How to Do Influencer Marketing the Right Way in 2023


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
Influencer marketing is more important than ever - when done correctly. Avoid past pitfalls with these 2023 best practices for mutually beneficial collaborations:

Vet Extensively
Curate partners not just by follower counts, but by audience relevance and authentic engagement. Analyze the quality and demographics of their communities to ensure true alignment.

Set Clear Expectations
Leave no question on campaign objectives, responsibilities, timelines and compensation upfront through detailed contracts. Define success benchmarks transparently on both sides from the start.

Champion Authenticity
Give influencers creative license to showcase branded collaborations in their voice versus overly polished, corporate marketing speech. It resonates better when promotions feel organic.

Don’t Over Commercialize
While financially supporting influencer partners, avoid crowding their channels with constant sales pitches. Overt commercialization risks turning followers off over time.

Let Conversations Flourish
Structure ample opportunities for authentic back-and-forth dialogue around campaigns between communities and brands via influencer comments or live sessions.

Track True Impact

Look beyond vanity metrics to drill into real consumer actions sparked. Assess website traffic, coupon redemptions and sales lift to accurately weigh ROI beyond likes and views.

When both parties respect influence communities and collaborate creatively, everyone wins. The brands that continually nurture quality relationships in 2023 through trust and transparency will gain loyal followings of their own.
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Very Familiar
Jun 22, 2022
Raw Dex
The year 2023 is almost gone and you will not be able to utilize these tips in 2023, however, these tips might still work in 2024. If you want to build a marketing career, getting into influencer marketing is the best spot