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  1. AruneBend

    Is vegan milk better than animal milk

    Maybe, but you need to check the ingredients yourself to see if there's nothing that can harm your health.
  2. AruneBend

    If you are lazy, you will attract more lazy people

    You need to be around people who constantly push you to become better. If you are around people who go to the gym every day, you will want to be like them
  3. AruneBend

    How to kill suicidal thoughts

    I think you need to try to get professional help. If you are so depressed that you want to end your life, you won't save yourself. You need help and support.
  4. AruneBend

    Difference between saving and investing?

    They are two completely different things. Investing is just putting money in to let it grow. With investing, your aim is to make a profit, and there are huge risks to it.
  5. AruneBend

    Can You Earn a Living as an Online Writer?

    You can if you get a consistent amount of clients, then yes, but it is very hard to achieve because of competition and AI.
  6. AruneBend

    Buying a house Vs Buying a car

    Some people live in the car and are happy it is way cheaper. Of course, a house is way more comfortable to live in but a lot more expensive, so if you are in trouble, buy a car and live there, I guess
  7. AruneBend

    How can low earners save money

    I save all my earnings because they are really low, so spending isn't very smart. It is very difficult to save when you earn low.
  8. AruneBend

    Have you ever cheated on your partner?

    Cheating is a sin. I would never do such a thing, plus I'm not really attracted to sexual stuff.
  9. AruneBend

    Don't compare yourself to others

    Comparing yourself to others is the easiest way to destroy yourself. Of course, it can have positive aspects. However, too much of it can be very damaging.
  10. AruneBend

    Do you have rain boots?

    No, I don't. It doesn't rain all that much in my area, though it is a good pushrace if it rains a lot or you are a farmer.
  11. AruneBend

    What would you do if your spouse doesn’t support your career?

    If you think you have a shot in that career to be successful, don't think about them; they'll get used to it eventually.
  12. AruneBend

    Do you like it when it rains?

    I really like when it rains; it is very relaxing, and with a book, it's even better.
  13. AruneBend

    Do you like movies based on gangsters?

    They used to be more popular than now. I still enjoy some of them, but I'm not really into movies based on gangsters.
  14. AruneBend

    Do you have source of passive income?

    I don't have a source of passive income; the only passive income is sharing the internet, which doesn't make me much. That's a fact.
  15. AruneBend

    Not paying enough for retirement

    In my country, pensions are low, so all of us need to save to live comfortably when we are retired.
  16. AruneBend

    Do you consider eating less for the sake of saving money

    No, because food gives energy, and you would not save a lot from not eating a bad way of saving money.
  17. AruneBend

    Are you Part of Advisordia?

    For me, it is not really worth the time because the site seems not to be active and you need to post very long posts to get anything.
  18. AruneBend

    Toloka Site

    For me it is a waste of time because sometimes I do the task and I don't get paid
  19. AruneBend

    New đźš© Review: SCAM OR LEGIT?

    Yes you need to train AI an for that you earn some money
  20. AruneBend

    Any New Paying website Other than RIF, BMF, Forumindex,FC,Postbucks, Trendri, Bizdustry, Insured forum?

    Forum Race uses microlikes; you can also join contests, but there are no contests at the moment.