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  1. Niyi Briggs

    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Various Industries and Its Potential Benefits

    In the educational sector, teachers can use AI to help set and mark questions for a examination.
  2. Niyi Briggs

    There is more to making money online

    If we utilise every value that we have on paid to post forums, forums would be much more than just making money with posts.
  3. Niyi Briggs

    How do you stay off trouble

    I always try to stay on my own and mind my own business. That to some extent helps me stay away from trouble.
  4. Niyi Briggs

    Would you accept refugees in your country?

    If I were to call the shots, I would not allow refugees in my country. The ones that we allowed are the ones that are doing terrorism in the country.
  5. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like Guava fruit?

    I really love guava fruits. I love to eat the big ones that are properly ripened.
  6. Niyi Briggs

    Is Maggi Noodles Popular in your country?

    I don't think I have ever seen a brand of noodles called Maggie in my country. It might not even exist here.
  7. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like Porridge?

    I really like porridge. It could be porridge made with yem or made with plantain.
  8. Niyi Briggs

    When last do you take a road trip

    It has really been long since I had to ply the roads on a long journey. That's because of insecurity on our roads.
  9. Niyi Briggs

    Do you like to play Football in the rain?

    My parents never allowed me to play football in the rain but I used to sneak and play.
  10. Niyi Briggs

    Would you like to implement hot desking at your company or not?

    Hot desking really helps an organization to conserve space. I think if I have a formal organization I would implement hot desking.
  11. Niyi Briggs

    Can you feel satisfied with just Salad in your lunch?

    Just salad? It is not going to work for me. I eat heavy and lunch of all meals must be very heavy.
  12. Niyi Briggs

    How to build loyal customers through customer service

    When customers are treated well with good support, they are more likely to keep patronizing a business.
  13. Niyi Briggs

    Time Spent vs. Money Earned

    It is always very important to check time spent with money earned to be sure we are not just wasting our lives away.
  14. Niyi Briggs

    Small mindset shifts lead to big business

    The level that your business is operating is dependent on the capacity that your mind can carry.
  15. Niyi Briggs

    Is the business of selling candles profitables

    Candles are not sold alone except from the company that produces it. It is sold among other utility products.
  16. Niyi Briggs

    How to know products to stock up for more sales

    When you have a sound inventory management regime, you would surely know the fast selling products in your business.
  17. Niyi Briggs

    Building a Business By Outsourcing Skills

    It saves a business cost when they can outsource some skills at some affordable rate from freelance markets.
  18. Niyi Briggs

    Out of love of your business

    We have sacrificed places we wished to go just to stay and run our business by ourselves.
  19. Niyi Briggs

    Say less, do more in business

    Business is all about actions. Not just actions but decisive actions that would bring about productive results.
  20. Niyi Briggs

    Your favorite day of the week

    Weekends, especially Sundays are my favourite days of the week. It is the day that I have to step step out and unwind.