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AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. F

    Present and future

    We should always live in the present and have hopes and consciousness for the future.
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    Brands and labels

    I look out for brands when I want premium quality for a thing and wouldn't mind paying more for the trusted brand.
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    Chicken Cuts

    I love the laps of chicken. It comes with so much flesh and I love to tear and munch them.
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    What time do you usually go to bed?

    I am trying not to stay too late at night. I step out for work early everyday so I sleep latest 9.
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    Love or career?

    At this point of my life, I am putting all my efforts to build my career and become a success with it. I am dating but I am not allowing relationships interfere with my career.
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    Searching for online employment

    Online employments abound in entry level on freelancing platforms. And you can also checkout the paid to post forums too.
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    How do you like your catfish?

    I prefer my catfish to be fried till it completely dries. And I take it with a chilled drink.
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    save money by combining your orders

    I am looking for someone that I can combine order to buy some business inputs online. Ordering alone would be too expensive for me.
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    Do you like Mixed fruit juice?

    The combination should not be more than 3 trusted mixtures. All of those fruits have chemical components that shouldn't just be mixed haphazardly.
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    Do you have a helper at home?

    The only time that I have had a semblance of a helper at home is when my sibling comes visiting. And it is always for a short while.
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    Would you give up your turn for an elderly person?

    I won't even hesitate to give up my turn for an elderly person. It is a seed sown for the future.
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    Can You Become Rich By Working Online?

    It is very possible to get rich by working online. That's how the owner of Ali Express has become a billionaire.
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    How to deal with a disrespectful Boss

    I won't even think about how I would deal with a disrespectful boss. I would leave such an organization instantly.
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    The best of life

    Financial independence doesn't come from just creating a business alone. You can achieve it with a career too. But financial independence is the high point of life.
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    Why did you choose your username?

    My username is my real name and I am proud to use it as it reflects by personal brand too.
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    Having both a store and a warehouse for one business

    It is possible to have a store and a warehouse if the business deals in wholesale of its products.
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    Do you think you're an effective negotiator in business?

    To the best of my ability, I am very good with handling price negotiations in my business.
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    Why do you think people engage in business

    People engage in business so as to gain financial freedom and pursue their innovative dreams.
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    Is woodcarving a good business?

    Wood carving is the business that directly or indirectly produces the furniture that we use, meaning it is a very sound business.
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    Challenges to overcome in partnership business

    The first challenge to overcome in partnership is how to align the interests of the several partners of the business.