Recent content by SHAHID987

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  1. SHAHID987

    Washing clothes manually or with a Washing Machine?

    Here 90% people are washing their clothes in washing machine, and only ten percent wash their clothes by hand. Our washing machine is out of order and so we do it by our hands.
  2. SHAHID987

    What do you like to eat with tea or coffee?

    It's my routine in winter and summer as I take biscuits with evening tea. We take tea even in very high temperature but we only enjoy with coffee during winter season.
  3. SHAHID987

    How do you handle rude people?

    If your boss is rude then you can't ignore him, and you can't avoid him so try to prepare yourself to fight with these types of people.
  4. SHAHID987

    A woman being a bread winner

    Some countries economy condition are at the verge of disaster. Woman are working and they are supporting whole family.
  5. SHAHID987

    Do you go shopping with your own carry bags?

    I do shopping from carefore they charge much more for bags which they provide. So I carry my own bag when I decide to go for shopping there, by doing this I save money.
  6. SHAHID987

    How do you handle backstabber?

    Time is changing, a decade before number of backstabbers were low. People were clear as if they don't like something they say Infront of us. Nowadays every third person I found is backstabber. Only way left is to accept the reality and prepare for fight.
  7. SHAHID987

    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    I mix different things like after 10 post start clicking ads and then do some other works. Sometimes play games.
  8. SHAHID987

    Must I give my contact to every guy?

    Generally the answer is No, but it extremely differ from country to country. Here ladies are also working on street but nobody can ask for their numbers, if someone do and she complain then police will come later but the street people will tear his clothes.
  9. SHAHID987

    Being a chef?

    Yes, I love to do experiments, and this profession provide me all way to express my inner feelings. I combine different tasty items and make entirely new dishes to which people like too much.
  10. SHAHID987

    Do you like to eat grilled fish or grilled beef with chili sauce?

    I like both, but I am somewhat mad on grilled fish, I love to eat it with chilli sauce. Although we prepare it seldom but whenever we prepared we enjoy too much.
  11. SHAHID987

    Do you like to fix your nails?

    Maintaining cleanliness is always remain in our favour, when people paint their nails and let it grow then definitely germs stick inside which causes health issues.
  12. SHAHID987

    How much do you take cold water?

    In summer season I take too much, specially during hot season when temperature goes to upside I take 10 glass of cold water every day.
  13. SHAHID987

    What happens when the people you lend money don't pay back?

    It is required to have complete documentation when give loan to someone because just only the verbal loan won't make you strong to go anywhere for justice. Because the department ask for proof.
  14. SHAHID987

    Can you get married to someone who smokes?

    Smokers are mostly disliked by majority of people, the old time has gone when the awareness were not as much as it is nowadays. So marrying with chain smokers means you had plan to live alone.
  15. SHAHID987

    What payment mode do you prefer, is it daily, weekly or monthly basis.

    Here mostly payments are given on monthly basis. But I like and prefer to take weekly payments these types of payments keep me motivated and I work very hard.
  16. SHAHID987

    How many friends do you have?

    I used to have so many friends in my childhood, and let me say that as the counting was more than 20. We had very good times we were enjoying life. But nowadays I hardly have few, the things are moving so fastly and most of them don't have time. Furthermore they have weighing machines of wealth...
  17. SHAHID987

    Do you believe that conflict is always bad?

    Conflicts sometimes play good role as far as final results are concerned. If we just bear things whether those things remain right or wrong then the main issue remain hidden.
  18. SHAHID987

    What do you do if your neighbors are always fighting?

    I just try to ignore as more as I can, because reporting in police may fireback on me as at the time of interrogation they may change their statement as they were just talking
  19. SHAHID987

    What is the most prevalently reason for you to smile?

    I smile when I recover from illness, I just recall my memories of sick duration and then I say, Thanks God I came out from this illness and then smile came on my face.
  20. SHAHID987

    Is your online money daily enough for you?

    Nowadays, I am feeling that things changed and are entirely different as it used to be. Earning online becomes much more difficult as competition has increased many folds. I am earning some reasonable money from all online sources.
  21. SHAHID987

    Taking pap or tea

    I am also listening first time about pap, I mostly enjoy with tea in Morning breakfast and also my one fixed tea remain in evening. It energize me, and surprisingly we enjoyed with it in 42 degree centigrade temperature.
  22. SHAHID987

    What was your first job

    My first proper job was in Johnson & Johnson as a Medical Representative, I enjoyed with it very much as meetings outside the city, stay in five star hotels and different pleasure trips.
  23. SHAHID987

    P2P Trading

    I am frequently involve in P2P trading in OKX. I accept the fact as it required to remain extra careful while doing this. Once a woman trader tried to cheat me so I raised dispute and get favour by OKX team because she was a cheater.