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  1. K

    How do you enjoy bananas?

    There is a way we crate unripe bananas in my culture and cook it with normal food ingredients. That meal is very nutritious.
  2. K

    How tall are you?

    I am 1. 79 cm tall. I don't know what that measures in inches but I wish I could be much taller.
  3. K

    What's the plan for the day?

    I have a marriage ceremony that I am supposed to play at today with my band. I am starting the rehearsals right away.
  4. K

    What you can't stop doing for your family

    I can't stop steeping in to assist my family in any way they need my helps when the occasion arises.
  5. K

    Buying a house Vs Buying a car

    As it stands today, I would really need a car to expand my business. I would opt for a car since I already have an apartment that I am staying free even if it is owned by my parents.
  6. K

    Importance of bookkeeping in a business

    Book keeping is an essential part of any business. It helps the business to manage their financial flows.
  7. K

    Starting a Bakery From Home

    My aunty is a prof but she bakes cakes as a side hustle. She bakes in her house. She has a spacious apartment though.
  8. K

    The positive impact of business

    All levels of businesses have benefits to individuals and the economy and that is a reason why governments are encouraging SMEs.
  9. K

    Buying old cars and selling them as a parts.

    I live quite close to a place where cars are dismantled and sold as scrap. I can tell you the millions of money worth of business that is transacted there everyday.
  10. K

    Starting small is not always a bad thing

    I started my poultry farm with about 25 birds and today, we have over 300 birds. Imagine I didn't start and was waiting for big capital.
  11. K

    Do you like to share personal problem online

    Sometimes, you might get some advices online to help solve your personal problems but I am really not comfortable with making my private life public.
  12. K

    The Importance of Exceptional Customer Service for Business Success

    Good customer service in business would always earn the business more referrals and more loyalty.
  13. K

    What is your favorite method to grow your financial assets?

    I don't think there is any other path to build finances for your business as a sole entrepreneur than having to work and save from your personal funds.
  14. K

    Do you think that art gallery business is possible?

    Art gallery business is just thriving bit by bit in my place. It is not a business that can stand solely.
  15. K

    Importance of Putting a Detailed Notes

    For me, when I have a session with a customer, always place my recorder to be sure I don't miss anything when I want to evaluate the complains later.
  16. K

    What is the best online payment gateway?

    The best online payment gateway in terms of speed, reliability and fees is litecoin. Never had issues with it.
  17. K

    Gear approval

    If I am comfortable with what I am wearing and I am not convinced by them why I should change, I would stand my ground.
  18. K

    Do you find it difficult to learn subjects that are connected to your native tongue?

    I actually find it very easy to learn anything that is connected to my native language. It actually comes very easy for me.
  19. K

    Are you a religious person?

    I am not a religious person in the sense of being dogmatic. But I was raised in the church, did music in church and still run most of the church's music.
  20. K

    Were you good at maths while at school?

    I was supposed to know and be good in mathematics. But I lost focus and lost it all in mathematics. Maths requires absolute focus.