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AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. Shavkat

    Temptation, you are...

    Some people are so weak to refuse temptations. If they are not that religious, it will happened without a doubt.
  2. Shavkat

    Finally,rain came

    It is not new to have monsoon rains in my city. So, rain is just normal to experience every day here.
  3. Shavkat

    What's that culture in your country you want abolished

    The only thing that I do not like is the nepotism. It is the culture that I need to remove in the system.
  4. Shavkat

    How can you rate the cops performance in your country

    I do not trust much to these people, especially if they are power trippers. I had seen how poor they handles crimes and the like in my city.
  5. Shavkat

    Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?

    I can go for Christina Aguilera. It is because of her unique golden voice than Britney Spears,
  6. Shavkat

    Cash out proofs motivates new comers.

    I, myself usually research about this proof of payment. In this way, I will not be able to waste time out of nothing. I do not want to feel bad about doing the best effort into something.
  7. Shavkat

    Trivia Games, or Board games?

    When I was a kid, my childhood, siblings, and I love playing board games. Now, we prefer trivia games.
  8. Shavkat

    What's the hardest part of your business?

    In my view, the hardest part of business is starting it up. Eventually, it will be running swimmingly.
  9. Shavkat

    Do you believe that online loan is good for business?

    I have not tried it, but it can be an option, especially if investing to legit ideas.
  10. Shavkat

    Do you trade cryptocurrency?

    If I am in cryptocurrency, I will do it. Now, I just do not need to do this.
  11. Shavkat

    Refurbishing old clothes.

    In my city, there are so many business-minded people to sell second-hand branded clothes in public. Some of them are pricey because they are selected in good quality.
  12. Shavkat

    Importance of Sending a Welcome Email to New Employee

    In my view, it gives a good feeling that the newly hired employee is so welcome to work with the company.
  13. Shavkat

    Business questions to answer

    All of these questions can be answered when a business owner conducts a business feasibility study.
  14. Shavkat

    Are toothpicks bad for teeth?

    Most dentists claimed that it is best to use a dental floss than using toothpicks.
  15. Shavkat

    Do you do water fast for good health

    I think we need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. In this way, our body can function well.
  16. Shavkat

    Earn Money With 2captcha (Captcha Entry)

    I tried this before and tried to work on Megatypers. Sad to say, it can earn money too long before redeeming the payment.
  17. Shavkat

    Administrata - Empowering Community Leaders

    It sounds appealing for me. I hope some leaders around the globe can share their ideas in leading their respective communities.
  18. Shavkat

    Cant access Beermoneyforum

    It has been a long time that I abandoned this site because of personal reason and that is I do not like it that much. I hope it is just a glitch that makes you experience this.
  19. Shavkat

    Play Station or Xbox?

    Since I started to work and graduated from my university. I never dared to play these things. It means I do not have enough time to explore them.
  20. Shavkat

    Do you like Telegram and what is the thing you like about it?

    I have a Telegram account, but it is only use for sending links of my favorite delicacies from YouTube.