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  1. U

    Healthy snacks

    Healthy snacks to me include sharawam because the ingredients use in preparing it has healthy tips another healthy snacks is buger ..
  2. U

    What do you think about moving in with a fiance before marriage

    Is not a good idea to move in before marriage oo because you will be doing wife material work already and he may change his mind
  3. U

    Do you like science?

    I like science because it open our knowledge on most of thing build in tody world without science most thing will not be made.
  4. U

    Do you pack your lunch to your workplace?

    The kind of work am doing now you will need nothing than to packed lunch for work.
  5. U

    Mental stress is draining

    Mental stress is not good for anyone at all when you are mentally stressed you cannot do anything again
  6. U

    Do you like Mushrooms?

    I had love to eat it but is hard to find in my area and I don't how to prepared it too.
  7. U

    Do you enjoy doing the housework?

    I don't really enjoy doing any house work especially kitchen work I hate it so much couple with farm work too.
  8. U

    Are you good at making friends?

    When it comes to friends am food at making a lot of friends in a single day I can make up to 5 friends am a simple type and which makes it easy for me to make friend easily.
  9. U

    Going out your way to be nice to?

    I cannot be nice to every one so I try best to do what I can to be nice I can't do too much.
  10. U

    Why do you think saving is good

    Saving is very good if you not there they can be a particular problem that will arise that will make you need your savings.
  11. U

    How can one get a job easily

    In the country I belong is not easy to get job easily sometimes you have to create your own job.
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    What are you doing after work?

    After a long stressful day at work I take a cold bath, eat after cooking then enter bed and sleep.
  13. U

    Do you like to Try Foods that are popular In Other Cultures?

    Yes I love cooking so any dishes I see in my country I love trying them out .
  14. U

    Do you like spicy food and tea

    Wow without food been spicy I cannot eat it I love taking enough spicy food and tea my best drink.
  15. U

    Do you mend your clothes?

    I don't know how to mend my cloth myself and I dont like mending cloth of my self because I get fatter everytime and I will have to losen it again after mending it.
  16. U

    Are you taking any Vitamin pills daily?

    I dont take vitamin c daily because is not food I only take it if there is need of me taking it.
  17. U

    Do you have your grandparents still alive?

    Yes is a privilege to have my grandparents still alive they have been of great joy to me I love them.
  18. U

    Which do you prefer salary or a wage

    I prefer salary instead of wages in country I belong you're been paid salary after working at the end of the month .
  19. U

    What kinds of clothes do people wear in summer?

    For me in summer that's is always so hot I wear mostly short in case of been indoor I just walk around without cloth.
  20. U

    Do you like to spend time with your family

    I don't think If there anyone who does not love spending time their family as for me I love spending time with my family.