Recent content by misha

  1. misha

    Selling Clothes Non Ready Made Still A great Business

    In my country it's very running business and highly profitable
  2. misha

    In Italy, probable ban on smoking even outdoors

    Good decision by the government it should be ban in all around the world
  3. misha

    How you feel relaxed?

    I listen to my favourite music and surf the internet
  4. misha

    Tips to hair growth!

    You should apply aleovera gel
  5. misha

    How tall are you?

    I am not so tall may be 5.2 feet
  6. misha

    Got all your covid shots?

    I had taken the covid 19 vaccine
  7. misha

    Favorite Pastime?

    Surfing internet
  8. misha

    What's the worst you've ever been physically hurt?

    I don't remember any such incident right now
  9. misha

    Do you know Urdu?

    Urdu is an indian language among the muslim people i know a little bit was curious to learn but i can't read
  10. misha

    Present and future

    I try to be in present situation every time
  11. misha


    Yes but its not necessary sometimes we also have to apply our brain
  12. misha

    Gear approval

    I will go with them just the way my outfit is will not change as the outfit is comfortable for me
  13. misha


    I an not infected by covid but some of my colleagues got infected they share the experience it was horrible
  14. misha

    Do you prefer the Fitness Gadgets?

    I never use any fitness gadget
  15. misha

    Will PayPal Work If You use It While Travelling Abroad?

    I am not sure weather it will work or not i haven't tried
  16. misha

    Do you just buy discounted products

    Not everytime i buy discounted product only on the time if i want to buy anything at the times discount offers is there than i buy it
  17. misha

    How to Save Money On Personal Expenses

    It very difficult for me to control my spending i save for sometimes and done suddenly spends like anything