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  1. P

    Strategies for investing during recession

    During recession, it would be a great idea to diversify your portfolio and invest in commodities that could be profitable during the time of recession. You should never out all of your eggs in one basket.
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    Why Should I Consider investing in Gold?

    The key here is to buy gold and hold gold. Don't just sell gold when the prices if gold fluctuate. Overall, good has performed considerably well in the market. Gold could be a good option, especially when you need to buy a commodity that could hedge against inflation.
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    Investing in Stock Market

    Stock investment could be profitable. However, investing in stocks is not a really good idea during the time of recession. During the time of COVID-19, many companies collapsed and this ked to huge losses.
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    Are you investing in the bank?

    Investing money in cryptocurrency could be much more profitable as cryptocurrency is a very volatile asset. If you are a scalper, then you don't need to invest money in the bank. You can make good money by investing in cryptocurrency.
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    Does investing too much money guaranty success?

    Investing in the right manner brings money, even if you invest a single dollar. Just imagine investing $1 and buying Bitcoin in the year 2009. A person would have had become a millionaire by now.
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    Do you still invest in hyip?

    I stopped investing in hyips a long time ago when I realized that hyips sites were actually running a pyramid scheme. Initially I thought that hyips were real investment companies. They made themselves appear that way.
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    Why people still invest in HYIP

    People invest in hyips because they want to get rich quickly. Investing money in hyips will only lead you to lose your money. This is why I always avoid hyips under all circumstances.
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    Keeping Money In Bank Vs Keeping Money In PayPal: What Would You Prefer?

    There are many good reasons why you should never keep your money in payment processors like "paypal". Instead if keeping money in useless payment processors like paypal, it is much better to invest that money in a real asset.
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    Should I manage a school by myself as the business owner?

    Each and every businessman should mange his business by himself. When the owner loses focus, things may start going wrong right away. So, focus is a very important thing when it comes to running a business.
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    China is already making it a reality to have an android to help you WATCH IT!

    First if all, I do not like china. Secondly, there are many other countries that are also producing items and products related to technology. Japan is also a kind of country that has produced many products related to technology.
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    China and Russia agrees to replace USD with Yuan

    I boycott both russia and china. Having said that, USD is still used by many international businesses and I doubt that any other country's currency would ever replace the USD in the near future.
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    Investing in china products and reselling them

    I boycott china and this is why I will always refrain from investing in the products manufactured in china. We cannot allow a single country to establish monopoly in the world.
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    In China they sell canned air, would you buy it?

    There are many good reasons for why we should boycott china. It looks like china has captured international market and now that country is trying to establish its own monopoly in the international market. We all should boycott china under all circumstances.
  14. P

    Investing Internationally

    I have invested in a few online sites. A was scammed by a few of them. There was one site where I invested my money with. It also turned into a scam. However, I withdrew my money before it became a scam.
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    Is there anything that you have achieved in life?

    Many people assume that achieving something in life requires you to make enough money. Money is a very important thing. It is impossible to survive without money. However, it is certainly not the only important thing.
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    Do you really give money to your family members even if they don't ask for it?

    Many family members will never ask for money even though they may need money. I think that people should help their family members when they need it. Each and every family member should contribute to the family.
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    Where do you get short term loans?

    You can obtain loans from a businessman. There are many people who seek help from other businessmen. However, make sure that you refrain from obtaining interest-free loans. Interest is very bad for finances.
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    Apart from taking loans where else do you get financial help?

    Many people assume that financial help is all you need. However, helping someone is open to various interpretations. You can also help someone by using your skills for the benefits of the business.
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    Do you buy everything for your household?

    There are many people who like to buy household items because they want it make their house look better. Maintaining your house requires you to buy household items, as those items are very important.
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    What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome at work?

    I worked in a company where the employees kept demanding more and more. The large demands of employees was the biggest obstacle I have ever faced while working in a company.