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What are the possible demerits of real estates investments
One of the major challenge for the real estate investments module is that it requires a larger amount of capital to start up. What are the other possible demerits?
I don't think there is any other disadvantage except the huge capital you need to start up the investment. Real estate is highly profitable business but you need huge capital to start the investment
You need a huge investment, even when you want to invest through a bank loan (you need 20-30 percent down payment). This is the biggest challenge of real estate investment.
When it comes to real estate, choosing the wrong location could make you loose out. I know of someone who invested in a building but could not sell or rent it cause the road leading to the property was usually too bad during the raining seasons.
Based on my experience, there are several drawbacks when we invest in real estate, apart from requiring large capital, at this time we need emergency funds, real estate cannot be cashed (sold) quickly at market prices, besides that we have to pay maintenance costs to keep real estate from being damaged.
Investment in real estate requires a lot of money. Other than that, during economic downturn or in periods of political instability, the value of your property may depreciate. In serious cases, banks may call loan, demanding full payment of your mortgage loan.
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