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  1. nomad

    Has there ever been a robbery in your business before?

    This has never happened to my business or the companies I have worked in. But I have seen this happen to a lot of businesses.
  2. nomad

    Do you think graphic design services saturated?

    Yes, it is saturated and with the evolution of drag and drop tools and AI tools, everyone can design.
  3. nomad

    Considerations to Keep in Mind Before Planning a Time Off

    I do not have the luxury to take time off from my work. I always carry my phone and laptop.
  4. nomad

    Managing a sustainable business growth.

    Growth means more sales, you will have to reach newer market and launch more products for sustainable growth
  5. nomad

    What do you consider when deciding your salary on the salary negotiation?

    My asking price is based on amount of work I need to put on and the kind of effort I have to use.
  6. nomad

    How can a female entrepreneur handle patrons that want to sleep with her?

    This is a common issue in the corporate world, however, I do not think only women are victim here, male also become victim sometimes
  7. nomad

    Is it wrong to have one supplier for your business?

    If you are getting better deals, there is nothing wrong, however, to be on a safe side, you should also have second supplier
  8. nomad

    Wanna buy this car for business?

    Buying and selling cars is a good business here but I have no direct experience in this business.
  9. nomad

    If the process is hard in business it means big things are coming

    The hard process does not always related to greater reward. In business selling a hair pin is also as difficult as selling a car
  10. nomad

    Labor law violations highest in the tech, internet sector

    You can earn well by working on mTurk as it is Amazon company but do you think a site like microworkers can pay the same amount?
  11. nomad

    White elephant sales

    I know of garage sales but never heard of the term white elephant sales. Looks like this is just a different term for garage sales.
  12. nomad

    Labor law violations in the internet sector

    Our government does not even know something like online work exist. If they knew, they would have eased the payment solutions.
  13. nomad

    Best practices for successfully managing and collaborating on remote teams

    You will have to use communication technology, you can use confenence app like zoom or staff management app like slack.
  14. nomad

    What are the best strategies for managing my business’s growth?

    More sales will result in better growth. Therefore, if you want to grow your business, you will have to focus on generating sales.
  15. nomad

    What are the best strategies for ecommerce success?

    Just like with the offline business, online business also depends on branding and marketing to become successful
  16. nomad

    What are the best strategies for marketing my business?

    The best strategy is social media marketing. If you can build a huge following on social media, you can generate good sales
  17. nomad

    Selling school supplies exclusively

    This is a good business. If you have just a couple of schools in your contract, you can generate huge sales
  18. nomad

    Change the plan but not the goal in business

    I do not there should be any problem in changing goal. A lot of business rebrand and that's when they change goals
  19. nomad

    The role of management in business

    One of the main reasons why most business fail is because of poor management. Business management is as important as product and marketing
  20. nomad

    Selling the same product with different brand name.

    Do you see any difference between coke and pepsi, well two different companies are selling the same thing with different names. A lot of business use this technique.