5 Scrappy Ways to Create Quick Marketing Wins


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
Launching ambitious inbound marketing campaigns takes considerable strategic planning and execution. But for pressed entrepreneurs and small teams needing short-term customer gains, focus instead on scrappy tactics producing measurable results fast at minimal costs.

Host Local Networking “Open House” Events

Regular in-person small business mixers support lead sharing and cross-promotional opportunities. Renting inexpensive venues for open houses spotlights offerings through brief presentations, samples and special limited deals for well-connected attendees. Position as collaborator.

Guest Blog for Industry Authorities

Securing guest contributor spots on reputable niche blogs taps into qualified audiences tough to gain independently. Ensure posts provide truly unique value while linking brand names to owned sites/offers. Aim for sponsored slots on at least 5-10 external publications to maximize awareness.

Cultivate Micro Influencer Relationships

Micro social media influencers with under 100K but highly engaged followers often operate through more authentic sponsorships than celebs. Gift products to relevant voices in exchange for honest reviews/social shares. Include affiliate offers to incentivize continual recommendations.

Launch Retargeting Ad Sequences

Remarketing ads target those who already visited your site with related offers across their future web travels. Perfect for ecommerce sites, display products browsed but not purchased. For services, tailor messaging to the pages visitors assessed initially. Bring back known interested leads through persistent visibility.

Host a Twitter Chat

Curate industry conversations on Twitter through moderated real-time chats about shared problems/solutions. Tag conversations using a designated event hashtag allowing participants to track flows. Position hosts as topic experts through thought leadership. Boost credibility.

Scrappy marketing places key decision makers directly in front of ideal prospects through creative invitations, valuable contributions and persistent helpfulness. Earn trust leading to referrals, recurring business and sustainable authentic growth!
AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum


Very Familiar
Jun 22, 2022
Raw Dex
Forget about everything and just do one thing. Run an ad campaign on Facebook On your ad target your proper audience and reach your potential customers. Advertising is the best way to reach customers and also to generate sales.