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Like you said both are important but idea always comes first cause its through these ideas we plan or we get a specified capital to start up that particular business. also ideas makes us realize how much to invest in a particular business if we can cope or not within the self given stipulated...
We can say managing a small scale business is easier but for the owner managing it, its not easy because in that present level things seems to be hard also that small business will eventually grow to be a large scale business in the long run so it's all dwells down to how a business is being...
Being lazy as a business man simply means that individual lacks the passion for that business and lack of passion equates tw downfall of that business, being a lazy business owner also breeds unruly ideas such : "get rich quick schemes"
The truth is that there is no specific skill that can bring a lot of money rather all skill can bring in alot of money as long as you are good at what you are doing and consistent with it, the money might not start pouring immediately but it will surely rain one day
yes registering your business comes with alot of pecks and stress also, you have the responsibility to be punctual with your annual returns and also your tax, aside these, registering your business gives you a sense of security and the feeling of achieving something important.
yeah listening is definitely the key but at the same time make sure they know your terms and conditions of your business from the beginning to prevent "I didn't know" story that way you are already setting your standard
yeah I agree passion plays a large role, but there are days you are also burned out not an ounce of passion to be felt then the reminder that, that is your daily bread should be able to give you strength, having a consistent mindset helps too.
Naturally there is a little nervousness that occurs when you are with your boss especially at the beginning of that person working but it is expected that along the line they get used to it not totally though cause there is always that pressure to do well in the present of said boss, but fear is...
another factor to consider is also the quality of the product supplied and also how affordable you can get it from that supplier, also the speed of services rendered by the supplier is another factor that will be of benefit to your business.
generally in life every living thing gets motivated to do better when they are encouraged, even animals shows better behavior when expressively shown love, incentives such as bonuses, vacations, even meals goes a long way in encouraging worker, which in turn will increase work productivity.
business making is not only aimed at profit making but also at creating job opportunities for others out there, therefore contributing to the economy development of your country
valid points all round, and even more youths are investing on this cause its a lucrative earning job, the fact that we are always on the move on a daily basics gives them more opportunity to thrive
i wonder the efficacy of that meal cause for me, milk is a catalyst for sleep, so i wonder the kind of services rendered by these night shifters, my point is raising their salaries to a humane amount is much more better than sleepy night meals
yeah so when it comes to small scale business there is an unlimited amount of them due to the fact that most people only wants to do what they see a person succeeding in, the amount of creative is almost to a zero, this is the major challenges small scale businesses are facing but amid this...
i see my self as a big shot contractor as well as having branches in my country, with staffs i can afford to pay, i also see myself in my own house having my own office and easy source of mobility.
of cause there is the tell tale sign of aggression, also everything you do at that particular season seems to irritate the employer, no matter how hard you try to perform a perfect task.
well it depends on the kind of work being done at that particular time if it's a manual job would like others to be around Incase i need assistance but if am doing my personal business online i prefer to do it alone to avoid distractions.
sometimes that proverb "try again" is being taken out of context, trying again means you do what you didn't do the last time, which means doing something different to get a different and better result, but what some people does is doing the same thing over again to get a different result and...
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