naturally looking young by always taking fruits,drinking a lot of water and doing my regular exercise.
  31. M

    How do you naturally relieved your pains?

    How I naturally relief my pains is that I will take some cold water or slept off when I wake I will be fine.
  32. M

    Do you like wearing Shorts at home or only undies?

    To me when am home I love wearing just undies depending on who is around with me.
  33. M

    Do you like wearing whites?

    White is a no for me because every little thing it get stain and also hard to wash
  34. M

    Are you stingy to yourself?

    In some cases am stingy to myself I tend to save money a lot that I denied myself a lot of things.
  35. M

    Be the best friends of your kids

    It is important that every parents be the best friend of their kids before someone else out there become one.
  36. M

    Do you make friends easily?

    When it comes to making friends am one of its kinds because everyone see me as one of the sweetest soul.
  37. M

    Have you ever taken any pills to sleep?

    No and I will never take any pills to sleep comes naturally and it not something that requires pills.
  38. M

    Do you take pills for pain?

    Yes oo especially when it comes to head pains I sleep with paracetamol for relief.
  39. M

    Injection or pills?

    For me I rather go for injection than that of pills because injection Is just one and for all.
  40. M

    Do you likes dates?

    Yes I love dates that when you go you tends to moved into a serious issues not a blind dates.
  41. M

    When no one likes you

    When no one likes you,you moved on with your life everyone was not meant to like you.
  42. M

    Do you like sweet potatoes?

    Growing up as a kid sweet potatoes used to be my best and favorite food even up till now.
  43. M

    Importance of positive thinking in your business

    When you have a positive thinking in your business it tends to increase the growth of the business .
  44. M

    What is the importance for a smile?

    The greatest importance of smiling is that you will be refresh and will keep you forever young.
  45. M

    Why did you end your last relationship?

    My last relationship ended 5 years ago I feel we not meant to be together God made it.