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  1. soulsahil

    Crypto Boosters Are Attacking SEC For Manipulating BTC Market

    Lawmakers and crypto boosters are asking questions about how the SEC's X account was compromised, leading to a bogus tweet on Tuesday.
  2. soulsahil

    SEC Is Trying to Answer Latest Bitcoin ETF Filings

    U-=Stripped Content=-.S. Securities and Exchange Commission officials sent comments to a set of prospective issuers of bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) just hours after the companies filed documents detailing fees for their proposed products.
  3. soulsahil

    I have a Job Offer for you all!

    I am planning on starting a venture to provide content or reviews to clients at the lowest rates possible. The end goal is that clients get quality content at reasonable rates and writers get the maximum margin. I am currently short on clients I know, but while I am looking for clients anyone...
  4. soulsahil

    Which Crypto should I buy when I have less capital?

    I never bought crypto before this, but recently I watched some videos and now want to go ahead with one crypto currency although I am short on capital and want to make the most out of what I have. What do I do?
  5. soulsahil

    Do You Need A Content Writer for Your Website?

    I am a content writer for over 3 years now and I can very well say that I can write in multiple genres whether it be travel, food, beauty, gaming, technology like crypto, finances etc. Do reach out at [email protected] for any business-related queries.
  6. soulsahil

    How do you celebrate Christmas?

    Here in India people eat cakes and celebrate but it's not that grand. How's it in your country?
  7. soulsahil

    Need Help With PayPal!

    So I'm from India and I wish to receive US payments via PayPal, how do I setup my PayPal account for that, it would be great if you could mention that in detailed steps and if you're an Indian as well who knows how to do that, it would be gold!
  8. soulsahil

    What’s your proudest story?

    I once saw a few people annoying an injured bird, they were rogues yet I stood up for that bird tho I got into a fight because of that but at the end I saved it.
  9. soulsahil

    Do you play any sports?

    I play Kabaddi, it's an Indian sport and I would say apart from that I play football too, I suck at cricket.
  10. soulsahil

    What’s a goofy hobby you have?

    keeping things that are old and I don't mean antiques literally even clothes or a broken plastic piece from my childhood's toy car, everything.
  11. soulsahil

    What’s the best birthday present you ever got?

    I am obsessed with guns so remember when my dad gave me an AirSoft gun on my birthday.
  12. soulsahil

    Do you have any pets?

    I don't have pets right now, but I want to and will have pets when I have financial independence.
  13. soulsahil

    What’s the last book you read?

    The last book I read was "The Invisible Man" by HG Wells, to be honest one of the best books and as far as I know, there is a movie too based on that.
  14. soulsahil

    If money weren’t an issue, where would your vacation home be?

    It has to be in Iceland, really love that place of how much I have seen it on the internet.
  15. soulsahil

    What caused you to laugh harder than you’ve ever laughed?

    I remember we were standing on 3rd floor of our college and then suddenly my friend converted a cartoon song dissing a teacher and I remember I died laughing.
  16. soulsahil

    What was your least/most favorite job?

    I love to plan and strategize events a lot.
  17. soulsahil

    What do you still love doing that you loved as a kid?

    I still love drawing, love cycling.
  18. soulsahil

    What’s your best high school memory or story?

    I would say the fashion walk that I did was my biggest high school memory and school days got a lot of memories too just can't recall any right now.
  19. soulsahil

    What do you consider your best physical feature?

    My height and hair.
  20. soulsahil

    What do you consider the ultimate comfort food?

    for me it's bitter gourd.