4 Marketing Campaigns That Shook the Web in 30 Days


May 12, 2023
Raw Dex
Going viral is the dream for any marketing campaign. While some sink without much notice, others exploded onto the scene and dominated the web within their first month. Let’s explore four red-hot campaigns that set the internet ablaze in a mere 30 days.

First up is the Ice Bucket Challenge from 2014. This viral campaign spread like wildfire, raising over $115 million for ALS research in just one month. Using videos to nominate friends to film themselves getting doused in ice water, it activated social media networks while promoting a good cause. Nearly everyone was posting ice bucket videos at the peak.

Another legendary campaign is Red Bull’s Stratos space jump. In October 2012, Felix Baumgartner leapt from 24 miles up, breaking numerous world records. Viewed over 8 million concurrent times on YouTube, it achieved astonishing reach thanks to the edge-of-your-seat stunt. It embodied the Red Bull brand’s adventurous positioning flawlessly.

Wendy’s took an edgier approach with their #NuggsForCarter Twitter quest the same year. When a teen asked how many retweets it would take for free nuggets for a year, Wendy’s set the bar at 18 million, sparking a viral frenzy that amassed 3.5 billion impressions in just over a month.

Finally, who could forget the shockingly successful ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? Raising over $115 million for ALS charities in 2014, its videos and nominations spread with astonishing speed by activating social networks for a good cause that everyone could participate in.

There you have it – four best-in-class examples of campaigns that conquered the internet in just 30 days. Launching something with this kind of web-breaking success takes creativity, strategic planning and no small dash of luck!
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Very Familiar
Sep 1, 2022
Raw Dex
You are very right on that my friend. When good marketing and promotional procedures are employed for a business it is likely to do exponentially well above the limits for sure.


Very Familiar
Jun 22, 2022
Raw Dex
Of all these even I only know about space jump that was sponsored by Red Bull. I do not know the exact data but I can assume that Redbull spent millions to make billions.