Is Your Marketing Broken? Here Are 10 Signs It's Time to Make a Change.


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
How do you know when your marketing efforts aren’t delivering and it’s time for a shake-up? It’s not always obvious — but watch for these 10 red flag signs that your strategy needs an urgent revamp:

1. Low, declining traffic and engagement across digital channels. If site visits, email open rates and social metrics are all falling, something is off.

2. No qualified leads converting despite content promotions. Lots of noise but zero notable sales prospects indicates misguided targeting.

3. High bounce rates and minimal time-on-site per visit. This shows content consistently misses the mark with visitors.

4. Lack of clear overarching brand messaging or positioning. Without differentiation, audiences tune marketing out.

5. Repetitive, stale campaigns that inspire minimal sharing or engagement. Doing the expected bores audiences. Surprise and delight them instead.

6. Competitors are innovating while your marketing remains static. Don’t give them an advantage by falling behind industry shifts.

7. No adoption of emerging tech/platforms with marketing potential (hello, TikTok!). Leverage rising opportunities early.

8. Budget and efforts disproportionately seem to yield minimal ROI. Resource wastage hides the root flaws.

9. Leadership frustration builds over poor metrics tied to marketing execution. Take responsibility now before forced to later.

10. The team has run out of fresh ideas worth pursuing. New perspectives unlock new solutions.

Honestly evaluate if multiple red flags apply. Marketing mishaps can be fixed — but only by first acknowledging shortcomings holding your brand back. Let signs of stagnation and inertia fuel your team to regroup, rethink and reboot your approach entirely. The results of an overdue refresh can reinvigorate everything.
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Very Familiar
Jun 22, 2022
Raw Dex
If you are not getting any conversion, it is a clear sign that your marketing is not working. IN order to have conversion, you will have to design a better marketing strategies and target your proper customers.