Recent content by The Hulk

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  1. The Hulk

    James Bond Movies

    He's more of a likely choice rather than Idris. Idris would probably demand a lot of money for the role. Someone younger like Lucien wouldn't ask for as much I reckon. He was awesome in Scream Queens but that's about all I've seen of Lucien.
  2. The Hulk

    Home made bread to sell.

    Come to New Zealand we will take your delicious bread! :) I guess a bread company could work but there is a lot of bakeries nowadays.
  3. The Hulk

    Chit Chat Thread

    Good morning Thursday in New Zealand
  4. The Hulk

    Question RIF Cash $-0.001

    Okay I transferred the RIF to the RIF Cash. Thanks everyone. The 0.065 RIF Cash I had is now gone. Looks like I won't be bothering with this forum.
  5. The Hulk

    James Bond Movies

    At 30 he will be one of the youngest Bonds. :o
  6. The Hulk

    Question RIF Cash $-0.001

    How is it possible to be in negative when I've been receiving it for each post/topic I make?
  7. The Hulk

    James Bond Movies

    It'll be interesting to see who is the next James Bond now that Idris Elba has been completely ruled out.
  8. The Hulk

    Count to 250 before Devin.

  9. The Hulk

    Long Game - Win $1,000

    This is real cool.
  10. The Hulk

    Your last Drink

    Coca Cola Vanilla
  11. The Hulk

    Chit Chat Thread

    Hello everyone