How to Do Email Marketing


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
Email marketing enables businesses to connect directly with subscriber inboxes to drive conversions, retention, and loyalty over time. With low costs and high ROI potential, email is accessible marketing channel for new businesses to master. Follow this beginner’s guide to effective email marketing.

Build Your List

Focus first on organically growing your email subscriber list. Offer an opt-in incentive like a discount code or valuable piece of content in exchange for emails on your website, packaging, and other channels. Import existing customer emails if available. Tools like Mailchimp integrate with sites for easy list building.

Segment Your Contacts

Divide your master contacts list into separate groups based on interests, purchase history, demographics etc. Customized emails resonate better with recipients. For example, separate subscribers by first-time buyers vs. returning customers sent different messaging and offers accordingly in campaigns.

Create Value-Driven Content

Email copy should educate, entertain and incentivize. Ensure a clear value proposition communicating the exclusive benefits subscribers get from your business that they can’t get elsewhere. Well-written content establishes your expertise and gets engagement.

Automate Campaigns

Marketing automation enables you to schedule emails to go out at strategic times, like sending a series of timed educational emails after a subscriber joins your list. Upload contacts, create content blocks and automate multi-email workflows tailored to groups.

Test and Optimize

Closely analyze open, click through and conversion rates of sends. Experiment with different subject lines, content formats (text vs. visuals, long vs. short copy, etc), calls to action, send times and segments to gather data on what resonates best with your audience and drives conversions. Continually optimize.

With permission-based lists, valuable content and segmentation, email cultivates customer relationships through consistent connection beyond one-off promotional sends. Measure against goals and fine-tune strategies to turn subscribers into loyal brand advocates over time through email.
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