Search results

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    Making money through consulting and coaching services?

    For skills that can be taught over the Internet, it is possible to make money through consulting.
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    Can you really make significant money using affiliate marketing?

    So many people that entered affiliate marketing had all left because they couldn't make money from there.
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    Do you really enjoy for staying single?

    Staring single is not nice but there is a time that it is best to stay single to get yourself.
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    Do members who have a full time job post on this forum during office hours?

    When I enter my shop, I don't have time for anything like forum posting because I always have do much to sew.
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    Do you easily make friends?

    I have to make friends easily because I am into business and it is necessary for a business person.
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    Being a chef?

    If I was not a fashion designer, being a chef is one career I would have loved to pursue.
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    When was the last time you updated your phone?

    The last time that I updated my phone is two weeks ago and it was auto update.
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    Is gambling bad or good?

    Gambling is not good. I don't think I can ever get close to a person that gambles chronically.
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    I took myself for a treat on Christmas day. I am planning to do that again on 1st January, 2025.
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    Do you Prefer PayPal payments or Crypto Payments?

    I prefer crypto payments. PayPal doesn't seem to favor me in terms of fees. I get all my payments here through crypto.
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    How much did you earn here?

    I have really earned a good amount of money from this platform. I have been a year plus and I have earned over 100 dollars.
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    Balancing Money and Passion

    One doesn't really have to be in a dilemma balancing money and passion. Everything one does can earn him or her good money nowadays.
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    Challenges faced running a day care business

    Being able to have sufficient supplies to take care of the kids at all times could be a challenge for a day care.
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    Ever been scammed?

    I have been scammed by airdrops to part away with gas fees and they never credited me.
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    How can you improve the sales of the bread on the bakery business?

    Offering better value in terms of quantity and size would increase the value of bread and give more sales to a bakery business.
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    How do you handle rude clients?

    As far as they don't go physical with their rudeness, I would just keep ignoring rude customers.
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    Effects of gender discrimination in business

    Gender discrimination has killed the killed the potential of people that have business plans especially women.
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    Does morals and ethics play a role in decision making?

    Morals and ethics play a big role in decision making as every business decision must be humane.
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    What business do you have in mind?

    Any business that I have in mind now must surely be fashion related. I would need to have a knitting and cloth weaving outlet.
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    Is it best to use social media to communicate in business?

    I use social media to communicate with my clients and sometimes my apprentices. It makes communication in business easier.