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  1. F

    Exploring Diverse Freelancing Avenues

    If Fiverr didn't work for me, there is no lie need exploring smaller freelancing platforms that don't even have good traction.
  2. F

    As a skilled person, how would you manage an apprentice that cannot pick up the skill after three years?

    I have such an apprentice. I had to make her pay to extend her apprenticeship for another 5 years and I take it very slow with her. She is picking up.
  3. F

    Would you like it when customers return goods?

    It breaks by heart as a business person when customers have to return goods. It means that I failed at meeting the needs of such a customer.
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    Some questions every entrepreneur should ask themselves daily.

    One question that I ask myself for everyday as an entrepreneur is if I am offering the greatest possible value to the society.
  5. F

    How do you see the business that deals with the cereals?

    Cereals are daily food for billions of people in the world. It is practically impossible to lose with that business.
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    What are the factors that influence the investment risk profile?

    Knowledge about the workings of an investment helps me to know the level of risk that I can take with that investment.
  7. F

    Factors to consider before investing outside your country.

    One must consider the size and preference of the market abroad before they make a decision to invest abroad.
  8. F

    Aside rewards what brings you to PTP sites?

    Keeping it real, there is a great deal of knowledge that one can gain from paid to post forums.
  9. F

    Aside money what's motivate you to work?

    While I value money in my work, I also get motivated by the passion and creativity to make designs that people love.
  10. F

    Do you like to prepare noodles at home?

    Noodles ain't a thing for me to prepare. And I prepare it regularly at home. Five minutes, I am done preparing.
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    How many hours of sleep?

    I think that anything between six and seven hours of sleep everyday is ideal for every human.
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    Do you like to meet your friends online or offline?

    I think nowadays, I am having more of online friends and that is because I am having less time to build offline friendships.
  13. F

    How to handle online bashers?

    When I am online, I don't look for anyone's troubles. No one has every bashed me online.
  14. F

    Is money the not important thing?

    Money is very important in our everyday existence no matter how much we try to downplay it. It can't be eroded away.
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    Roasted peanuts

    I don't think that I have ever had roasted peanuts. It sounds like something that could taste really good.
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    Pimples and acne

    I have been very lucky to always have a clear face at all times. I am a different definition of "fine girl, no pimple".
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    Do you pay dues in your business?

    My business doesn't have a regulated union that would need me to be paying dues. I don't pay dues in my business.
  18. F

    The ultimate formula for your business success is consistency

    When you stay consistent in a particular business, you are creating a reputation for yourself in that business which would pay off overtime.
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    How to encourage healthy communication in the workplace

    It starts from the top management. If they have healthy communication with the subordinate, it would naturally trickle down.
  20. F

    It is Possible to Make a Lot of Money Online?

    I have made money selling products online. I believe making good money online is possible but depending on several factors.