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  1. F

    Importance of Supply Chain in Business Growth

    The supply chain for my business is quite efficient because we can easily buy our inputs from the open market.
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    Have you ever discussed a business opportunity with a third party?

    I have always sought to hear what people that know business more than me think of any business idea I think of.
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    Explore All Avenues in Business

    I have not yet taken advantage of all the opportunities that are available in my business line but I am slowly getting there.
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    How much can I charge for my online teaching service?

    Rates for teaching online are quite competitive. And it should be between 3 dollars to seven dollars per hour.
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    Respond in a timely manner to consumer's questions and issues

    When businesses act arrogant by ignoring the quest of their customers, they hurt their businesses without knowing.
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    How do you feel about whistle blowing?

    Whistle blowing has to come with some very significant rewards to encourage people to blow the whistle and help the organisation.
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    How many percent of your goods can you sell on credit?

    Products are not meant to be sold on credit. I don't sell any percentage of products on credit.
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    What is the latest plan for your business?

    My next business move is to get more equipment that would make my sewing business easier. And also move to learn and sew casuals.
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    Should family members be hired in my company?

    If a family member is equally qualified, I would prefer to have the family member over an outsider.
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    How many percent of your monthly income can you dash people?

    My relatives don't call me every time to ask for money. I do about 10% to my cousins too on some months.
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    What would you do if your spouse doesn’t support your career?

    I am glad that I have not yet married. I can't marry anyone that doesn't support my career.
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    How do you want to be treated when you are angry/moody?

    When I am angry, you better not try to talk back at me. Just let me rant unless we would become enemies.
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    Can you find a job that suits your interests?

    I was able to find a job that suits my interest in my business. I go to work every morning feeling motivated.
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    DO you sometimes feel bored on Sunday?

    Sundays are always fun days and it is always very unusual for me to feel bored on Sundays.
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    Do you play indoor games?

    I play a little bit of board games. I think that is the only kinds of indoor games that I do.
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    A child attending public or private school

    Public schools don't really have any value any longer and people don't want to send their children there. That is speaking about my country.
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    Are you a selective person?

    I am a highly selective person. I select the kind of people that I mingle with. I even select the kinds of clothes that I wear.
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    Why are people interested in history?

    People are interested in history because they want to understand how things got to the present level.
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    Informal Tone is a Big NO to Business Emails

    There is no way that business communication can be informal. It shows a high level of unprofessionalism if a business communication becomes formal.
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    Is selling snacks profitable?

    My grand mom started making snacks as a hobby. And before you know, it has turned to one big business.