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  1. F

    Do companies produce different specs of the same products for different countries and regions?

    I think the companies do that looking at the purchasing power of the various markets. That is why they tailor different qualities to different locations.
  2. F

    Is catering services a good business?

    They don't have much businesses to do when it is not the festive period. That's because events are few and limited at this period.
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    How can we ensure contractors are not cheated

    People talking about contractors being cheated. But the contractors are the biggest cheaters always doing sub standard work.
  4. F

    Do you cook in your shop?

    I used to cook in my shop before but I no longer do. I don't even have the time to do so.
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    Dream big in business

    Every big dream in business is geared towards pushing the business to steadily grow and expand.
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    Don't forget to register your business

    Before the end of the year, I should register my business. I need more credibility as I am trying to make my business corporate.
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    Need for reception area for a business

    I don't have a reception area for my business because I don't have the space for that.
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    Herbal Oils and Liniment, Is it profitable ?

    I don't know if coconut oil and the likes qualify as herbal oils. If they do, they are very profitable products to sell.
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    Getting a Butt lift surgery?

    I believe that I am already good looking the way that I already am and that is true. I won't go for any butt lift and won't support anyone to do so.
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    How do you settle quarrel with your spouse?

    From time immemorial, I had learned that quarrel between spouses are settled at night on the bed. I stand to be corrected.
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    What Hobbies can make money?

    I think every single hobby that exists in the world can make money. Not even one that can't make money.
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    I love to listen to music too. I enjoy cooking when I have the chance.
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    Did you ever feel lonely as an extrovert

    I am not an extrovert. I am very introverted and I have never felt lonely.
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    Why do you think the rates of unemployment is so high allover the world

    Government failure has a part. But our educational system has failed too. They have raised job seekers than job creators.
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    Do you like wearing a hat?

    I don't have anything against people that wear hats but I would not wear a hat. It doesn't fit me.
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    Things that are bad

    Loneliness and lack of sleep can be very killing. I can even manage loneliness when I am able to find sleep.
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    Wish you had more of?

    I need money much more than anything in my life now. Give me more money and I would be forever grateful.
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    Impact of Workplace Stress on Employee Health and Well-being

    There are too many people that are doing very stressful jobs. I think employers should always consider giving their staff some respite.
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    Don't let your money change your attitude in dealing with your customers

    This is something that happens to most busines people. Little success they have in business gets into their head and they start to misbehave.
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    How to Choose eCommerce Marketplace to Sell Products

    Apart from reviews, check for e commerce platforms that have easy checkout options and an easy to navigate interface.