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    Are celebrities always doing the right things?

    We should not expect too much from celebrities. They are human beings too. And should be given benefit of doubt because as we make mistakes, they also make mistakes.
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    When to trust a partner

    You trust a partner when they have shown loyalty to you. I mean proven loyalty.
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    Can you be a Street food vendor?

    As far as there is money in it , I wouldn't mind doing it if it is the only option for a job available.
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    Best way to handle a nagging spouse

    I don't know how to do that. I won't ever marry someone that is a nag. It can make me run mad easily.
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    How often you order fast food online?

    I only do fast food like once in every 4 months. It is expensive to order food and it is not something that one should do everyday.
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    Trust is like eraser, it gets smaller with every mistake

    We have to be very careful of the things that we do so that we don't lose the trust of people that give us that trust.
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    Can you feel satisfied with just Salad in your lunch?

    For lunch? It is not possible that juts salad can satisfy me. It can do for breakfast but certainly not for lunch.
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    Are you on Good terms with your boss?

    I have not had any issues with my boss. I don't see any need to. We might misunderstand ourselves but we always move on.
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    Would Trump be on the ballot?

    As it stands now, it seems like Trump is the most popular candidate and more likely to win the American elections.
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    What do you think makes a healthy lunch?

    A healthy lunch has to be kinda heavy. It should contain a staple carbohydrates with some good protein.
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    What makes you happy?

    When I am able to make sales from my business, I get to find that inner happiness.
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    Biggest difference between a business owner amd working for someone

    When you work for someone, you would close at your given time. Working for yourself, you don't have a closing time.
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    Your biggest lessons so far as an entrepreneur

    I had once touched my business capital hoping to replace it from an external source later. Never was able to. And the business closed. Had to start again.
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    Not everyone will like you

    The same way that I don't like everyone, I don't expect everyone to like me. It is a normal life cycle.
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    Can you manage to live alone?

    I have not lived alone for a greater part of my life. I am soon going to graduate and may have to start living alone. I am not scared though.
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    How much are you close with your sibling(s)?

    I used to be very close to my elder brother but not anymore because he is married now. Have to give him his space to face his family.
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    Tattoo anyone?

    There is nothing in this world that can make me do a tattoo on my body. Even if I am being paid millions.
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    How you overcome negativity in life

    When those negativity come around, I just stay focused on the things that are ahead of me. That helps me to rise above the negativity.
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    Do you like to eat instant noodles?

    On days that I have early morning lectures and I am late, instant noodles become my first choice of breakfast.
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    When the husband is sober but the wife is not!!

    It doesn't matter who has which personality between a couple. It is more about how they are able to understand themselves and complement each other.