How to Develop a Marketing Strategy


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
Crafting a results-driven marketing strategy is crucial for business growth, yet many overwhelm themselves trying to navigate the process. Avoid information paralysis by following these fundamental phases:

Start by clearly defining your target customer avatar based on market research of existing clientele and prospects. Gather demographics, common needs, values, interests and other attributes to envision the ideal type of customer you serve best. This focuses messaging.

Perform a SWOT analysis to closely evaluate company strengths which can be leveraged in messaging and outreach, weaknesses to improve, potential opportunities in expanding reach, and threats from competitors vying for the same business. Assess with unfiltered honesty.

Determine the primary marketing objectives and KPIs to track based on growth goals. Typical metrics assessed include new customer acquisition, customer lifetime value, client retention rates and profitability. Set specific benchmarks to monitor success.

Catalog all current marketing assets like websites, blogs, social media channels, and advertisements active and evaluate performance. Identify mediums reaching target demographics and which offer room for optimization. This establishes baseline activity.

Given goals and existing traction, research additional marketing channels and strategies to employ for optimal exposure and conversions. Common options include SEO, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, direct mailing, trade shows, speaking engagements and strategic partnerships.

Compile all the information gathered into an actionable strategic document containing target customer profiles, SWOT analysis details, measurable objectives, current marketing asset status, defined budgets and an integrated timeline planning new activities.

Revisiting this document quarterly and adapting based on results tracked ensures messaging and investments stay aligned towards an ever-evolving market.
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