What Would You Like to See / Proposed Changes


Former Owner - Surpreme Overlord
Nov 25, 2022
Raw Dex
Hi everyone!

As we continue to bring new users and content to the site, I wanted to ask everyone what you would like to see for this site. Any and all ideas will be taken into consideration. This can be for new features, changes to current systems, or just simple ideas.

As my continued commitment to transparency, there are a few things I want to discuss with the community which is as follows:

Change Focus of the Forum:
It's clear from the "What Areas Interest You" poll that the areas you guys are looking to discuss are about making money online. 100% of you choose that as an area of interest. While only 4 of you choose webmaster. I want to play to our community's strengths. We can continue to support the webmaster discussions, however, I'm proposing adding some specific categories that relate to making money online.
  • Without making things look bloated, or hard to find, create a couple of extra sections that have categories relating to specific topics in the making money online niches.
    • This would require me to clean up the business chat section though as some topics would go to a specific category. Instead of having a "one fits all" type thing.

I want to revamp the article section and start posting quality articles at least once a week at a minimum.
  • Create a "Writers Guild" and Start utilizing the articles section with blog-like posts geared towards both webmaster topics, and making money online. This is a big one, blogs with the right SEO can generate a lot of leads and new users.
    • Users can apply to become a part of the writers guild. They will be paid a premium to create content for our articles section. Content will be approved before being published. Quality before quantity. Strict guidelines and excellent English requirements.
    • We can even do "review" services that review other websites and services. A lot of generated traffic can come from "{Name of Service} Review 2022". Especially for other P2P forums, GPT sites, etc.
    • Set up "How Tos" tutorials on a wide range of topics.
      • Webmaster niche example "How to Get Started with Google Webmaster Tools".
      • Make money online niche example "How to start earning a passive income from forum posting"
      • Webmaster niche + Make money online niche "How to get approved on Google Adsense
Would anyone be interested in doing offers to gain additional RIF cash? I'm looking to integrate offerwalls into the site so you don't even have to leave the site. This will create additional ways for you to earn RIF beyond your $1.05 daily limit.

Looking forward to everyones input, ideas, and their own suggestions,
AgoraForo - Digital Marketplace & Freelancer Forum


Former Owner - Surpreme Overlord
Nov 25, 2022
Raw Dex
I hope that the earnings will not be limited only to $1.05 per day.
Hi Shavkat!

I dream of a day when there will be no limitations. However, until the site starts getting an active steady stream of revenue, it will be difficult to not have a limit.
You have to understand that right now we are averaging about 40 active users a day. With that $1.05 limit right now that's $1,302 a month I need to spend if everyone hits their daily limit. This number will only balloon as we get more and more users. So right now, to continue to ensure everyone is paid, and to keep this site stable, a daily limit has to be in place. One day though, a man can dream!
Last edited:


Nov 11, 2022
Raw Dex
Very good idea, and I fully support , Currently the most threads/discussions are Business Chat, in my opinion it should be broken down into several segments or threads such as: Business news, make money, Cryptocurrency, Stocks. property, investment etc. Meanwhile, Webmaster Chat also needs to be divided into several sections such as Web Hosting & Domains, SEO, Traffic & Monetization, Webmasters and blogging, etc.


Sep 10, 2022
Raw Dex
I like the idea and I will still make emphasis that we must still maintain the uniqueness that will make us stand out from others forums.We just can't have the same format like other forums Though I would love if we could have this feature where we can save some of our money then earn a little interest.Let us say 15percent.


Very Familiar
Jun 16, 2022
Raw Dex
I would love to see all these changes, although I am not an article writer not sure if I will apply but it will be good for other users. Yes having different sections in make money online would be better and will make sense too. Having a review section where we can post about different companies or websites like what trust pilot is will also help


Nov 15, 2022
Raw Dex
Article writing remain my choice of work I love to write and my articles are present in different website, this is good thing for all of us furthermore offer wall will provide us to get more money.
These things are very motivational, this site is already on top plus further improvement will provide more strength.


Somewhat Known
Nov 23, 2022
Raw Dex
I commend the idea of having one section that discussed legit money making online, at least it will not be hard for anyone to search which legit sites to join or not.


Sep 11, 2022
Raw Dex
I agree. Thank you for putting this up and looking forward to changes. I hope changes won't be drastic. Money making section would be a great avenue for more legit sites to explore.


Jun 23, 2022
Raw Dex
Category -
My favourites are Bitcoin and crypto-related topics, as well as business. Sometimes I use other topics; the relaxation forum covers this.

Article -
For articles, you need to clarify many things, like the tolerance level for grammar and spelling errors, word and character requirements, reward, categories allowed, and copyright issues.

Offerwalls -
This is a third-party service, so it's good both for members and for you, but not all regions receive offers, and many times they do not pay.


Very Familiar
Sep 19, 2022
Raw Dex
I love the business chat more because it pays more. Also, I'm very ready to work here for the growth of the platform
Hi everyone!

As we continue to bring new users and content to the site, I wanted to ask everyone what you would like to see for this site. Any and all ideas will be taken into consideration. This can be for new features, changes to current systems, or just simple ideas.

As my continued commitment to transparency, there are a few things I want to discuss with the community which is as follows:

Change Focus of the Forum:
It's clear from the "What Areas Interest You" poll that the areas you guys are looking to discuss are about making money online. 100% of you choose that as an area of interest. While only 4 of you choose webmaster. I want to play to our community's strengths. We can continue to support the webmaster discussions, however, I'm proposing adding some specific categories that relate to making money online.
  • Without making things look bloated, or hard to find, create a couple of extra sections that have categories relating to specific topics in the making money online niches.
    • This would require me to clean up the business chat section though as some topics would go to a specific category. Instead of having a "one fits all" type thing.

I want to revamp the article section and start posting quality articles at least once a week at a minimum.
  • Create a "Writers Guild" and Start utilizing the articles section with blog-like posts geared towards both webmaster topics, and making money online. This is a big one, blogs with the right SEO can generate a lot of leads and new users.
    • Users can apply to become a part of the writers guild. They will be paid a premium to create content for our articles section. Content will be approved before being published. Quality before quantity. Strict guidelines and excellent English requirements.
    • We can even do "review" services that review other websites and services. A lot of generated traffic can come from "{Name of Service} Review 2022". Especially for other P2P forums, GPT sites, etc.
    • Set up "How Tos" tutorials on a wide range of topics.
      • Webmaster niche example "How to Get Started with Google Webmaster Tools".
      • Make money online niche example "How to start earning a passive income from forum posting"
      • Webmaster niche + Make money online niche "How to get approved on Google Adsense
Would anyone be interested in doing offers to gain additional RIF cash? I'm looking to integrate offerwalls into the site so you don't even have to leave the site. This will create additional ways for you to earn RIF beyond your $1.05 daily limit.

Looking forward to everyones input, ideas, and their own suggestions,


Sep 5, 2022
Raw Dex
I like your ideas they are superb. More segments will help keep the forum lively. it is to introduce more as networks to make money for the site so that you can increase the pay to attract more people.


Sep 6, 2022
Raw Dex
I feel the business chat section is congested. It will help to break it up so topics can be more specific. Can you also give more information about the rules of the article writing?