How to Analyze Market Trends


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
Understanding market trends is essential for business success in today's fast-paced environment. Knowing how to spot and interpret market trends allows companies to plan strategies to capitalize on opportunities and counter threats. Follow this approach for conducting an effective market trend analysis.

Identify the major market forces

Consider economic, political, social, technological and competitive dynamics that can influence customer demand for products and services like yours both now and in the future.

Gather relevant industry sales data

Track down key industry-wide sales data, growth figures and forecasts. If possible, obtain segmented data by customer demographics, product categories, geographic regions and distribution channels most relevant to your market.

Evaluate sales patterns over longer time frames

Look for seasonality, cycles and long-term trajectories. A wider data view allows you to differentiate enduring trend shifts versus short-term fluctuations. Consider context like economic cycles and one-time events when interpreting data.

Conduct customer surveys and interviews

Complement hard sales data with qualitative insights directly from your target demographics. Ask about their purchase criteria, brand preferences, channel habits and future buying plans to surface potential trends.

Identify emerging technologies

Keep on top of innovations that can impact your marketplace over the next 3-5 years. Is there pending technology that could disrupt the status quo? Plan strategy scenarios.

Anticipate competitor responses

Determine what adjacent innovations competitors are investing in to meet changing customer demands. Their strategy shifts signal where they see opportunities.

Gauge regulatory changes

Evolving government policies, product safety testing standards, trade tariffs etc. shape markets too. Watch proposed bills and join industry groups to stay on top of what is coming.

Scenario plan around rising trend scenarios

Paint several pictures of how major trends may unfold. Stress test current strategy and products against these possible futures. Brainstorm contingencies if trends accelerate faster.

Rank trends

Highlight the top 2-3 deepest, most durable trends versus transient fads. These require proactive strategic pivots and investments now to put your company on the right growth trajectory.

Continuously monitor your pulse

Revisit analysis quarterly. Confirm ongoing trajectory of prioritized mega trends and watch for new weak signals that could amplify into bigger trend waves. Adjust plans accordingly.
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Very Familiar
Jun 22, 2022
Raw Dex
One of th est ways to find about market trends is by checking Google Trends. Alternatively, you can also go to specific marketplaces and look for products and services that are trending.