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  1. U

    What food combinations do you enjoy?

    Beans and ripe plantain is one meal that has always gotten my weak spot. I think I prepare this combo every week, twice a week sometimes.
  2. U

    Are people more stressed now, than in the past?

    People just have too many concerns nowadays and life that is supposed to be simpler now becomes more complex especially and more stressful.
  3. U

    The love of money?

    It is greed that is the root of evil. It is not even the love of money but being greedy with money.
  4. U

    Do you prefer reading text or watching videos?

    I don't like to read texts. It always seems like it is cumbersome. I prefer to watch videos and I understand videos more.
  5. U

    How do you repair ruined reputation

    For me, I would just travel to another location and start again. It is always difficult to repair a reputation that is ruined.
  6. U

    Buying Food Vs Cooking Food?

    It is general safer, cheaper and healthier to cook your own food. Attempting to buy food would make you spend unnecessarily and put you at some health risks.
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    Necessity of Religion

    The part where you are likely to do good is why societies still value religion. So many people would have been had but for religion.
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    How to keep kids away from sexual molestation

    You have to always be watchful if where your kids are in. You don't need to leave your kids with anyone that is not your mum for any reason.
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    Let Go and let God

    A situation where ab ex boyfriend that I had accommodated for over a year stole my money. Had options to harm him but my mind kept telling me to let go.
  10. U

    Should a man be the primary bread winner of a family?

    A man has to primarily provide for the family. A woman can also support the man in providing for the family.
  11. U

    Which youngsters have the biggest hearts that you've ever met?

    You need to meet my little cousins. Those ones would share everything that they have with you from biscuits to juice et all.
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    Your biggest lessons so far as an entrepreneur

    My biggest lesson as an entrepreneur is that one should always safeguard the their capital because of it is touched, the business can easily go down.
  13. U

    Have you ever helped anyone in the management of their personal financial planning ?

    I am not a financial consultant. I am not in a position to help anyone with how to manage their finances.
  14. U

    Do you pay water tax?

    We use the public borehole and we have to pay a subscription to the government. It is actually very little amounts of money.
  15. U

    Are you using any money management apps?

    I have the same kind of bank app. I actually think it is a good feature that allows people to deliberately make savings if they wish to.
  16. U

    What do you feel when getting money by surprise?

    I don't think there is anything that can actually make my day like a surprise credit alert. It can be really soothing.
  17. U

    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    I love the holiday that gives one chance to travel families visiting and funs everywhere like a long term break holiday .
  18. U

    Do you still have your best friend?

    Of course I have best friends who is everything to me and I love them so much .
  19. U

    What type of shows do you watch on television?

    Some shows like bbn naja one of my best show followed by super story indeed the stories are always super indeed.
  20. U

    Do you still catch up with your school-time friends?

    Yes I do catch up with them sometimes we gathered to meet and sit out a times to chilled.