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  1. K

    Have you ever forgotten the closing of the main door before you go to sleep in the night time ?

    This has happened to me once and it was because I was very tired that I dozed off immediately I came back home.
  2. K

    Would you Like to Get married in a different religion?

    There is no issues with getting married to someone from a different religion as long as there is love and commitment.
  3. K

    Are you Married / Single / Divorced/ Committed?

    I am single for now. I intend to get married after I have attained some level of financial stability. It is a good thing to have a companion.
  4. K

    Your business needs you, not your past

    Businesses strive when the proponents are looking at what they can do now and how they can project the future.
  5. K

    How long did it take you to start the business after you realized the business idea?

    Most people spend another three years sourcing for capital after they have had the idea they want to use and start a business.
  6. K

    If you cannot start a big business, start small in a great way

    We are always pressured to want to start businesses very big and we end up not starting anything at all after years. Businesses can be started small and pushed to be very big.
  7. K

    How much does it cost to set up a laundry business in your country?

    The major cost in setting up a laundry shop is the cost of shop rentals or space for your laundry. If that is secured, $100 can set up a laundry shop.
  8. K

    How long can you wait to make a profit?

    I can wait for at least six months to make profits from a new business I just established. I would start being disturbed if it stretches beyond that timeframe v
  9. K

    Refurbishing old clothes.

    It could be a good business to refurbish old clothes and resell at a cheaper price. There are many people that can't afford new clothes.
  10. K

    Peace of mind or money

    I am someone that absolutely doesn't like anything to come in between my peace of mind. I prefer to have money that won't take my peace of mind vv
  11. K

    Be the best friends of your kids

    I really pray for the grace to be a good father that my kids can rely on for everything.
  12. K

    Being weak doesn't mean you can't become strong

    There was once a man who was adjudged to be weak. It wasn't till the day someone wanted to forcefully take his landed property that we realized how this man was strong. He put up a strong fight and won.
  13. K

    How often do you eat rice?

    Even though I barely get filled my eating rice, I still have to eat it when I want to eat light food. Rice comes in once in two days for me.
  14. K

    Workable networking ways for a growing business

    Collaboration with other businesses in common areas of interests would help to establish networks for a business.
  15. K

    Being dependent on a single client

    Having one customer is not good for any business. That one customer can easily disappoint you and scatter your plans.
  16. K

    Can I earn money from used products online?

    Used products have good sales online. I know used phones and household equipment sell very well online.
  17. K

    How to start a company in your country?

    With less than $50, you would comfortably register a limited liability company here in my country. That amount covers every aspect of the company registration. V
  18. K

    Have you tried teaching your kids business?

    I would teach my kids business. It is important in helping them to secure their lives before they even leave high school.
  19. K

    Why most entrepreneurs fail even before they start

    The first reason why a business would fail at startup is lack of a solid foundation in terms of financial base.
  20. K

    Do you like to get rich someday?

    Is there anyone that doesn't like to get rich as they grow in life. I want to be rich. Poverty is not sweet.