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  1. E

    How Did You feel when you first made some money Online

    i felt so happy when i make my first money online it gaves me courage to want to do more
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    Are you fashionable?

    i love fashion a lot that i do go for shopping a lot anytime i have enough money with me
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    Do you like Rice for breakfast?

    most of my breakfast are always with rice I love eating rice a lot It is fast and easy to prepare
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    Did you get to choose your career path?

    I have always wanted to study medicine but i end up studying microbiology and I will finish soon
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    What makes you feel relaxed?

    Chilling in my room alone during the weekend makes me feel relaxed and more refreshing
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    How long do you stay without the phone in a single day?

    I'm addicted to my phone that to stay away from it for few hours is a problem
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    Do you really like swimming?

    What i really wish to learn is how to swim but i have not gotten the chance to do so yet
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    Do you take enough water?

    Drinking enough water regularly is very good for the body so we should make sure we drink enough water daily
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    Dressing modestly

    it is good to dress the way u want to be addressed Dressing in a modest way will make u earn more respect
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    Are you ashamed of addressing the public?

    I'm not ashamed of addressing the public but i do get scared like i.don't have the conifident to face the crowd
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    When last do you shed tears?

    Been a while i shed tears but the last time i did that was because i was betrayed by my friends
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    What is your specs in the opposite gender?

    i love my guy to be tall and cute I don't really mind complaining as long as you're handsome
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    who has ever cooked a favorite meal but can't eat?

    The only time i know i can eat my favourite food would be probably when I'm not feeling fine or don't have appetite
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    Have you ever been to Zoo?

    I've not gotten the chance to visit the zoo but i hope i get the chance to do so this year
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    Forgiving a cheating partner

    I don't think i can give a cheating partner a second chance cause i believe he might do the same thing later
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    What action do you take when you fail?

    i try to strategize again And make sure i don't repeat the same mistake again so as not to fail the second time
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    Are you interested in the helping of the needy?

    I wish God put me in a situation that i would be able to help people who are in need
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    Survey site

    Most of this survey sites my country is not always eligible for it and sometimes the pay are always too low
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    What can be done when a partner doesn't feel attraction any longer for the other partner?

    i might be heartbroken after the failure but i always make sure i stand up back and be successful in it
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    Do you greet everyone you see on the way when you are walking!?

    I don't do such i only greet those that i know if i don't know u i will jsut pass by