4 Awe-Inspiring Digital Marketing Specialists You Simply Must Follow


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
Here are 4 inspiring digital marketing specialists definitely worth following:

1. Ann Handley (@annhandley): Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs. Expert on content marketing and creating a conversational brand voice.

2. Rand Fishkin (@randfish): Wizard of all things SEO and co-founder of Moz & SparkToro. Generous sharer of knowledge.

3. Sujan Patel (@sujanpatel): Growth marketer and co-founder helping brands boost digital growth. Author of bestseller 100 Days of Growth.

4. Neil Patel (@neilpatel): Influencer on data-driven marketing across channels. Co-founded Crazy Egg, Hello Bar & KISSmetrics.

5. Seth Godin (@thisissethsblog): Highly respected for his perspectives on marketing in the digital age and building tribes.

6. Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee): Energetic practitioner of social media and video marketing especially on YouTube and Instagram.

7. Laura McLellan (@lauraemclellan): Expert on leveraging marketing strategies and technology stacks. VP at Gartner.

8. Anil Aggarwal (@anilaggarwal): Digital transformation driver. Global Chief Marketing & Communications Officer at Accenture.

Following these luminaries via their books, blogs, podcasts and social media provides an always-on education in modern marketing. Their insights will undoubtedly spark ideas applicable to your brand.
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