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    can you allow your employees work without supervision?

    The people that I have in my business right now can't dare to work without supervision. They might end up not doing things the right way.
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    How lucrative is load carrying business in your country

    Load carrying as a business is quite a craft that people do to keep body and soul together. I believe it has adverse health effects.
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    Rent standard events stage and lighting to earn passive income.

    Of you have stages of different sizes and patterns, you already have a big passive income business in your hand. You can easily become a millionaire.
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    Earn passive income from renting event decoration materials.

    Event decoration materials are good sources that people have been renting out in different sets on a regular to make passive income.
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    Earn Passive Income From Your Cars

    You can hire your car out on days that you art not going out to make some money from it. But it is risky though and you have to manage the risks.
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    Creating passive income from nothing

    Every passive income stream ever created needs a foundation. It now requires more work to lay the foundation and build the passive inco
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    Are passive income sources trans generational?

    Most tangible passive income sources are trans generational. Take for instance, a building. It can be passed from generation to generation. Likewise a business.
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    How often do you withdraw money from your bank account?

    I don't withdraw money too often from my savings account. I have an account that is meant for daily upkeep that I can withdraw at any time I need money.
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    How to become good at managing money?

    People would have to start adapting characters that would help them get better in financial management like budgeting and stopping of impulse buying.
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    How do you repair ruined reputation

    You just need to look at the factors that caused the reputation to be ruined and try to turn around those factors.
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    There is nothing that would ever take me to a thick forest. I am very scared of such a place.
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    What is your favourite type of holiday?

    My favorite holiday is the Christmas holidays. It is always a period of reunion for us in our family.
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    Are you a hater type of person?

    I am not a hater and I always wish that nothing in this life would ever make me to be a hater.
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    How do you develop your mental abilities

    I am a creative person by virtue of my job as a fashion designer and it helps to build my mental ability.
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    What do you think about self medication

    I think self medication should not go beyond trying to manage some simple symptoms like fever and headache.
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    Which is your favourite fruit?

    I actually love guava so much. It is not really common here in my location but it is worth the price I pay to buy it.
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    Assess your business idea first before putting it into action

    Any proposed business idea must be critically looked into first and possibly it should be discussed with other people before implementation.
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    What is the reason that your business doesn't perform so well.

    My business is progressing well. Just that it is slow but it is just following the normal growth process for my kind of business.
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    Does social media marketing actually support offline or online commerce?

    Social media marketing can also benefit offline businesses too. It makes them to be more recognized beyond their locations.
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    How to handle a business merger?

    I can only imagine the complexity of a business merger and the things that have to be sorted out before a successful merger.