If you would ask me i will say i would love to start my business from scratch. Here are some reasons;
Starting a business from scratch or buying an existing one both have merits. Starting from scratch offers creative freedom and tailored vision, but requires more time and effort. Buying an existing business provides a foundation and established customer base, but might come with legacy issues. The choice depends on risk tolerance, resources, and goals.
Starting offers innovation; buying offers quicker entry.
You need to Evaluate pros and cons to align with your entrepreneurial journey and market opportunities.
Starting a business from scratch or buying an existing one both have merits. Starting from scratch offers creative freedom and tailored vision, but requires more time and effort. Buying an existing business provides a foundation and established customer base, but might come with legacy issues. The choice depends on risk tolerance, resources, and goals.
Starting offers innovation; buying offers quicker entry.
You need to Evaluate pros and cons to align with your entrepreneurial journey and market opportunities.