7 Reasons Why SEO Matters for Every Startup


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
SEO builds organic visibility and credibility for startups cost-effectively, introducing brands to target audiences researching related products or services. There are 7 reason why seo matters:

Increased Brand Awareness
Optimizing for keywords people are searching builds visibility for your startup’s brand organically without paid ads. High rankings introduce your business to new audiences.

Cost-Effective Marketing
SEO provides relatively cheap marketing leads and sales compared to paid search and social ads. The higher you rank, the more traffic flows through search engines rather than expensive ad networks.

Improved Credibility

Ranking well builds trust and credibility since search engines factor in authority signals. Outranking established competitors proves your startup is a viable industry player able to compete.

Enhanced User Experience
Optimizing site architecture, speed and mobile responsiveness improves overall UX metrics beyond search. Good UX leads to more on-site engagement, conversions and positive word-of-mouth.

Expanded Organic Reach

Keyword and topic targeting during SEO expands visibility to more potential customers searching for related products and services organically, increasing your startup's share of voice.

Fuels Inbound Marketing
SEO and inbound marketing work very well together, with content boosting rankings and rankings fueling content promotion. This inbound engine powers lead generation.

Future-Proofs Growth
Early SEO builds authority and awareness that fuels scalability later on. The sooner you build organic visibility, the easier it will be to leverage those foundations as your startup grows. Investing in SEO now saves money over the long haul by growing sustainable search traffic.

Implementing SEO best practices from the initial launch builds a strong foundation for startups still proving their viability, while allowing organic search to cost-effectively complement sales and marketing efforts.
AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum


Very Familiar
Jun 22, 2022
Raw Dex
If you want to improve your online visibility, if you want to build your brand online, it is very important that you do SEO on your website, business, or a startup.