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AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum
  1. K

    Ginger in Your dish?

    I use ginger for my stews. It gives the stew some special flavour. I also use it to cook rice.
  2. K

    Happy Friday

    My plans for the weekend is to hold rehearsals tomorrow for the concert my band has to play on Sunday.
  3. K

    Have you tried keto diet?

    I have never heard of Keto diet. What is the recipe for that kind of diet.
  4. K

    Do you have any luck with betting?

    I have won betting sometimes but I have lost most times. So, I had to quit it completely.
  5. K

    Do you believe that a conflict is an acceptable justification for taking time off or missing work?

    There are certain conflicts that it is just best that the person involved cool off for some time for their mental health.
  6. K

    The Impact of Technology on Business

    Technology has helped an informal business like my poultry farm to adapt improved production methods that allow for efficiency.
  7. K

    Should employees listen to music while working?

    I always allow my employees to listen to music while working as long as it is not distracting.
  8. K

    What are the skills to win big with gambling.

    I have friends that do sports betting quite a lot. Most of them prefer to play small odds because the chances are bigger with them.
  9. K

    Factories and environmental pollution

    I run a poultry farm and I am really trying my best not to endanger the environment with my business.
  10. K

    Do you think you're an effective negotiator in business?

    When it comes to negotiations, leave it for me. I know how to craft the best deals ever.
  11. K

    Do you live in a rented house?

    I live in a rented house but I am making moves to relocate to my own house. Can't stay in this rented apartment beyond next year when my rent expires.
  12. K

    What are your thoughts on vegan diet?

    If it is possible to completely be taking vegan diets, I bet I would because it is healthy.
  13. K

    What are your thoughts on bringing a lunchbox to work?

    I used to carry my lunchbox to work at that time. I can't come and die if hunger in the workplace
  14. K

    The 2nd failed bid to kill the former US President Trump

    He is the 47th president of the United States. I thought you had wanted a woman to become American president?
  15. K

    Selling of DVD players.

    I don't think anyone can put serious hope in selling dvds now as a product. It won't work.
  16. K

    Fake business give away

    Of what use is it doing a promo that you can't even afford to? You just might end up damaging your business in the end.
  17. K

    How often should a property be renovated?

    There should be maintenance carried out on a property every year. And it must be renovated every 5 years.
  18. K

    Selling Dairy Products Is a Good business?

    Dairy products are bought everyday by people and restaurants. It would be very profitable if one has a constant good supplier.
  19. K

    Would You Allow Your Kids to Make Money Online?

    When I have a kid, he or she should be able to make money online as early as 6 years old.
  20. K

    Giving Gifts to Your Employer

    A boss would always take note of the staff that gives gifts to him or her and would be kind to them. I would do so.