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Backlinks plays important role in page ranking. Google bots and other search engine crawlers use backlinks to access a site popularity and acceptance by other online users. It is like recommendation by others .
Backlinks play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO). They signal to search engines that other websites consider your content valuable and relevant, which can increase your website's credibility and boost your search engine rankings.
backlinks are very important for getting a high rank on search engines. backlinks will work only when they come from reputed sites, mainly sites that are ranked higher than yours and are on the same industry.
Backlinks are one of the first things I learned about when I got more into creating websites and forums. Backlinks help your Google Page Rank which can help you get higher ranks on the search engines. It can take a while for you to get a higher page rank but the more you work on backlinks on sites that are similar to yours and also a higher rank than yours the better yours will get eventually.
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