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Join the TGF Contest with $410 in USDT prizes
  1. F

    Do you really have to create your own online store?

    I have been making good sales online and I am yet to have my own online store. You don't need to create your own online store.
  2. F

    shopping for others

    I actually dread the idea of shopping for others, no matter how much I am paid. It can easily turn messy.
  3. F

    Recent increase in part time workers

    The world has gotten to the point that people are not really willing to commit the whole of themselves to one entity. They better do part time in many places.
  4. F

    Love or career?

    Choosing between love and career is a simple choice. Build your career first so that your mind would be relaxed to make the most of love when it comes.
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    Do you make a to-do list?

    I don't think that I need a To do list to work online since it is not a main job for me.
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    Most popular forum sites

    I have always wondered why non paying forums would be bigger and have more members than paid to post forums.
  7. F

    Have you ever hired an accountant?

    I don't have such big money to need an accountant. If I hire an accountant now, he or she would be bored because there would be no work for him to do.
  8. F

    Do you have a helper at home?

    The only time that I might think of hiring a help is when I have given birth and need assistance for one to take care of the child.
  9. F

    Pressure of marriage

    I have insulated myself against those kinds of useless pressures. Anyone that tries to fan those kinds of pressure gets cut off from my life.
  10. F

    Be your own best friend

    If you don't learn to love and pamper yourself, no one would actually pamper you. Self love is number one love.
  11. F

    Do you participate on the sports and games on the society?

    When I have ample time, I go to the local stadium to do some workouts with others.
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    Why don’t white countries welcome immigrants of color?

    That is not true. We hold the whites in high esteem in my country but people from my country are not treated well in those white countries
  13. F

    Do you buy chicken or rear them at home?

    Even if I will be want to rear chickens at home, I won't have the time to be looking after them.
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    How do you avoid being fed up with posting on forums?

    I post in batches. When you want to post everything all at once, it is easier for you to be overwhelmed.
  15. F

    Delayed Payment: Is it considered not legit?

    There has been times that beer money forum delays payment. We already know it is legit and there is no need to doubt it's legitimacy.
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    I had the chance to start out as a fashion designer much earlier but I was short sighted.
  17. F

    How do you spend your weekend

    Weekends for me means just Sundays. I go to church, and come back home to do some fun stuffs and chill.
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    How to get out of comfort zone?

    Nothing would take a person out of comfort zone if they don't realize the danger of being too comfortable in life.
  19. F

    How did you know about PTP

    I learned about paid to post forums from a non paying forum that I usually visited.
  20. F

    Can money save someone's life?

    I have seen some people that are innocent go to jail because they didn't have money to hire a good lawyer to prove their case.