Recent content by Starmix

  1. Starmix

    Broken promises

    I experienced broken promises, they hurt me a lot, and forgot what to do to move on. I was thankful to God for enlightening my path.
  2. Starmix

    Sharing you ways to save money

    Some people are extravagant and cannot calculate and evaluate their actions as right or wrong. The end result will be regret.
  3. Starmix

    Minimal future planning in business

    It s best to exhaust your plans and apply a compare-contrast strategy to avoid failure.
  4. Starmix

    Have you started investing this year?

    Those who have not yet started investing, there might be some plans in the future not this time when prices are skyrocketing hard to minimalize everything.
  5. Starmix

    Do not overcomplicate the concept of your business

    You will go wrong if overcomplicate the concept of your business. Stick to the original and enhance it, don't over complicate.
  6. Starmix

    Minimal use of technology can lead to business problems

    Use the advantage of technology up to its maximum. In fact, we can now use artificial intelligence to boost sales.
  7. Starmix

    Do not complicate simple things

    If you complicated a simple thing, you are making yourself miserable and chaotic. It is better to stay away from that cause.
  8. Starmix

    Create a business plan

    Before starting a business, it is assumed that the person who operates a business already has his plans. Planning in business is essential to succeed.
  9. Starmix

    Christmas party at a business center

    I am now buying Christmas gifts for the exchanging of gifts during our university-wide year end party. There will be 4,000 faculty, staff and janitorial services to attend the party.
  10. Starmix

    Is gift wrapping a good business this Christmas?

    There are many small entrepreneurs here in the city where I live and even in the urban community people do business on Christmas gift bags.
  11. Starmix

    Learn to say "NO" to things which are insignificant to your business

    It will be safe to say no sometimes in your business. There are customers who are irritating appealing to you to buy in credit.
  12. Starmix

    Focus on your vision in business

    As a business owner, you should focus on the vision of your business.That serves as your guide to reach your goal.
  13. Starmix

    How do you spend your weekends

    I spend my weekends swimming in the deep sea bonding with my family by cooking our favorite foods together.
  14. Starmix

    Create a business plan

    Without a business plan, there is no good results in sales and customer retention. It just be based from the business mission and vision.
  15. Starmix

    Do you easily react?

    We are just humans. We cannot avoid to react if we're harm or insulted without reasons.
  16. Starmix

    Christmas party at a business center

    Our year end party is scheduled on December 17. I am so excited. We're waiting for the theme and cash rewards he he.
  17. Starmix

    Robots to man a business in big companies

    Some multinational companies here in the Philippines are using robots in a danger zone areas. It's for safety for the workers in the plant.
  18. Starmix

    Toxic Customers

    There are toxic customers feeling proud and mighty. I encountered one. She got mad for the delay of her order but she didn't fall in line. I told her not to buy my milk tea.
  19. Starmix

    Is gift wrapping a good business this Christmas?

    It could be a one time but big time business in Christmas. People are seen everywhere and buy gift wrappers even in sidewalk.
  20. Starmix

    Learn to sleep alone

    If you are an investor and requires you to travel for something related to business or investment you'll go alone. Sleep alone in case it takes days to finish the transaction.
  21. Starmix

    Learn to say "NO" to things which are insignificant to your business

    It is not good to always say yes to customers but if what they ask is insignificant, saying No is the option to protest the business.
  22. Starmix

    Business motivators

    Money is one business motivator of the business owners. Seeing a good sales inspire them and strive more to achieve success.
  23. Starmix

    Do You Think Age Matters For Success

    Success does not require age. It requires passion and hardwork. Young or old can mold life according to their vision.
  24. Starmix

    Real love honors commitments and cherishes the bond between partners

    A fake love never thrives. It will be wrecked. It's best to choose the right person. Love can wait.
  25. Starmix

    Once a woman realizes she can be fine without you, it's game over for you

    It is hard to live with someone full of lies and betrayals. There is no reason to sacrifice. It's better to junk that person forever.
  26. Starmix

    Are you investing in the bank?

    No, I am not investing in the bank only saving. I am not a big time business person.
  27. Starmix

    The capital to invest or the investment, which should come first?

    I invested with the own capital and even in my milk tea business in the mall.
  28. Starmix

    Investing in Whisky and Rum Exclusively

    Once you invest on whisky, it's already part of the plan the target market at the strategies to capture the whisky drinkers.
  29. Starmix

    Create a business plan

    No business plan is like talking without knowing. You need to plot your plans for they serve as your day to day guide and evaluation of your sales.
  30. Starmix

    The rich build multiple income streams to diversify their income

    Money is a powerful tool to become wealthy through investment or business. As soon as it grows, the rich diversifies his business or investment.
  31. Starmix

    What matters is, it does not matter

    It does not matter if we are belittled because we are not millionaires what matters is our dignity and freedom.
  32. Starmix

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    If the business owner does not attend to the needs of the customers, they will not anymore come back and and may spread a bad repu. tation of the business.
  33. Starmix

    Business motivators

    Motivation depends on the business owner's action. If he plans to have good sales he must motivate himself to be always active and inspired.
  34. Starmix

    Do you easily react?

    I rarely react maybe once a year 😁. The reason is when there is someone wanting to borrow my branded shoes. I will react of course. Why go to a party with borrowed shoes.
  35. Starmix

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    There is no big mirror in my bedroom. I am afraid something weird appears in the mirror at the middle of the night 😁.
  36. Starmix

    Why suffer love without love in return?

    It's a shame begging for love. You can't force love Wait for the right time and right person destined to you by God.
  37. Starmix

    Do you still have your best friend?

    I still have best friends but they are working in the other country, in the United States.
  38. Starmix

    The rich build multiple income streams to diversify their income

    It is also a normal thing to see the rich diversifying their income streams , They have huge capital and they can do they believe profitable. for them.
  39. Starmix

    Investing in china products and reselling them

    Not in a dream to invest in China. I was there in China and I saw how people, there do fishy activities,
  40. Starmix

    In China they sell canned air, would you buy it?

    I never buy a product from China even if it is buy one take ten. Cihna sells fake things,
  41. Starmix

    Can you buy in larger quantities for the sake of discounts or offers?

    There is always a discount once you buy in bulk. That is part of the business mission for the clients,
  42. Starmix

    Do you sometimes sleep at work?

    If it is not restricted in your office to get a short nap, then do it, if not, avoid it to avoid shame,
  43. Starmix

    Do you sometimes get tired of your business?

    It is normal to feel tired if having a business. having a business is like having a baby,You need to take good care of your baby or business.
  44. Starmix

    Sometimes sorrow and pain are caused by an ordinary lack of love

    One will feel lonely if deprived of love even from a family or at work.. There is no aspiration and energy to make things big happen.
  45. Starmix

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I hate paying bills. How I wish my sister to chip in some money but she did not do it .
  46. Starmix

    The best revenge is no revenge ...just forget the person exists

    If you take revenge you will be at a loss, you might be doing it at the extreme and instead of feeling relived, you might land in jail..
  47. Starmix

    Business Resilience

    Business resilience also has its limit. The business owner might just be observing about the actions of the workers or services towards the customers.
  48. Starmix

    Get paid for sharing internet, completing surveys, quests, Honeygain alternative

    I already have account of honey gain. I might Google search about the feedback from users before deciding to return.
  49. Starmix

    True wealth is not money but freedom

    Freedom is the biggest triumph one could ever have. Money follows after attaining freedom from the bondage of ignorance.
  50. Starmix

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    It's part of the mission statement of the business owner to supply quality goods and services to the clients.
  51. Starmix

    Can you buy in larger quantities for the sake of discounts or offers?

    We can avail of a discount if buy in bulk. That is a normal thing. It's also programmed by the business owner discounts for bulk buyers whole sale or retail.
  52. Starmix

    Do you still drink milk?

    This morning my breakfast is milk and fried egg. I will take my snack later because I may feel hungry at 9 in the morning.
  53. Starmix

    What matters is, it does not matter

    What matters is we are financially stable it does not matter if they envy us. Those who envy are losers.
  54. Starmix

    Business motivators

    High valued sales motivate the business owner to the max. It's one motivator that kicks the energy of the business owner to serve customers more.
  55. Starmix

    Do you throw your leftovers?

    We also refrigerate the leftovers like meat, chicken, fish but seldom we refrigerate rice. It becomes toxic the next day.
  56. Starmix

    The rich build multiple income streams to diversify their income

    The rich likes to diversify their income whereas the poor like to multiply their children, no planning resulting to poverty. The kids suffer most.
  57. Starmix

    Sharing you ways to save money

    Some people lack discipline instead of buying vitamins for their kids, they buy wine and bet which does not guarantee a win.
  58. Starmix

    Clothing boutique in a small town

    Even if a town is small there are always wealthy people managing investments and businesses. In globalisation , no one is left behind on the web.
  59. Starmix

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    The customers bring money to your business so they must be the first priority in your business.
  60. Starmix

    Do you easily react?

    I only react if necessary if it's against my morale and dignity. I will surely fight up to court.
  61. Starmix

    Business motivators

    The sales from business is one motivator for a business owner. The products people like can also motivate them in coming back.
  62. Starmix

    The positive impact of business

    One positive impact if having business is financial freedom. There is always money for our daily needs and wants.
  63. Starmix

    True wealth is not money but freedom

    Money cannot buy happiness but can buy other things that make us happy. That happiness is freedom.
  64. Starmix

    Relaxing in an unrelaxed mood

    When we are relaxed, there are many beautiful things that we want to accomplish. It's essential to have time for ourselves.
  65. Starmix

    Sharing you ways to save money

    Saving money is essential. Do not wait for the time you are already old and no savings at all Save now or never.
  66. Starmix

    Did you believe in Santa clause when you where little?

    When I was a kid, I was a fanatic of Santa. I kept on imagining the gift from him hang in our Christmas tree.
  67. Starmix

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    I hate paying bills when I save it I could have huge savings now. But there is no choice but to pay.
  68. Starmix

    Why suffer love without love in return?

    What a pity for those begging for love. They are fools and losers. What a shame losing a dignity.
  69. Starmix

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    I do not have a big mirror in my bedroom only in the living room. It is a human size mirror.
  70. Starmix

    Do you sometimes feel like a loser and why?

    There are also times that I feel that way if I cannot achieve somethings that I want.
  71. Starmix

    Do you sometimes or always feeling tired paying bills?

    Paying bills is suffocating but we cannot go back to the past life without electricity and Internet. Let's sacrifice for the sake of our happiness.
  72. Starmix

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    True love is hard to find this time. There are many gold diggers male or female pretending to be cute and loving.
  73. Starmix

    Time is gold

    Time is gold but not all people are destined to walk in gold let's just. Let's just work harder in a smarter way.
  74. Starmix

    Is writing a good career ?

    There are many good writing sites this time. Try to apply at BEwriter, at iwriter. com or at wwe. baywriter. com. Who knows.
  75. Starmix

    The rich build multiple income streams to diversify their income

    Let us not lose hope that sooner or later we could have multiple sources of income. Let's be positive.
  76. Starmix

    No one is rich and no one is poor we get 24 hours each

    People's mindset is indeed important to make things beneficial come to reality especially financial matters. Mind is power unless dumb.
  77. Starmix

    Clothing boutique in a small town

    In this technological world remote or urban knows fashion through Internet. No one is left behind in globalisation.
  78. Starmix

    Why suffer love without love in return?

    That was a very good decision. Why stick to the person who does not give you the love you dreamed for.
  79. Starmix

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    Some people are superficial. They easily forget their promises to love the person till eternity only to know he has a mistress.
  80. Starmix

    Why suffer love without love in return?

    That is true, love is a complicated feeling, despite knowledge about the truth, the person continues to love and hope which is a mortal action.
  81. Starmix

    Time is gold

    indeed, time is gold so let us not waste a single minute wasting it by resting all the time in a comfort zone. There is no money there.
  82. Starmix

    Sharing you ways to save money

    There are people who do not think of their future, especially old age. Even if they have a goo salary they never care to save .
  83. Starmix

    Not everyone will like you

    Not all like us for reason only they know. We cannot please everyone though no matter how good we are to the person.
  84. Starmix

    Let's greet Happy Valentine to our beloved site owner, Jordan

    Some members never care, they only want to post and after that leave. It's best for us to read the new posts to see the new posts he he.
  85. Starmix

    Advertise your business through word of mouth in your community

    Indeed, word of mouth advertising strategy is less hassle and more practical. You can save more while you are still building your business.
  86. Starmix

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    Do not let your customers feel bad. If you are a business operator, see to it that you don't turn your back on them should they need your assistance on some important matters.
  87. Starmix

    Ever fought for love?

    It's a cheap act to fight someone for love. It's very sure I'll suffer for a lifetime of force someone to love me.
  88. Starmix

    Advertise your business through word of mouth in your community

    Advertising through word of mouth is a form of practicability. You can expose your business for free. Just use the right body language.
  89. Starmix

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    I inherited one hectare coco farm from my parents. It is now my passive income from it's rent annually.
  90. Starmix

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    Customers bring money to your business. They are potential assets that make your business grow fat. Attend to their needs ASAP.
  91. Starmix

    Attract your customers through the power of first impressions

    If you are a snob type never expect prospective customers to like you. They will have a bad impression for you. Be smiling to be impressed with good vibes.
  92. Starmix

    Who financed your business?

    It's me who financed my milk tea business. It's from my savings from my salary and passive income from my rented property.
  93. Starmix

    Time is gold

    Every tick of the clock is important. We can do something that earns us instead of idling by.
  94. Starmix

    Business motivators

    This time there are less motivators for a business owner because of the high prices of all commodities here and abroad.
  95. Starmix

    Comfort zone is a beaurtiful place to live , but nothing grows there

    It's good to stay in the comfort zone but it makes you lazy, thus making you poor. Money does not grow in a comfort zone.
  96. Starmix

    Application of psychological pricing in business

    That is a good strategy to raise the prices a little bit higher so when customers ask for a discount you can dive to the original price.
  97. Starmix

    Elements of a Good Business Continuity Plan

    That is the basic plan of every business operators, they have backup plans to protect their business from any possible problems.
  98. Starmix

    High school kids, to work as a gasoline boy, good or bad?

    Kids are adventurous except for the elite kids they have pride and their parents never allow. Only those kids with parents financially struggling they become mature minded kids.
  99. Starmix

    Small business to start in 2024: Car Washing

    It might be still good in your country. It's not anymore good because every gasoline station has a built in car washing center.
  100. Starmix

    Persuasive approach in business

    Persuasive approach in selling makes the customers happy and they will be inspired to buy. They are impressed of the appealing approach that touches their emotions.
  101. Starmix

    Do you laugh aloud when you are happy or excited?

    It's nice to laugh out our lungs to exercise and it seldom happens in our lives. It's the best exercise for the heart.
  102. Starmix

    Is it advisable to tune in loud music in the business center?

    It's also not good to play a loud music. It could be irritating to the ears to those who are not used to it.
  103. Starmix

    Attract your customers through the power of first impressions

    First impression is lasting and that would be the reason why the customers keep on buying your products.
  104. Starmix

    Christmas party at a business center

    It's almost Christmas and once again waiting for parties and gift exchanges. There will be a lot of fun partying at the workplace.
  105. Starmix

    Have you inherited something from your parents?

    You are funny but it is normal that the children inherit what the parents suffer. It's good to ask for a health certificate before marrying the person.
  106. Starmix

    Once a woman realizes she can be fine without you, it's game over for you

    We were born alone so there is no reason that we cannot live alone. It is better that way than with somebody toxic.
  107. Starmix

    Small business to start in 2024: Car Washing

    I noticed that car washing is not anymore popular. It's because all gasoline stations offer free car washing to customers.
  108. Starmix

    Business Resilience

    That is right it's hard to fight them and refute there wrong manners. Business owners must have a well adjusted personality not easy to poke.
  109. Starmix

    Business Fallacies

    No business to succeed if there a hidden lie. It's a betrayal of public trust. It will be exposed then the business be put to risk.
  110. Starmix

    Share your most unforgettable experience 😁

    I have many unforgettable experiences, happy and now happy ones. I just recall them once in a blue moon.
  111. Starmix

    Advertise your business through word of mouth in your community

    Apart from being free, you could have a widest exposure in a community. That's how people get interest to support you.
  112. Starmix

    What was the highest amount of money that hit on your PayPal account at ago?

    I received $500 from my niece nurse in the UK as my birthday gift last July 4 this year.
  113. Starmix

    Firing an employee with bad manners lawful or not

    Firing an employee with bad manners is a sole prerogative of the business owner. An employee like that always brings chaos in a workplace.
  114. Starmix

    Can you still give a traitor a second chance?

    Never will I give a traitor a second chance. That person will remain a traitor.
  115. Starmix

    Are you a hater type of person?

    I am not a hater type but I could push myself to do so if I am betrayed. We're just humans.
  116. Starmix

    Are you a smart type of person?

    I cannot say that I am smart but at least I can compete and always trying hard.
  117. Starmix

    Seeing is not believing, it's doing that is believing

    That is true, action speaks louder than words. We can't just believe something spoken without proofs.
  118. Starmix

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    As a business owner, never feel tired assisting your customers. They are like previous commodities.
  119. Starmix

    Thinking of you in the hardest way

    Love pours on my being the hardest and sweetest ways he he. It's hard to find true love this time.
  120. Starmix

    How to have more money : increase income and decrease expenses

    The prices of all types of commodities this time are skyrocketing. We need many jobs and adjust our expenditures.
  121. Starmix

    Do you like walking in the rain?

    This time, it's not good to get wet in the rain. Rain water is polluted. It's dangerous for our health.
  122. Starmix

    Is there divorce in your country?

    That is true, the priests here are troublemakers he he but people are accustomed to them.
  123. Starmix

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    Love flies in split seconds if you cheat a partner. You need to be committed to your spouse or to someone you love.
  124. Starmix

    True love can't be bought and sold

    I will never be tempted of money just because of love cause. I better have no money than losing someone I love.
  125. Starmix

    Bad manners in business

    Having bad manners in business will never let your business grow fat. There's no customer retention.
  126. Starmix

    Are you a hater type of person?

    I only hate a cheater, a betrayal. I feel like dumb being cheated so it's useless to give that person a second chance.
  127. Starmix

    Is there a big mirror in your bedroom?

    We have a big mirror in our living room human size but there is none in my bedroom.
  128. Starmix

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    No money, no happiness. There's chaos in the mind and troubles of the heart, but when there is money, the world is so colored.
  129. Starmix

    Can you still give a traitor a second chance?

    I will never give a traitor a second chance. That traitor will never change. His attitude is already rooted in his brain.
  130. Starmix

    Limit screen time

    It's essential to limit our screen usage to contemplate on other things. Our eyes also need rest.
  131. Starmix

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    If the customers need your assistance something important needs your immediate action. There might be breakage of the order needing replacement and only you could approve it.
  132. Starmix

    Maintain a good composure as an employee in a big business

    If you're a business owner, you have to maintain your good mood despite not good for the workers not to feel afraid.
  133. Starmix

    How long have you been posting on forums?

    I started posting on forum sites last year. The first forum that I explored is RIF which is why I love RIF but so sad of its fate.
  134. Starmix


    Sometimes I am happy and not happy around my family. It is because I have one quarrelsome sister.
  135. Starmix

    Importance of having a flexible business plan

    Having a flexible business plan guarantees good sales and camaraderie among the workers and customers.
  136. Starmix

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    How nice to meet someone having all these qualities, I will surely give the same in return . I seldom find men having these qualities.
  137. Starmix

    Bad manners in business

    People will be afraid to enter a business center if the owner is ill-tempered or some workers have bad manners.
  138. Starmix

    What matters is, it does not matter

    That is right, let us ignore them, what matters is we do not ask for money from them. It does not matter if they do not talk to me, that is my happiness not talking to them.
  139. Starmix

    Advertise your business through word of mouth in your community

    Word of mouth advertising your business is free and less hassle and there is a lot of fun from the exchanges of ideas between the business owner and the people.
  140. Starmix

    Is there divorce in your country?

    I am for a divorce law but it is impossible to happen in the Philippines because of the interventions of the churches, especially the Roman Catholics.
  141. Starmix

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    Life is in trouble without money, but the world seems so big and near if there is money.
  142. Starmix

    Are you a strategic type business owner?

    We need to be a strategic business owner. We cannot move our sales up in we do not do this.
  143. Starmix

    Is there divorce in your country?

    There is no divorce in the Philippines. We're a Christian country and does not allow family breakup. Though there are betrayals but they can apply for a legal separation.
  144. Starmix

    How do you manage your personal loans?

    I am not having a personal loan. I do not have reason. I must be contented and adjust my needs.
  145. Starmix

    How do you manage your business and love life if you are single?

    I am single and do not entertain someone courting me. It's hard to adjust love and business. I cannot give my business a second priority and neither love.
  146. Starmix

    Are you a strategic type business owner?

    If we are running a business, what comes to mind is strategy to capture the interest of the people in the community to support and patronise your products.
  147. Starmix

    Business Plan Pro

    It needs a significant amount to reach to the level of a new version in business and self. Becoming a business pro needs years sacrifices and significant capital.
  148. Starmix

    Real love honors commitments and cherishes the bond between partners

    It's better to observe first the attitude of the person who wants you to be with him. Who knows if he has only a superficial feelings.
  149. Starmix

    Dream big in business

    To dream big in busines is free, however should you like to make it happen, you need to plan and work it out realistically.
  150. Starmix

    Advertise your business through word of mouth in your community

    Word of mouth advertising spreads fast. It's free and less ignites direct interest of the surrounding populace.
  151. Starmix

    Rental Income as a Passive Business

    I am lucky, I inherited one hectare coco farm from my parents and it's rented annually. It serves as my passive income.
  152. Starmix

    Be the reason someone smiles today

    Helping a colleague at work makes him or her smile and happy. It's a priceless gratitude for him or her. 1728522613 I always let my friends smile whenever I reach the office. They are excited to see me I always inject jokes and they all laugh at their lungs.
  153. Starmix

    Online Teaching is Best For Online Earners?

    There are many sites needing online teachers. If you're qualified, try to apply. They need teachers with TESOL, TEFL , Teacher certificate and more.
  154. Starmix

    Have You tried Threads?

    No, I do not have an account on that site. I am not interested. I only focus on media sites that I like.
  155. Starmix

    Do you still have your best friend?

    I still have best friends. They are now working abroad. There are 5 of them and three already married there in the United States of America.
  156. Starmix

    Do you still drink milk?

    I love to drink milk. It could sustain me if I cannot a wholesome breakfast.
  157. Starmix

    What matters is, it does not matter

    There are people like that at work, neighbors and even relatives. They have negative mindsets and bad manners.
  158. Starmix

    Reasons for increased debts in a business

    The business owner might be extravagant and wasteful. He might have no right planning and strategies to make his business grow big.
  159. Starmix

    If you are lazy, you will attract more lazy people

    That is the usual chain reaction if someone lazy joins a group. All of them becomes lazy too. 1728523332 There are times I like to be lazy but I observed that all people at home become lazy too. When I initiated something like cleaning my bedroom, they also cleaned theirs, so empathic.
  160. Starmix

    Firing an employee with bad manners lawful or not

    It's better to fire out an employee who's trouble maker. Having an ill mannered employee could disrupt workers.
  161. Starmix

    Is it good to give a cash incentive to perfect attendance employees?

    It gives happiness to the concerned employees if given a cash incentive for being punctual. It boosts employee morale.
  162. Starmix

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    No money, no honey lol. How could we survive without money? Money is vital in our lives. There will be happiness.
  163. Starmix

    It is not how much money you have but...

    Love to a guy who is not legible to beloved is significant. Let's choose a guy who has something on his wallet.
  164. Starmix

    How do you intend to start your future business?

    I have now the offline and online businesses. Still, I am not so sure if the status of my businesses remains flawless.
  165. Starmix

    Which paid to post from pays the highest

    All paid to post forums are now paying peanuts. It was not like in the past. I missed the Speak Chat Forum and Post Bucks. If only they are still existing, I will be over the moon.
  166. Starmix

    How many social sites are you actually using?

    I joined in many social media sites but I am only active on Facebook. My online business products are displayed there on facebook market place.
  167. Starmix

    What motivates you to make the personal savings?

    I started saving at age 11. I'm motivated to save at an early age because I want to have much money.
  168. Starmix

    How much does it cost to Set up a Call Center?

    if you want to know about the capital or total expenses in operating a call center, why not call an agency?
  169. Starmix

    Again and again in debts

    There are times that we're run out of money but to lend to a bank is nonsense.
  170. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    There is no logic thinking about the past sweet or bitter. We cannot bring back yesterday. It's better to face the present and future.
  171. Starmix

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    No one is happy without money. Money is hard to produce unless work harder without complains.
  172. Starmix

    Bad manners in business

    Indeed, there are people with bad manners. It's part of their brains and it is hard to change them.
  173. Starmix

    Dont look like a fool if you are out of control

    Once an individual is at the extreme financial problem he does not look good seems like crazy.
  174. Starmix

    Do you still drink milk?

    One essential source of calcium our body needs is milk. It makes our bones, teeth and hair stronger.
  175. Starmix

    Improvised products and their effects

    A business owner must do everything potential to avoid wastage. There are goods to be improvised and recycled.
  176. Starmix

    Beyonce's curse

    I like her voice it's amazing. But let us not judge her. We are not God.
  177. Starmix

    Do you go to a doctor when you have cough?

    You take Strepsils wham having a cough. Also squeeze a lemon with honey mixed with a lukewarm water.
  178. Starmix

    How can you start a business with no support

    I started my business without someone's support. I supported myself through the power of mindset and money as capital.
  179. Starmix

    Would you do business with someone you dont trust?

    It is a risky decision to have someone with you in business whom you don't know well. Trust is important.
  180. Starmix

    Again and again in debts

    If you are a debt lover and can pay it without a hassle then it is all to you but think of your future. Better save those interests in the bank.
  181. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    There is no money awaiting you if you keep on thinking poor past. You better design something good in mind.
  182. Starmix

    The effects of being a lazy business person

    Laziness is like a disease hard to cure only the body owner can cure it by inspiring himself of the the flow sales of his business.
  183. Starmix

    Do you still drink milk?

    When I am in a hurry for work because I'm almost late, I only take milk as breakfast.
  184. Starmix

    Dont look like a fool if you are out of control

    Why blame God when we're given complete body parts and sensible brain. Some people blame God which is wrong.
  185. Starmix

    True love is built on trust, respect, and loyalty

    Exactly, love built on trust and respect will grow stronger till lovers do part. But many marriages are broken because love flies. They lack trust and respect.
  186. Starmix

    Improvised products and their effects

    A businessman needs tactic to avoid wastage of his products as long as not rusty and perishable.
  187. Starmix

    Do you go to a doctor when you have cough?

    I only go to the doctor if my cough is nonestop but if not, I just take lemon juice mixed with honey with a lukewarm water.
  188. Starmix

    Money Fraud

    Fraudulent activities are found in offline and online sectors. Let us be cautious and must not be influenced and exploited. 1728180739 There are so many fraudsters on the web and offline. We have to be cautious and sense a hint to avoid getting victimised.
  189. Starmix

    The past cannot be forgotten, edited or erased, it can only be accepted

    There is no use thinking of the past sweet or bitter past, no can bring back the hands of time. It's better to accept the past to move on and be happy.
  190. Starmix

    You are poor because you lack self-discipline

    Lacking discipline is comparative to wastage. This kind of person never cares about his future. He likes to live in the present.
  191. Starmix

    Are wedding gowns for rent a good business?

    This time I never heard weddings. I don't know what happens. Some of the lovers here might have decided to marry in the judge ' sala called Civil Wedding.
  192. Starmix

    The effects of being a lazy business person

    A business managed by a lazy owner may turn his business to disaster. The workers will aha become lazy.
  193. Starmix

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    There is no peace of mind and heart if there is no money. Money makes me happy which is why I work harder.
  194. Starmix

    New digital currency from Elon Musk "Tesla Coin

    There are many users now of the Tesla coin. He also owns many coins. Elon Musk posted it on X.
  195. Starmix

    Finally,rain came

    It's good for you there in Baguio City always having rain big or cute. It seldom rains here in Cagayan de Oro City.
  196. Starmix

    Temptation, you are...

    That is right, those who do not have God in their lives are not afraid to do wrong. They want flesh satisfaction.
  197. Starmix

    Again and again in debts

    Self control is needed to refrain from loaning or borrowing money. The interest alone is a headache.
  198. Starmix

    Do you still drink milk?

    I am now back to drinking milk at least one glass a day to assure good calcium for the body.
  199. Starmix

    When there is money, there is peace of mind

    Without money life turned miserable for those who lack the initiative to find sources for money to earn.
  200. Starmix

    Real love honors commitments and cherishes the bond between partners

    Just be hopeful and of course, you need to pray for it. Waiting for the right time and love make life perfect.